I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 614 I'll Count Again

Chapter 614 I'll Count Again


When Shen Kang came back, only cheers were left in Wanjian Villa.They couldn't have imagined that this battle could be won, and won so thoroughly!

The huge rock that weighed on everyone's hearts before, that desperate figure completely fell in front of the owner of his own family.In this vast world, there is nothing that Wanjian Villa can't do!

It's just that Shen Kang didn't have many smiles on his face after returning.For some reason, the joking look of the ancestor of the Shen family before his death made him feel somewhat uneasy.Maybe in the near future, they will really face unprecedented challenges!
"Win! Good, good!" Looking up and down at Shen Kang who had returned from victory at this time, the face of the First Elder of the Shen family was full of excitement.And there seemed to be an indescribable taste in his eyes.

The next moment, the elder of the Shen family knelt down at once, and all the members of the Shen family who followed also knelt down together.That scene made Shen Kang slightly taken aback, he didn't know what the Shen family was doing today?

"I have seen the master!"

"Patriarch?" After looking at these people, Shen Kang came back to his senses, and waved his hands hastily, "Don't mess around, we really don't know each other!"

"The Patriarch does not know that the Zhanshan Seal is my Shen family's most precious treasure, and only the Patriarch can keep it. The owner holds the Zhanshan Seal and is the Patriarch of my Shen family. Who dares to refuse?"

"Then Shen Yi also holds the Zhanshan seal, is he also the Patriarch of your Shen family?" He said lightly, with an obvious sense of alienation in his voice.For this so-called Patriarch of the Shen family, Shen Kang has no interest at all.

Let's not talk about how the Shen family treated him before, no one has a little temper.When I was down and down, no one cared about it, but now I'm rich, crying and hugging my thighs, it's a beautiful idea!
What's more, the current Shen family is nothing more than two or three big cats and kittens. Nuo Da's thousand-year-old family has completely declined. Except for one elder of the Shen family who is still supporting him, there are no other top experts.

The elder of the Shen family is already old, and he probably won't last long. He probably just wants to find a way out for the younger generations of the Shen family.

As for loyalty?Tsk tsk, Shen Kang didn't see the thing of loyalty in the Shen family's disciples at all!How could he rest assured that he could stab himself twice at any time.

"Patriarch, whether you agree or not, you are the Patriarch of my Shen family!"

"Hehe!" This is determined to lean on him. Thinking about it, it is true. According to the arrogant and domineering appearance of the Shen family before, it is estimated that the enemies are all over the world. At this time, if you don't find a thigh to hug, you will wait for the enemies to come to you in the future. Here we go, what to do!

"Forget it, I don't dare to be the Patriarch of the Shen family. You choose whoever you like!" Although Shen Kang didn't say anything else, his plain expression deeply hurt the fragile nerves of the Shen family disciples.

"Shen Kang, you!" They shyly begged Shen Kang to become the Patriarch of the Shen family, but he didn't pay attention at all.That is the Patriarch of the Shen family, what kind of honor is this for them?But some people abandon it like a shoe!
What Shen Kang did was tantamount to shame and humiliation to them. Fortunately, they knew they couldn't beat them, otherwise, they would all jump up and fight Shen Kang at this time!
"Shut up!" His indifferent eyes swept over everyone, and the first elder of the Shen family suddenly felt very tired.A group of oil bottles protected by the family, have never experienced the rivers and lakes, have not been beaten, and do not know what reality is.

They are dependent on others now, not in the past, and some things have to be tolerated even if they don't want to.Only by enduring the pain in your heart can you become a master!

"Patriarch, my Shen family has been passed down for many years, and there are countless treasures. As long as the Patriarch becomes the Patriarch of my Shen family, these things belong to you, Patriarch!"

"No, I can't stand the temptation!" Waving his hand, Shen Kang said hastily, "But I helped you get rid of Shen Yi. According to our previous deal, I only take what I should take. I believe you will not will refuse"

"Of course, the owner of the Shen family can take as much as he wants!"

"Hey!" The other party's reluctance really gave Shen Kang a headache.Shen Kang also understood the opponent's routine, as the saying goes, you recognize yours, and I recognize mine.It doesn't matter if you don't admit that you are our Patriarch, we just need to admit your status.

This cheek is really invulnerable, if it is Shen Kang, he thinks that he will never have such thick skin.

Sure enough, this group of veterans are all capable of bending and stretching. When they need to save face, they will fight for every inch of land. When they need to be shameless, they are so thick-skinned that it is estimated that a sword will not bleed!
"Master!" At this time, how could a man like Wan Sanqian fail to see Shen Kang's embarrassment.Leading a group of disciples, they swaggered forward and immediately isolated everyone in the Shen family.

This scene made the Shen family very dissatisfied with Wansanqian, but there was nothing they could do.Although this bastard's skill is low, he can't support his high status in Wanjian Villa.During this time, I didn't rely on my identity to make things difficult for them.

Grandma, when did they suffer such grievances!

This means that under Shen Kang's nose, their every move is under surveillance, otherwise they would have done it long ago.Even if you don't take his life, you still have to beat him up and let him know who he is!
"Master, is this pill ready?"

"Not bad!" Turning on the Ten Thousand Fire Pill Furnace, a strange fragrance came out.Those who were close to him suddenly felt a surge of hotness in their hearts, and their skills were involuntarily running crazily.Just a trace of medicinal fragrance is better than their years of penance!
If they don't want to eat one, they can lie here and smell it.According to this practice speed, ten days and a half months of continuous smelling is enough for them to become a master.

"This is the Eight Treasures Golden Pill!" Taking out the elixir that had already formed inside one by one, Shen Kang nodded in satisfaction, "There are no more, no less, and exactly eight elixirs came out, all perfect and flawless!"

"Master, is this thing really as magical as it is said in the legend?"

"Of course, one can make a master of Yuanshen Realm step into the realm of a great master!" Just kidding, the pill formula that the boss of the system took out, the treasure that he put together with all his efforts, how could it be fake!

"Master, this, this"

"Old Wan, it's not that I'm stingy, you can take it if you want, but you have to become a master of the primordial spirit first, otherwise you won't be able to hold on to the power of the medicine!"

"Don't worry, I'll leave one for you later!"

"Thank you, Master!"

"Don't be polite, they are all my own people, when have I ever treated my own people badly!"

"Great Elder?" The members of the Shen family who were kneeling there whispered to each other, with eagerness in their eyes.One can make a person step into the Grand Master from Yuanshen Realm. To be honest, it would be a lie if you don't want to be tempted!
"Shut up!" He snorted coldly at the juniors behind him again. Sometimes he really felt so tired that his old body could barely carry these teammates.After all, they are still outsiders!Don't you have any points in your heart!

Shen Kang on the side didn't care about the Shen family's side at all, even if he saw it, he would just chuckle.You don't need to read it, even if you don't have your share, it's useless to stare.

If you want, it’s okay, you have to collect the eight treasures by yourself, and when the time comes, I will give you two of them, which is generous enough!
"Keep one for yourself, and one for Su Muxue!" Looking at the elixir in his hand, Shen Kang counted with his fingers, "Yu Shu, Shi Jieren, Song Que, Yan Shisan, including the newly joined Jiu Jianxian and others Everyone who sees it has a share."

"Hey, why does it seem that there are not enough, let me count again?"

(End of this chapter)

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