Chapter 618 Open

"How much longer will we go!"

Walking alone in the vast mountains and forests, Shen Kang identified a direction and continued to walk forward.It's just that in his eyes, there is confusion, doubt, and helplessness.

He thought he would be able to go out with only a period of hard work, but Shen Kang found that he was still too young, and he felt as if he had been tricked by the system.

The system prompts that he is just teleported to any corner of the rivers and lakes, and he cannot be thrown into outer space, so Shen Kang firmly believes that he can go out, as long as he has firm beliefs and keeps walking in one direction, he will always be able to go out.

It was with this kind of thought that Shen Kang persisted in the uninhabited place.He believes that one day, he will be able to leave here, but reality always seems to be slapping his face.

He can't remember how long he has been here, maybe two or three years, maybe five or six years.At this time, his clothes were already in tatters, his beard and hair were long, and he looked no different from a savage at first glance.

The once handsome young man now only has vicissitudes on his face.He couldn't even tell where he was, he just felt that the surrounding scenery was the same day after day.

At the beginning, he was still worried about whether something would happen outside after he disappeared for so long.Are Su Muxue and the others doing well now? Is there any danger?

Gradually, Shen Kang felt that his thoughts were a little redundant.This world is running without anyone, even if there is no self, Wanjian Villa is still the same Wanjian Villa.

What's more, there are so many great masters in Wanjian Villa now, as long as they don't offend immortal-level masters, there shouldn't be any problems.

Sometimes, he also recalls the past.When he came to this world, he didn't seem to have thought about how he should live except for punishing rape and eradicating evil.Especially after Su Muxue married her, she was still the same as before.

Family, life, responsibilities, etc., it seems that I am not doing very well. Thinking about it carefully, it is really a failure.If you can go out, you must make good compensation to the people around you.

After clearing up his mood, Shen Kang continued to walk forward, and the time passed slowly bit by bit.When I was experiencing it, I felt that time passed very slowly, so slow that it was full of suffering.

But when I looked back, I found that time seemed to pass quickly, and a long time had passed before I knew it.

Ordinarily, even in the land of southern Xinjiang, it would not be possible to walk for so long without seeing even a single human habitation.Every time Shen Kang felt that he found traces of human activities, he would eventually prove that they were just traces left by wild animals.

The reality seemed to give him hope time and time again, and day after day, this hope was completely turned into a bubble.Gradually, even Shen Kang himself was shaken.Perhaps, this broken system really sent him to a truly wild place, a place with no human habitation.

After all, no one can even tell how big this world is, but this world is indeed very big.There are hundreds of thousands of mountains in the southern border, and there are countless mountains and forests in the south, and the uninhabited land spans more than a hundred thousand miles.

Such a vast virgin forest is a natural labyrinth.If you really fall into it, the possibility of getting out of it is very slim, it can be said that it is infinitely close to zero.

If Shen Kang has all the skills, he will not be afraid, but now his skills are all blocked, and the power of space is also blocked.You can't use lightness kung fu, and don't even think about breaking the space. Everything depends on your own strength.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, it's just that the manpower of ordinary people is really insignificant in front of the nature of the world.

Looking up at the sky, Shen Kang sighed softly, and continued walking with anxiety.He persisted as always, and in the end he didn't even know how long he had been walking.

Maybe ten years, maybe 20 years, the monotonous life day after day is so boring that it makes people desperate and makes people want to give up.

Shen Kang's heart also went from uneasy at the beginning, to bewilderment, to numbness later, and to joy in bitterness now.

To be honest, he was once angry and resentful. This broken system was clearly playing with him. What teleported him to any corner to experience the road of refining his mind. With him, he could hardly get out and could only waste his time in Xinshou Village.

But as time passed, Shen Kang finally looked away, since he would not be able to get out for a while, why not try to treat himself better.Pain and anger really can't solve the problem, isn't it good to face everything with a smile every day?

What's more, there are countless mysteries in the nature of heaven and earth. As long as you calm down, you will find endless fun in this world.In the boring life, it is full of color.

In the past few years, Shen Kang has observed giant snakes preying at close range, and also observed silkworm chrysalis turning into butterflies, life, nature, and death. There are too many unbelievable things in this piece of nature.It seems that there are new gains every day, and every day is a different day.

Although there is still an endless forest in front of him, with no exit in sight, and no hope in sight, Shen Kang has always persisted in his heart, firmly believing that one day he will be able to go out smoothly.

Even if this possibility is very slim, Shen Kang still persists, with hope in his heart that every day will be more fulfilling.What's more, he doesn't feel how bad his life is now.On the contrary, he feels that the current life makes him feel calm, indifferent and optimistic.


I don't know how long it has passed, anyway, Shen Kang couldn't remember clearly at the end.The only thing he remembered was that he was still in this mountain forest, and he still hadn't been able to get out smoothly.

But the hope in his heart is still there, and the faith is still there!
When the familiar voice sounded from his ears, Shen Kang didn't react at all, and didn't remember it until a while later.It turns out that this broken system is still there!

After so many years, he tried to call the system countless times, but he still couldn't get any response.It was as if the system had left him, or completely crashed.After so many years, he had already forgotten about the system.

It seems that no matter when, people still have to rely on themselves after all.After all, these external things can't match their own strength, and sometimes they are particularly unreliable.

When the system prompt sounded again, the ecstasy he imagined did not appear, Shen Kang just felt very flat.No matter what kind of things he encountered, he felt that he seemed to be able to look at everything calmly.

Even if the system reappeared, it seemed that it would be difficult to shake his tenacious heart that had been tempered thousands of times.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully completed the entry test. Persevere in confusion, be optimistic in loneliness, strengthen yourself in adversity, face everything calmly, and initially have a strong heart!"

"The road of refining the mind is officially opened, the host will be randomly assigned different identities, and experience all kinds of life!"

"Entry trial? Is this just an entry trial?"

After seeing the prompt from the system, before Shen Kang could react, he was already shrouded in a hazy light.The next moment, Shen Kang's figure disappeared in place.

As the breeze blew, the leaves of the leaves fell to the bottom, perfectly covering the traces of Shen Kang, and the peace in the mountains and forests returned to the past.Everything was as before, as if this person had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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