Chapter 647 Impossible

"Shen Kang, do you know what you are talking about?"

When Shen Kang pointed the finger at the dean again, especially what Shen Kang said before and after, it surprised everyone.It was hard for them to believe that the dean would be such a person.

In the eyes of everyone, the dean alone holds up half the sky of Jianghu.It was he who put aside his sect, preached and taught karma in various places to solve doubts, and countless people were directly or indirectly instructed by him.yes
It was also he who persuaded everyone to act chivalrously and take protecting the world as their own responsibility. Countless people followed him as an example.Most of the people here have been influenced by him.

In the recent period, it was his support day and night, non-stop, that allowed the formation to be strengthened again and again.

How could such a perfect person be the person Shen Kang said?

"Of course I know what I'm talking about. I haven't finished my story yet, so you might as well keep listening!"

Sweeping his eyes over everyone, and then over to the dean, Shen Kang chuckled, and then said again, "Actually, the only remaining double respected back then also knew that Chi Xing's environment was harsh, so the population was always small, and the number of masters was absolutely limited! "

"And those top big factions in the world also know about Chixing's situation, so these big faction families will definitely not be reconciled, and will definitely think about going out again to pacify Chixing!"

"In this way, not only Chi Xing does not belong to him, but also no one will be willing to bless the dedication formation!"

Then, when the wilderness masters hadn't recovered from the shock, Shen Kang immediately pointed to the sky, "Everyone knows, this is not a sealing formation at all, and it doesn't have any protection!"

"The name of this large formation is called the Great Formation of Sacrificial Life and Gathering Yuan. It has only one ability, which is to absorb energy and then feed it back to the master of the formation! To put it bluntly, this large formation is not for protection, but for collecting power for oneself Used!"

"Gathering Yuan formation? How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Sighed, even Shen Kang, the opponent, had to sigh.I have seen the layout for ten or eight years, but it is the first time for Shen Kang to see such a layout for thousands of years, so I have to say admiration to him!
What's even more amazing is that he can still persevere and act over and over again, especially the performance is flawless.After all these years, no one noticed anything wrong.talent!

"Because of this, he has to do his best to hide everything. Not only did he slaughter all the people who knew the information of Chixing, but he also wove a so-called deception of protecting the world, so all this is just a deception! "

"It is this kind of deception that deceived generation after generation of Jianghu masters to sacrifice themselves voluntarily, in order to perfectly absorb their power for their own use!"

"The sacrifice that one generation treats another is nothing more than a scam that he arranged for his own self-interest, spanning thousands of years!!"

While speaking, Shen Kang looked in the direction of the dean coldly, and then said, "The dark palace was destroyed in the past, presumably it was the dean's handwriting!"

"And the reason why the Dark Palace is being targeted is not a chivalrous act at all. It's because they have stored these two things and you know about them. Because of this, you are going to kill people and silence them to prevent the news from leaking !"

While speaking, Shen Kang couldn't help shaking his head, "For so many years, there hasn't been any rumors left in the Jianghu. It must be the result of the dean's hard work!"

"Hehe!" Facing Shen Kang's question after sentence, the dean had already collected all his expressions, neither did he attack Shen Kang, nor did he turn into anger in the slightest, only calm, a heart-palpitating calm.

For some reason, Shen Kang even saw a regretful expression on his face, as if he hated iron for being weak.What is this going to do?Changed to a soft knife?

"Little friend Shen, I don't know why you made up such a lie, but it's my responsibility to protect this place. The ancestors of all ages poured their blood and desperately guarded it, just for the peace of this world. I will never allow anyone to destroy all of this!"

At this moment, the dean's face was indescribably determined, as if he was a guardian of the way, firmly sticking to the way in his heart.Even if he is slandered, he still has no hesitation.

Moreover, there seemed to be a different kind of charm in his voice, which made people believe it.

"If you want to leave, all of you should leave! Don't worry, if there is an old man here, it is absolutely impossible for a foreigner to break through this great formation!"



The dean's impassioned words made everyone ashamed.They shouldn't have almost believed Shen Kang just because of a few words.This person slanders the dean so much, his heart can be punished!

Seeing this scene, Shen Kang also understood in his heart that his words alone could not overthrow the image that the dean had created for a long time.If there is no conclusive evidence, it is indeed unconvincing.

However, Shen Kang was not in a hurry. Facing such a cunning and cunning opponent, if he didn't use some means, how could it be effective.

In the current situation, he can say everything he wants to say, which is considered good.

"Dean, everyone, do you think there is such a possibility!" Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted, pulling everyone's attention in an instant.

"Everyone, tell me, is it possible that Shen Kang has already been bribed by aliens, intending to collude with inside and outside to destroy the formation, so as to let aliens invade? Otherwise, how could he have achieved the state of venerable at a young age!"

It was just such a sentence that instantly silenced everyone, and instantly made Shen Kang the target of public criticism.But if this is the case, the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.

They have worked hard for hundreds of years, and those who work hard are the immortals.No matter how talented a young man is, it is impossible for him to become a master of the Venerable Realm in such a short period of time.

Unless the other person took out a treasure that could quickly improve his skills, and bought him with it, helping him achieve his current state.In exchange, he will also destroy the seal formation, making it easier for aliens to invade.

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes, and the more I think about it, the more infuriating it becomes.Throughout the ages, being xenophobic is always the most hated!
"kill him!"

"kill him!"

All of a sudden, the shouts of killing Shen Kang could be heard endlessly, but no one actually did anything.Now that the situation is turbulent, business needs their blessing.If Shen Kang can't be taken down by thunder, once the opponent resists desperately, the consequences of the turmoil will be really unpredictable!
"Dean, good tricks, admiration! Admiration!" Shen Kang just looked up at the dean without caring about the shouts around him.

At this moment, the Dean's face was still full of compassion, but at this moment, Shen Kang seemed to see a bit of playfulness from the depths of his eyes.

This look seemed to be provoking him, and it seemed to be telling him not to overestimate his capabilities.No matter what method is used, he will definitely accompany him to the end!
"Forget it!" The corner of his mouth was slightly twitched, Shen Kang's eyes were burning with an indescribable sarcasm, and at his side, suddenly there was a figure, a figure that seemed to be indomitable and domineering.

"It's you!" After seeing this figure, the dean's expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"How could you still be alive? No, at that time I clearly confirmed it again and again, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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