Chapter 654 Arrived?
"Mingxinyuan is already like this, please don't be too sad. I just don't know what the two gentlemen plan to do in the future, how about joining Wanjian Villa?"

"This..." Facing the olive branch suddenly thrown by Shen Kang, the two were instinctively taken aback.

To be honest, the current Wanjian Villa has completely replaced the status of Mingxinyuan, so it is naturally a good place to go.But the two have their persistence and their own will.After a little hesitation, a decision was made.

"The lord's wrong love made our senior brothers flattered, but we waited for brothers to hope that we could rebuild the Mingxinyuan!"

"Rebuild Mingxin Courtyard?" Shen Kang was slightly taken aback by the two's answers, followed by a slight smile.Shen Kang has always been willing to pay respects to such people.Leaving aside the old thief, the dean, the remaining people in Mingxinyuan are all worthy of friendship.

"The two gentlemen are very kind. If you need help, you can come to Wanjian Villa anytime!"

"Thank you, Master Shen!"

"If that's the case, then we will meet later!" While speaking, Shen Kang had already left here.

After returning to Wanjian Villa, Shen Kang immediately began to collect information on the top masters in the Jianghu, even those who existed in legends and had passed away long ago.

Shen Kang was slightly awakened by the matter of Mingxinyuan. The person who can do this is definitely not an ordinary person. Maybe it is a master of a certain era who feigned death to escape.There are so many things like this, don't be surprised if you encounter them.

However, the information is too messy, and there is no clue for a while.Shen Kang also hoped that his worries were wrong, maybe he was just trying to get revenge on the dean, and never thought of causing trouble.

However, the reality completely shocked Shen Kang. During this period of time, all kinds of news came from the rivers and lakes one after another. Daluo Mountain was destroyed, Qihua Valley was destroyed, and Changyun Peak was destroyed.
In a short period of time, several top-level forces were wiped out one after another, and more than a dozen high-level forces were also massacred.And the methods they encountered were exactly the same as Mingxinyuan.

All the disciples, from the head elders down to ordinary disciples, have no scars at all, and have suffered similar mental attacks.

With so many forces having accidents, tens of thousands of warriors were killed as a result, as if the originally peaceful rivers and lakes suddenly became chaotic.You must know that these forces are not weak, but they can't even spread the news of the attack.

The key is that there are no rules at all. If you are in the south today, you may be in the west tomorrow.For the top masters, the distance of thousands of miles is just a thought.

For a moment, everyone in the Jianghu was in danger, for fear that it would be their turn in the next moment.Many people have asked Shen Kang to come out and preside over the overall situation. Of course, there are many people who suspect that this is what Shen Kang did.

After all, knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, the previous dean also behaved openly and aboveboard, and all warriors in the world admired him.But the result, so never put too much faith in what you know.

"Arrogance, it's really too arrogant!"

Successive big forces were wiped out, and there was no intention of stopping at all.Maybe every few days, there will be a message.If it goes on like this, the big sects in the entire arena will be wiped out.

All the sects in the Jianghu are worried about this, and many big forces have already activated their countermeasures, hiding the most elite disciples and seeds, hoping that after their own family is destroyed, these disciples can return and make a comeback.

Throwing the information in his hand aside, Shen Kang felt helpless for such a thing for a while.He has used all kinds of means, but he can't track down the other party at all.

No trace was left, as if there was no such person at all.The rivers and lakes have been through for so many years, and there are all kinds of secret arts and thaumaturgy. It is not surprising that they can do this.

The key is that the opponent's actions are erratic, as if seeing any unpleasantness, it will be wiped out easily. Could it be that it is just pure revenge on the society?
"I still don't believe it, he can be so arrogant!" Now that things have happened, Shen Kang can only use the most stupid way, just sit back and wait for the rabbit!
Since the other party wanted to attack the various factions, he would find a big faction to hide in advance and wait for the other party to come to the door.Shen Kang also has confidence. If he wants to hide it wholeheartedly, he can guarantee that no one will find out.

Isn't it the essence of mysticism? There are almost top-level rare treasures such as Linglong Dinghun Pagoda. Shen Kang is quite confident in this point.Once the other party comes to attack, you must teach him to be a man!
"Master, after many days of research, we finally discovered a pattern!"

Just when Shen Kang was about to leave, Wan Sanqian came in a hurry, wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and handed over the materials he had compiled in his hand.


"Master, please take a look. This is the information of these sects. These sects are not only powerful, but they all have one thing in common. Their ancestors are either the number one in the world in each era. Less contact!"

"Really?" Shen Kang took the information in Wan Sanqian's hand and read it carefully.

What Wan Sanqian said is right, some of these sects have indeed been No. [-] in the world, or the founder of the sect was a disciple who was once a disciple of the No. [-] master in the world, and established their respective sects after graduation.

The dean has been hiding for thousands of years, and has changed many identities over the years, and for the convenience of fooling people, the identities must be highly respected every time.Even now, the status of dean has only appeared in the past few hundred years.

Looking at the rules of these sects that have been eliminated, they always take the safety of the world as their own responsibility, and they always fool people into sacrificing everything to protect the world.These words are so familiar no matter how you hear them, they are exactly the same as Mingxinyuan.

In other words, these are most likely the dean's vest, I have to say, this dean really knows how to play!

"Owner!" Seeing that Shen Kang had flipped through the documents in his hand, Wan Sanqian immediately took out another document and handed it over.

"Master, these are the sects that we have sorted out that may be related to the dean. The two strongest existing sects are these two!"

"Green Mountain Sect! Zhongyuntang!" Looking at these two factions, Shen Kang fell into deep thought.These two sects are indeed among the best sects in the world. Not only are the sect rules strict, but the conduct of the disciples is well-known in the Jianghu, and they can definitely be regarded as famous and upright sects.

It seems that although the dean himself is not a good character, he teaches people of justice!

Castle Peak Sect!Located in Boqing Mountain, Qianli, Zhongzhou, this sect has a long history and many masters, and there are tens of thousands of disciples in the sect, all of whom are elites.Relatively speaking, although Zhongyuntang's strength is not weak, it is taking the business route, and there are many fewer disciples.

If the two factions had to choose, Shen Kang would naturally choose the Qingshan Sect.If the opponent is really as Shen Kang expected, if he wants to make a move, he will choose this place first.

"I see, go get busy!" Throwing the materials in his hand on the table, the next moment, Shen Kang's figure appeared in Boqing Mountain tens of thousands of miles away.

Looking down from a distance, the Qingshan Sect is full of people, and the disciples are still studying hard, and they don't seem to be worried about what happened in the world.

Although Shen Kang has not entered the Green Mountain Sect, his spiritual consciousness has already covered it all, and he will be aware of any disturbance.Just in case, Shen Kang also put out all the secret treasures of self-defense.

Don't think that you are not afraid of anything now that your skill is high. There are many secret arts in the world, and you don't know what is powerful.Be careful, always be right!

"The Great Mountain Protecting Formation of the Green Mountain Sect has been activated?" After staying outside the Green Mountain Sect for three days, Shen Kang had also been vigilant for three days. Suddenly, the Great Mountain Protecting Formation of the Green Mountain Sect seemed to fluctuate a little.Although it was very faint, it was still noticed by Shen Kang.

During Shen Kang's investigation, the entire Qingyun Sect did not move.The head of the sect and all the elders are doing their own thing, and no one controls the formation at all.

It seems that the person I was waiting for has finally arrived?
(End of this chapter)

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