I am a hero in the rivers and lakes

Chapter 660 Maybe I Can Help You

Chapter 660 Maybe I Can Help You
"Hehe, this drama is wonderful!"

In Shen Kang's perception, a pretty girl on the bank of the Yujiang River was being besieged by several big men in brocade clothes, and it seemed that she still had injuries on her body. It seemed that she would not be able to last long.

These few people are all in the acquired realm, they look gaudy, but they can't even do sword aura.With Shen Kang's current vision, he felt that the fight between them was almost like a fight between children.

However, after all these years, Shen Kang has traveled to countless places, not to mention singing and dancing everywhere, but there are not many people who do so blatantly.Moreover, there are so many burly men besieging a young girl, which is not normal no matter how you look at it.

The main reason is that after the past ten years, Shen Kang's chivalry points have almost been accumulated, and he needs a little more to break through the current realm.It just takes a little more effort and it can be achieved.

That's why Shen Kang wandered around so leisurely, not in a hurry.On the one hand, it is to see if there is any opportunity, and on the other hand, it is to browse the great mountains and rivers.

He has been in this world for such a long time, and he has never taken a good look around.Over the past few years, he has basically visited the entire rivers and lakes.

It is precisely because there may be his footprints everywhere, so the fighting in the rivers and lakes has become less and less, for fear of meeting him.It wouldn't be worth it if you put yourself in it because of the conflict of spirits.

In the past, this scene in front of me was quite normal.But now, I have to make people admire her, she's quite courageous!
It was precisely because of this that the scene in front of him that should have been normal aroused Shen Kang's interest!
"Smelly bitch, quickly hand over the things!"

The light boat under him quickly approached the shore, and several shouts came from his ears, mixed with the sound of weapons slashing and killing, it couldn't help but be a little annoying!

It would be fine if a few cute and cute little girls yelled twice, but when a few burly men yelled, why would it feel like the beautiful scenery around them was instantly destroyed.

"Plop!" Before Shen Kang could get close, the girl jumped into the water from the bank. Only a few strong men were left roaring helplessly, but all of them hesitated, and none of them wanted to jump down and fish them out. of.

It seems that these few people don't know how to swim, so they come out to hunt and kill others at this level?Don't be afraid of people's jokes!

Shaking his head, Shen Kang moved his thoughts slightly and lightly picked up the girl who fell into the water, and put it beside him.It's just that the girl was already unconscious at this time. The injury on this person's body was serious and the stimulation after entering the water might have passed out immediately.

"Who are you?" Seeing Shen Kang who suddenly came in front of him, and then at the unconscious girl next to Shen Kang, the strong men were startled, thinking that the two were in the same group, but the knife in their hands gave them confidence .

What's more, the person in front of him looks like a scholar, even if he looks better, it's okay, doesn't it mean that the other person is an embroidered pillow.

"I'll ask you and answer!" The small boat flew directly to the shore lightly, and the hearts of several people who watched it were shocked.Flying across the sky must at least be an ability that can only be possessed by innate masters.

This little boy in front of him turned out to be an innate master?

"This, er, young hero!" After realizing the difference in combat power between the two sides, the strong men immediately cupped their hands in a cooperative manner, and said cautiously, "Young hero, please, we must know everything without saying anything!"

"Why are you chasing and killing this girl? Aren't you afraid in broad daylight?"

"Young hero, misunderstood!" As soon as Shen Kang opened his mouth, the other party identified him as the kind of young hero who likes to fight for justice.A fledgling young hero like this usually wants to be conceited, and is generally willing to believe what he sees.

Accidentally said something wrong, in case someone was hacked by a bandit, who would be the reasoner?

"Young man, we are the guards of the Xu family in Licheng, not a thief, she is the thief!" Pointing to the unconscious girl, one of them said cautiously.

"This woman broke into our Xu family and stole an important thing. The master ordered that the thing must be recovered, so we chased after it!"

"Really?" Staring at these people, the expressions of these people did not seem to be fake. There are not many people who can pretend to be in front of him these days, definitely not including these people in front of them.

"Then what did your family lose?"

"We don't know about this. The master didn't say anything, and we didn't dare to ask. The master just told us to get the things back quickly!"

"I don't know?" I couldn't help but take another look at these people. The well-built burly man looked mighty and majestic, but unexpectedly, he was a few naive.I don't know I've been chasing him for so long, are you guys all right?

"Okay, I know about this! If it's really this girl's problem, I will return the things to the Xu family!"

With a wave of his hand, Shen Kang signaled them to leave.I just checked with the system, and there is no major crime in these people, at most they are just playing the role of thugs.


"What? You don't want to leave, do you want to stay behind?"

"No, no, young man, let's go!" After a moment of hesitation, several people looked at each other and hurried away.Can you do it without running? Facing such a young hero, what if he wants to be a hero?

The burly men on my side looked at the girl on the opposite side who was not only pretty, but also injured, with a lovely and pitiful appearance.Who is good and who is bad, it is not clear at all!
Seeing the big men leaving in a hurry, Shen Kang shook his head slightly, then looked at the girl on the small boat.Gently moving her fingers, the girl woke up in a moment.

"Girl, girl! You're awake!"

"You, who are you?" When she opened her eyes and saw Shen Kang, an outsider, the girl obviously wrapped her clothes around her body, and then stepped back quietly, as if she was still groping for something quietly.

Could it be that this little girl is looking for her own saber?
Especially the way the little girl looked at him, as if she was guarding against hooligans.This kind of look made Shen Kang feel like he was injured. In other words, we saved you anyway, so there is no need to be so guarded against him. Does he look like a bad guy?
"Girl, you fell into the Yujiang River just now, and I rescued you!"

"Is that so?" She looked at Shen Kang suspiciously. Although Shen Kang looked harmless, she didn't dare to trust him completely.When walking in the rivers and lakes, you must be on guard against others!
These years, ever since the man from Wanjian Villa has dominated the rivers and lakes, even the flower pickers dare not do anything blatantly, and have started pretending to be the scholar that the ladies like.They not only deceive themselves, but also their feelings, and some even deceive their family property, and the routine is getting deeper and deeper.

Who knows if the person I met on the street is really a frail scholar.The elders who are away from home have said that the more beautiful they are, the more harmless they are, the more they need to be careful, who knows if they will run into hooligans!

"Not good!" As if thinking of something, the girl immediately took out a book from her bosom. If Shen Kang read it right, it should be an account book!
It's just that at this time, the paper ledger has been soaked in water, and the writing on it is all blurred, making it completely unreadable.

"It's over, it's over, I managed to get this, it's broken!"

Seeing the distraught look of the girl opposite, who was still a little cute, Shen Kang couldn't help but shook his head.This is obviously a little girl who just entered the arena and doesn't understand anything, and there is nothing mean about it.

"Girl, maybe I can help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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