Chapter 81 Recommended
"Since there is no objection, let's go straight to the topic!"

Although everyone in the venue had different ideas, no one dared to stand up again. Wanjian Villa had already proved his position with his strength.

What's more, Wanjian Villa is a technical job, and what people play is technology.Forging is the main business, and the others are basically sidelines.

In the past, Wanjian Villa was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and its main contribution was to provide Fangzhou Wulin League with better weapons. To put it bluntly, it was engaged in logistics.

The status in the Fangzhou Martial Arts League Presbyterian Association is not high or low, but it is the kind that is not easy to offend.

Besides, those who fight and kill usually expect a group of logistics personnel to rush to the front line in person.

Now the strength demonstrated by Wanjian Villa is enough for them to continue to occupy this position, and those with a little knowledge will not raise other opinions.

"The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new leader. My teacher is ill and cannot come here to preside over the meeting!"

A middle-aged man stood up on the high platform, walked to the most middle position, looked at the people around and said loudly, "But the teacher has a word in advance, don't delay the selection of the new leader because he is not present!"

"Okay, President Mo is really upright. If that's the case, then our elders will propose a new leader. Do you have any objections?"

All the people on the high platform did not speak, just looked at each other, smiled and nodded at each other.Everything is unspoken.

"Everyone, I think that the position of leader should have both ability and political integrity. Among us, only you, Sect Leader Gu, have such qualifications!"

"Lord Lu, you are too polite. If you talk about martial arts ability, who can compare with you, Master Lu!"

"I think the Master of the Wind Pavilion is a good candidate, what do you guys think?"

After a while of silence, the mutual blow mode was turned on on the high platform.But this is just a small opening scene, everyone is being polite to each other, it can't be taken seriously.

Which one of the people present didn't want to compete for the position of the leader, and sparks almost sparked in each other's eyes.

"Bang!" There was a light slap on the table, and it came from the second position on the right, which also made everyone stop admiring and looked over.

Shen Kang noticed, and the two people present did not express any opinions.One is him, and the other is the middle-aged man who slammed the table, Yuan Feng, the owner of Qianshan Pavilion.

Shen Kang is not familiar with the surroundings, so it is inconvenient to express any opinions, and he doesn't know what this person is for.

After a little silence on the high platform, Yuan Feng said, "Everyone, stop being polite to each other. Everyone has limited time, so let's get straight to the point!"

"My Qianshan Pavilion recommended Wuhen Zongzong Gu as the new leader. Who agrees? Who opposes?"

"I object!" As soon as Yuan Feng's words fell, Leng Xiu, the owner of the Cold Cloud Valley next to him, uttered loud objections unceremoniously.

"Gu Zongzhu has both virtue and conduct. Although he is well-known, but in terms of maturity and prudence, Gu Zongzhu is still too young!"

"I think the Wind Pavilion Master of Luoxing Pavilion is a good candidate. I recommend Feng Pavilion Master as the alliance leader. What do you guys think?"

"I also recommend the Lord of Luoxing Pavilion, Feng Pavilion, as the leader of the alliance!" As soon as Leng Xiu finished speaking, Lu Yuansheng, the owner of the Feiyu Building next to him, spoke up.

In this way, Feng Yifan, the master of Luoxing Pavilion, got a full two votes for each of the seven seats in the Presbyterian Council. I really didn't expect that this poor old man was still a little popular.

"I, Luoxing Pavilion, recommended myself as the leader!"

"What?" Everyone looked over suspiciously, but someone actually elected him as the leader?
Being watched by the crowd, Feng Yifan still kept his face and heart beating, this old guy's face has been trained to the state of invulnerability.

"What?" Upon hearing that Feng Yifan had recommended him, Leng Xiu, the master of Cold Cloud Valley, immediately turned extremely ugly, the anger in his eyes seemed to burn Feng Yifan to nothingness.

This is different from what was agreed. Didn’t it mean that everyone recommended each other, why did it become the recommendation of oneself?

Broken, the old thing is broken.I am still too young to be ashamed to vote for myself, being played by this old thing!

In this way, Luoxing Pavilion had three votes.Of the seven seats in total, Luoxing Pavilion already occupied three.

Seeing that the winning ticket is in his hands, Feng Yifan also showed a slight smile on his tense face.As long as there is one more person, his position as the leader will be considered stable.

Shen Kang glanced at Feng Yifan, who was secretly delighted, and then at Gu Mingyang, not knowing how this Gu Zongzhu turned his back.

"Since Pavilion Master Feng recommended me, I will also recommend myself!" Gu Mingyang shook his head with a chuckle, and said flatly, "I recommend myself as the new leader!"

"Master Shen, what about you?"

"Wanjian Villa, elect Gu Zongzhu as the new alliance leader!"

"Huh!" With a cold snort, Feng Yifan's expression became a little tense, and he cast his cold eyes on Shen Kang, "Master Shen, do you want to think about it again?"

He tried to pull down Wanjian Villa before, just to elect his own people to the position of elders, so that the position of leader would be stable.

It's a pity that he failed in the end, and he is still simmering in his heart, and naturally he has no good face when facing Shen Kang.

Now when it came to Shen Kang's decision, Feng Yifan's originally good mood was completely disturbed just because he had three votes, and he probably had written Shen Kang's name in his notebook.

Isn't it good for you to abstain from Wanjian Villa? You have to follow me!
"Master Feng Pavilion, it's like this, the old leader didn't give up the position of leader because of lack of energy!"

"The younger generation, you are not too young, you are not young, and you may not have enough energy. Even if you become the leader, you may not have that energy!"

"So I think it's better to choose a younger leader!"

While speaking, Shen Kang raised his eyebrows at the other party.Old man, you don't give me face, and you expect me to give you face.Everyone hates each other, just because your little heart can't stand it.

"You? Brat, you're so presumptuous!"

"Master Feng Pavilion, pay attention to your attitude. Master Shen is on an equal footing with you. This is the Fangzhou Martial Arts League. Do you think it is your Luoxing Pavilion?"

Hearing Shen Kang's words, Gu Mingyang didn't know how happy he was. This assist is fine!
Although the Xuyang Pill of Yaowang Valley made him feel a little distressed, it was definitely not in vain!
Now three votes to three votes, only one vote from the Baiyun Sword Sect, and then everyone looked in the direction of the Baiyun Sword Sect, waiting for his decision.

"I, the Baiyun Sword Sect, recommend Gu Zongzhu as the new leader!"

"What? This is impossible, the old alliance leader clearly."

"Master Feng Pavilion, this is the meaning of the teacher!"

"Since it's the intention of the old leader, then this matter is settled!"

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng, the owner of the Qianshan Pavilion, said lightly, "The next step is to see what the fellow martial artists mean. If there is no accident, Gu Zongzhu will be Gu Zongzhu in the future!"

The leader's election process is to be elected by the elders, and then after half of the members of the elders agree, it will be handed over to all factions for a joint vote. If more than half, the position of the leader will be determined.

It's just that after the elders agree, the election of the leader of the alliance is basically decided, and the votes of other factions are actually of little significance.

After all, no matter which sect of the Presbyterian Church is comparable to other sects, they agree that you oppose a try.A knife stabbed in the back can make you doubt your life.

The so-called Jianghu martial arts, in the final analysis still depends on the fist!
(End of this chapter)

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