Chapter 125 Mo Ruthless (56)

Zhao Quan thought for a while, but finally did not refuse.

Instead, he stepped forward and pushed open the yellow rosewood door.

The room looked a little dark, and the line of sight was not good.

However, this was not a serious problem to Zhao Quan, he took a quick look and saw that there were all the seats and benches in the room.

In the innermost part of the room is a huge bed.

This big bed is enough for 20 people to lie down side by side.

The bed was surrounded by Qingluo curtains, but there was only one person lying on the bed.

A woman with silver hair.

When Zhao Quan saw this person, he almost thought that Lian Nishang had also traveled here.

Because this is a woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful appearance, but with silver hair.

It's a pity that she is not in a good state at this time.

Her face was pale, and her eyes were blurred and lifeless.

The silver threads are like waterfalls, scattered on the red bed, but there is a strange style.

Zhao Quan walked into the room and looked at the woman in surprise.

Her appearance is by no means inferior to Hongxia girl Zhu Yimei.

But it was full of lifelessness, and the whole body exuded a rotten smell.

Zhao Quan frowned and looked at her, and she also looked at Zhao Quan curiously.

Then he said: "That snake is extremely poisonous. It has been tamed by Jiao Xiuyuan for more than ten years. Even if it is a master of the day after tomorrow, if he is a little careless, he will die on the spot. If you can kill it, you are not bad at it. .”

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, thinking in his heart that the poisonous snake was indeed Jiao Xiuyuan's domesticated poison.

Then he said: "If you hadn't mentioned something, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to protect myself."

The woman said: "It's just a little effort, it's not worth mentioning."

Then he said to Zhao Quan: "It's you, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed."

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? How do you say that?"

The woman said: "Snake gallbladder can not only eliminate snake venom, but also enhance the body's ability to resist poison. If you swallow this snake gallbladder, you will be immune to at least [-]% of snake venom in the world."

The woman didn't say enough, but even so, the snake gallbladder is powerful enough.

Zhao Quan originally thought that snake gallbladder only had the effect of detoxification.

Unexpectedly, this snake gall is so powerful that it can save 80.00% of snake venom.

Zhao Quan was only happy for a moment, then regained his senses, and said to the woman: "Who are you? Why did you appear in the depths of this manor? Why is this place listed as a forbidden area by Jiao Xiuyuan?"

The woman said: "I think you seem to be in a hurry, but you still have so much curiosity."

Zhao Quan said: "If you want to deal with a person, you must know everything about him."

The woman said: "You can call me Mo Wuqing, Jiao Xiuyuan fell in love with me, so he took me captive."

"It's a pity that I suffer from a serious illness, and my vitality is rapidly disappearing, so he locked me here. For so many years, he has been trying to solve my stubborn illness."

"However, it has never been effective. Today, I am afraid that I will not have long to live."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, and said, "So that's it. So, Jiao Xiuyuan is very important to you?"

Mo Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "Yes, I am indeed very important to Jiao Xiuyuan."

Zhao Quan then continued: "Then do you know that more than a month ago, Jiao Xiuyuan had captured a man named Li Feishen in a sneak attack, where is he now?"

Mo Wuqing said: "If you are talking about the person Jiao Xiuyuan intends to use as a cauldron for refining poison, he should be trapped in the secret cave."

Zhao Quan said: "Secret cave? Where is it?"

Mo Wuqing said: "Not far from the manor, there is a waterfall. Passing through the waterfall, you can see a hidden cave entrance, which is where Jiao Xiuyuan's secret cave is located."

Zhao Quan frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously: "How can you know so clearly?"

Mo Wuqing said: "Jiao Xiuyuan will tell me everything, and he will never hide anything from me."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, and then said: "You save my life, I don't arrest you, we both clean up."

Staring at Mo Wuqing, he continued: "But if I find out that you have lied to me, I won't be so polite when we meet again."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Quan flicked the dark red cloak and walked out of the room.

Seeing Zhao Quanwei's burly figure go away, Mo Wuqing's mouth gradually curled into a smile.

After coming out of Mo Wuqing's other courtyard, Zhao Quan performed lightness kung fu and stood on the eaves of a roof.

Looking at the front of the manor from a distance, some noise came.

Looking carefully, he found that it was a young man who was helping Jiao Xiuyuan back from the door.

With an anxious expression, he was furious at a group of servants.

Zhao Quan frowned slightly, he didn't expect that Jiao Xiuyuan was still alive.

When Jiao Xiuyuan goes out to fight, he will naturally fight Ye Gucheng.

With Ye Gucheng's strength, he was not able to keep this person.

It can be seen that this person is indeed extraordinary.

Looking at it at this moment, Jiao Xiuyuan seemed to be seriously injured, but his eyes still flashed brightly from time to time.

Obviously his injury was not as serious as it appeared.

Zhao Quan didn't hesitate any longer, turned over and performed lightness kung fu, the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, and he walked out of the high wall of the manor.

Then he headed towards the place agreed with Li Sheng earlier.

Not long after, Zhao Quan saw the two figures.

Ye Gucheng, who was dressed in white, was adjusting his breath at this time, and his already pale face became even paler now.

And Li Sheng stood aside, looking anxious.

Zhao Quan stepped forward and said, "What's going on?"

Seeing Zhao Quan come back, Li Sheng hurriedly said: "Brother Ye was plotted against, and was run away by Jiao Xiuyuan."

Zhao Quan frowned, at this time Ye Gucheng sank into his dantian and opened his eyes.

Zhao Quan looked at Ye Gucheng and said, "Are you okay?"

Ye Gucheng said: "No problem, it's just that the snake venom has entered the body, I'm afraid I won't be able to use my full strength within three days."

Zhao Quan frowned and said, "Snake poison?"

Ye Gucheng nodded slightly, while Li Sheng said beside him: "Yes, Jiao Xiuyuan actually had a small snake hidden in his sleeve, which was very poisonous. When Big Brother Ye didn't notice it, he jumped out and took a bite."

Zhao Quan laughed: "What a coincidence, I also met a snake."

As he said that, his eyes suddenly turned, and he broke through the tip of the index finger with internal force, and drops of bright red blood rushed out first.

Li Sheng asked with concern: "Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhao Quan said to Ye Gucheng, "Maybe my blood can be used as an antidote."

Ye Gucheng and Zhao Quan looked at each other and chose to believe him.

Opening his mouth, Zhao Quan flicked his fingers, and immediately three or five drops of blood flew into Ye Gucheng's mouth.

Afterwards, Ye Gucheng quickly entered into the state of regulating breath and luck again.

It didn't take long to see two small wounds on Ye Gucheng's wrist, first light blue blood came out, followed by normal bright red blood.

Li Sheng said pleasantly: "It's really possible!"

Ye Gucheng opened his eyes, also looking very surprised.

He did not expect that Zhao Quan's blood could detoxify him.

Zhao Quan was stared at by the two, he laughed and said: "My blood can only detoxify snake poison."

Afterwards, he told the two about what happened to him in the manor.

Li Sheng said: "This Jiao Xiuyuan really likes to play with snakes, I didn't expect that there is a bigger one hidden in the manor."

Ye Gucheng's eyes flickered, and he said: "The identity of that woman is very suspicious."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly and said, "But she did save my life."

Li Sheng heard the news about his father, and said excitedly: "No matter what, let's go to the secret cave and take a look, maybe my father was really imprisoned there!"

(End of this chapter)

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