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Chapter 133 Returning to the Chapter

Chapter 133 Return

Obviously no one can answer this question.

No matter whether Mo Wuqing did all of this or not, the manor was empty at this time.

Zhao Quan and Ye Gucheng investigated, but found nothing too much.

Then he also left.

The way these people died was indeed a bit creepy. Even Zhao Quan was not sure if he and Ye Gucheng would be able to resist the murderer.

However, the murderer had already left, and he didn't know where he was going, and Zhao Quan couldn't find him.

That being the case, he drove the carriage directly and returned to the Northland.

The carriage went all the way north, but nothing happened.

I just heard a lot of rumors about the relationship between Qishan School and Wushan Shibadong along the way.

For example, who and who, who and where, from the Qishan faction broke down a stronghold, wiped out all the bandits in it, and rescued how many detained people and so on.

Or, the bandits from several caves joined forces to ambush and attack a certain disciple of the Qishan Sect, seriously injuring him or something.

In short, up to now, the Qishan faction and the people from Wushan Shibadong are still fighting hard.

In addition, the Qishan sect also coerced other small orthodox sects in Qidi.

Work together to attack the Five Mountains and Eighteen Caves.

This time, it seemed that Baili Jinglong was ruthless, and wanted to wipe out the cancerous tumor in Wushan and Shibadong at once.

Zhao Quan was not very interested in the fight between them.

What puzzled him was why the Blackwater Sect fell silent.

Baili Jinglong didn't bother to find the Black Water Sect, and Wushan Shibadong didn't have time to take care of them.

From the beginning to the end of this Black Water Sect, the highest ranking member who showed up was nothing more than Shen Miaoer, an envoy in Tsing Yi.

But according to what Baili Huanzhu said, he was kidnapped in the Northland.

Obviously, the Blackwater Sect is organized and premeditated, and has long been eyeing Baili Huanzhu.

When she sneaked out from Qishan faction, she didn't attack directly, but followed all the way to Beidi.

After putting the blame on the Tongmenghui, he caught him.

After spending so much effort, the final disposition was to hold an auction meeting and sell it to people from the five mountains and eighteen caves.

All kinds of behaviors can be described as quite strange.

Regarding the behavior of the Black Water Sect, it is impossible for Baili Jinglong not to find out from Baili Huanzhu.

But he didn't respond to the Black Water Sect, but concentrated on dealing with the Five Mountains and Eighteen Caves as if he didn't know anything.

In this regard, Zhao Quan did not intend to delve into it, after all, this matter had nothing to do with him.

Before Zhao Quan's carriage went to the Linjiang Mountains, they all took small paths, and the Qishan faction fought with the Wushan Shibadong.

So Ye Gucheng, this amazing swordsman, has disappeared from people's sight.

Now, Zhao Quan planned to return to the Northland, but he did not continue to hide his whereabouts.

Instead, drive directly on the official road.

Ye Gucheng was wearing a fox fur cloak to drive Zhao Quan's chariot, this luxurious carriage, and the swordsman driving the chariot.

It once again attracted the attention of some people.

It's just that people from the Qishan faction don't intend to come to contact Zhao Quan.

And Wushan Shibadong was tired of dealing with the suppression of the Qishan faction, and Ye Gucheng had a record of killing Meng Zhen with a sword.

They really don't have the intention to provoke Ye Gucheng again.

It went all the way like this, but it was safe and sound.

Along the way, Zhao Quan has been trying ternary mixing.

The three elements in his body reached a cycle and formed a balance.

Now, what Zhao Quan has to do is to break this balance.

As the saying goes, if you don't break, you can't stand, and if you break, you can stand.

Pull out a 'thread end' from the 'thread' that originally circulated into a circle, and divide the 'thread' into three strands, all of which are introduced into Ren Du's second vein.

Let them rendezvous in Ren Du's two veins, and then go through the Twelve Zhengjing. If they are successfully mixed, they will directly belong to the dantian qi sea.

This Hunyuan can be accomplished with one qi.

If it cannot be mixed, you need to start from scratch and follow the above steps again.

Day after day, try harder, there will always be a day of success.

Along the way, Zhao Quan has been trying to combine the three elements into one.

It's a pity that all the way to Jin'an City was unsuccessful.

Zhao Quan was not discouraged, he already knew the difficulty of this step.

Because of his profound foundation of Hunyuan Yiqi, it is actually relatively easy for him to go beyond the acquired to the innate, and to achieve the innate realm.

Those masters of magic who practice radical martial arts may be promoted to the peak of Houtian in a short time, and the power of martial arts is much stronger than ordinary martial arts.

But the price is also very obvious. If there is no good enough talent, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through the acquired barrier and advance to the innate in my whole life.

Now that he had arrived in Jin'an City, Zhao Quan couldn't just pass by in such a hurry.

I'm really used to drinking Zui Lixian's fine wine, and drinking other things is as pale as water.

When the carriage enters the city, it can be said that this place has left Qidi.

As long as you pass Jin'an City, you will enter the territory of Beidi.

As the hub connecting Qidi and Beidi, Jin'an City is very bustling and lively.

The impact of the Luoxiapo tragedy at the beginning is almost invisible now.

Because all the Zui Lixians in the carriage drank with Li Sheng in Linjiang City, so Zhao Quan didn't drink any alcohol during this journey.

I have long missed that taste.

After entering the city, he went straight to Zuilixian.

On the second floor by the window, Zhao Quan sat in the Accord.

Zui Lixian's bosses already recognized Zhao Quan, and personally delivered fine wine.

Ye Gucheng was sitting opposite Zhao Quan. Zhao Quan picked up the jug and filled a glass for him.

Said: "This time, it is thanks to you."

Ye Gucheng said: "You don't have to be polite, leader."

Zhao Quan said: "Although we are only one step away from the Northland, the matter is not over yet."

Ye Gucheng's eyes moved slightly, and he said to Zhao Quan: "Guangzhu refers to the Shenniu Gang?"

Along the way, neither the Qishan Sect, the Five Mountains and Eighteen Caves, nor the Black Water Sect have found them again.

Now that they have reached Jin'an City, they have no reason to catch up at this time.

The only one who is qualified for Zhao Quan to mention it is the Shenniu Gang.

After all, returning from Qidi to Beidi is destined to pass through the territory of the Shenniu Gang's twelve cities.

Zhao Quan nodded and said, "That's right, we can't hide our whereabouts from them."

Ye Gucheng said: "They must have heard about Qidi, so they shouldn't act rashly."

Ye Gucheng's Heavenly Flying Immortal killed Meng Zhen with a single sword, which really shocked the whole Qidi.

The Shenniu gang is close to Qidi, so they will naturally get wind of it.

Zhao Quan said: "So they will definitely send experts."

Ye Gucheng said: "After the battle with Meng Zhen, I have a new understanding of the sword."

Zhao Quan's eyes lit up, Ye Gucheng's talent in swordsmanship was even stronger than the sword god Ximen Chuuxue.

Ye Gucheng's sincerity to swordsmanship is unmatched by anyone.

Ximen Chuuxue still has the fetters of family affection and friendship, but Ye Gucheng only has a sword in his hand.

His sword, like his people, is like the blue sky and white clouds, flawless and spotless.

It's a pity that Ye Gucheng died too early, if not, his future achievements would be limitless.

At this time, Zhao Quan gave him a chance to live a new life, and Ye Gucheng also showed his extraordinary value.

After drinking only half of a pot of wine, Zhao Quan noticed that the endless flow of people on the street outside the window had completely disappeared at some point.

The originally noisy Zuilixianzhong also turned into silence.

His eyes sank, Zhao Quan said softly, "It's pretty early."

(End of this chapter)

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