Chapter 140
"I choose one!"

After Zhao Quan confirmed the options, he felt a huge amount of information pouring into his mind again.

Everything about the Heitian Book, the location of the 31 hidden veins, how to cultivate them, etc., were all understood by Zhao Quan.

Because of the proficiency given by the system, I just feel as if I have studied it for many years and am very familiar with it.

This martial art is indeed extraordinary, even if one of the random supernatural powers bestowed by the birth of Jie Hai is excluded, it is itself a supernatural art.

But Zhao Quan never dared to practice. In the original book, only Lu Jian and Ning Ning, the masters of Butian Jieshou, broke the "Four Laws of Presence and Non-existence" by chance.

Others who practice Hei Tian Shu will inevitably be restricted by Hei Tian Jie.

Consciousness is withdrawn from the system and returns to reality.

Li Shentong in front of him was still waiting for Zhao Quan's answer.

Zhao Quan narrowed his eyes slightly, and quietly gave Ye Gucheng a signal, telling him to wait a while and play by ear, and directly cast the Flying Immortal.

Although Li's supernatural powers are strong, Ye Gucheng's swordsmanship is also more advanced than before. It is still necessary to compare to know which one is stronger and weaker.

Then he showed a tangled and hesitant look, and after a while, he said to Li Shen in disbelief: "You really will accept me as a deputy gang leader?"

Seeing Zhao Quan like this, Li Shentong smiled.

He nodded and said, "I, Li Shentong, keep my word and said it."

Ye Gucheng, who received Zhao Quan's password, suddenly drew his sword before he could say a word.

The dazzling sword, combined with Ye Gucheng, who is fluttering in white, is really like a banished fairy who has fallen from the heavens.

A ray of sword light flew obliquely, like a shocking light, like a long rainbow passing through the sky, like a blue sky with no time and no stains.

Li Shentong did not expect that an arrogant swordsman like Ye Gucheng would launch a sneak attack with his sword, and he was indeed at a disadvantage.

The tip of the sword has come to Li Shentong.

But all of a sudden, a ball of golden Gang Qi burst out from around Li Shentong's body.

The Gang Qi was raging and violent, and it actually formed a divine bull.

Moo! !

The bull's horn moved forward, colliding with Ye Gucheng's sword tip.

This is the martial art "Gang Liu Qi Niu" practiced by Li Shentong.

As we all know, if martial arts can break through the acquired barrier, one can advance to the innate realm.

It can condense the stellar energy, whether it is attacking or defending, it has a good effect.

But Gang Qi also has strengths and weaknesses.

This Gang Liu Qi Bull is a set of martial arts that specifically targets the innate Gang Qi.

After the cultivation is completed, it can be transformed into the divine cow's qi, and its power is extremely domineering.

It is precisely because of this that Li Shentong's nickname in the Jianghu is called "Shen Niu Tong Tian".

Ye Gucheng's sword was directly blocked by the divine cow's qi, making it impossible to penetrate an inch at all.


In just one breath, Ye Gucheng's sword edge finally got a little closer, only to hear the shattering sound of the bull's horns.

But this breathing time was enough for Li Shentong to react.

Immediately snorted angrily: "I don't know how to praise!"

The golden robe all over the body is automatic without wind, and the aura is even stronger.

The ox horn, which was about to be unable to resist, was solidified again.

With a sudden roar, Ye Gucheng was pushed back.

In the initial fight, Ye Gucheng's face was not very good-looking.

Standing on the ground again, he said to Zhao Quan: "After I'm done, retreat quickly!"

Just because of the sudden incident, Ye Gucheng used Tianwai Feixian to launch a sneak attack as soon as he came up, but he was still blocked by Li Shentong's body protection god for a moment.

Now that Li Shentong is ready, I'm afraid that even Tianwai Feixian will not be able to break through the gang current around him.

Zhao Quan didn't delay, he knew that if he didn't know the seriousness at this time, he was still here 'I won't go! 'Come on' you go! 'Go, Li Shentong won't just stand there and wait for them.

Immediately cast Frost on Thin Ice and head towards Qianshan City.

This place is already close to the Lianjing Mountain Range, as long as you enter the range of the mountain range, you will not be far from Qianshan City.

He is now good at two kinds of lightness kung fu, Yun Zong Phantom focuses on body skills, but in terms of speed, he can't compare with this frost-walking on thin ice.

At this time, fleeing for one's life is the first priority. Of course, one must use the lightness technique that comes with this Tianshuang Fist.

Seeing that Zhao Quan was about to escape, Li Shentong sneered, "Did he escape?"

A ball of golden brilliance suddenly burst into both fists, and the divine cow's qi suddenly swung out, and then went towards Zhao Quan.

Ye Gucheng's pale face was extremely dignified, Li Shentong's martial arts exceeded his expectations, and he had to protect Zhao Quan's life.

So he directly raised his sword and stepped forward, blocking a blast from the blast.

But it was still attacked by another gang current.

It was too late to turn back and intercept, Ye Gucheng used his sword skills and went towards Li Shentong.

On the other side, Zhao Quan only felt the wind blowing in the back of his head, and saw a group of bright gangsters rushing towards him.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult to dodge.

At the critical moment, Zhao Quan narrowed his eyes slightly, tensed his muscles, and slapped out his palms brazenly.

Immediately, strands of cloud air emerged, enveloping a cloud of air whistling.

It is the tearing sky and cloud removal palm!

In fact, Zhao Quan didn't have enough understanding and comprehension of the last and strongest form of Pai Yun Zhang.

Although I know the true essence of melancholy and bleak, it is not worrying, let alone miserable, but light!

But it still can't show its true power.

Therefore, among the palm techniques that can be used today, apart from Calamity Clouds Falling from the Sky, this move is the most powerful.

A pair of hands completely turned into amethyst color, and wrapped in wild and roaring palms, they directly faced the attacking group of bright stellar currents.

The fierce and merciless palm collided with the bright stellar current, and an explosion erupted.

Then I saw the air flow surging, as violent as a typhoon landed.

Behind Zhao Quan's dark red cloak fluttering in the wind, there was a sound of hunting.

The whole person took advantage of this opportunity to cast Yun Zong Phantom, trying to dodge the remaining force of the gang current with a misty and weird movement technique.

But he didn't want his palms to collide with Gang Liu, the power of the shock was extremely domineering.

Although the palms are not hindered, the two iron arms make a bone-creaking sound.

Wire-like muscles were also strained.

Gritting his steel teeth tightly, Zhao Quan only felt as if he had been hit head-on by a truck.

The burly figure suddenly flew upside down, and in mid-air, traces of bright red blood had already spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Li Shentong is worthy of being the gang leader in charge of a tyrannical force, and his strength is really extraordinary.

But this is definitely not the time to feel emotional in his heart, Zhao Quan endured the pain in his arms, and turned his body around in mid-air.

With his face down, when he was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly slapped out his palms and hit the ground. With the help of the counter-shock force, he adjusted his body shape, and his burly body flipped flexibly.

Regaining the balance of his body, his feet fell to the ground, and he directly stimulated the true energy in his body with all his strength, and ran towards the distance without stopping.

The vital energy in the body poured into the meridians and circulated rapidly. At this time, Zhao Quan had already exerted all his strength.

Li's supernatural powers were beyond expectations, and Ye Gucheng might not be able to resist them.

But if Zhao Quan didn't leave, Ye Gucheng would be even more restrained.

When Zhao Quan escapes, Ye Gucheng, as an innate master, can protect himself even if he is no match for Li Shentong.

(End of this chapter)

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