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Chapter 151 Moon Black Wind High Night

Chapter 151 Moon Black Wind High Night

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires.

More than a hundred Jianghu people dressed in black were divided into three groups.

There are about 30 people on each route, sneaking into the city from three directions of Qianshan City.

Black Heart Tiger and Blocking Tiger are the central road, and beside them are more than thirty men in black clothes and black trousers with knives.

These people's actions are crisp and neat, and it can be seen that the lightness kung fu is not weak.

After all, each of them is a master of the acquired sixth level or higher.

And the eyes are firm, unwavering, obviously all have undergone rigorous training.

Although there were a lot of people, they were able to move in an orderly manner without making the slightest noise.

It's like rehearsing countless times.

But besides them, there were five other people in the group, who were obviously not in the same group as them.

These five people are also dressed in night clothes, but compared to Black Heart Tiger and the others, these five people are more thorough.

The whole body is covered tightly, and even the hands are covered with black leather gloves.

He also wears a black scarf on his face.

Except for two eyes, the whole body is covered.

It seemed extremely cautious.

Although these five people moved silently, they showed impressive martial arts.

But they stayed together all the time, completely different from the thirty disciples led by Hei Xinhu.

Fortunately, none of these people was easy to get along with, and the journey was relatively smooth, without any accidents.

The three groups of people sneaked to meet at the pre-negotiated place, which was a loophole in the inspection.

The Shocking Society is still very concerned about the guards in the city, and there are disciples patrolling everywhere.

It's just that almost all the real elites in the gang have been sent out, so these disciples who are responsible for patrolling are just ordinary disciples.

Even so, Black Heart Tiger divided his troops into three groups just to be on the safe side, and then found a meeting point.

This meeting point is on the side of the main rudder of the Shocking World Club.

Behind the Shocking Society is the Jingxin Lake, which is a major challenge for the guards to patrol.

After all, there is such a huge lake, it is really not easy to build a defense.

So it became a defensive loophole for the Shocking Club.

Black Heart Tiger found this loophole, and planned to make a breakthrough by using it, and would be caught off guard if he hit Shocking World.

Linhu Avenue, this is where Heixinhu and others meet.

As long as you pass the Linhu Avenue, you can directly sneak into the main rudder of the Shocking World Club from the side close to the lake.

And it can bypass multiple checkpoints in front and go straight to Jingshi Building where Zhao Quan is located.

At this time, it was midnight, and the people in the city had already gone to sleep, and it was the time when everything was completely silent.

A group of people walked quickly on Linhu Avenue. At this time, there was no one on the dark street.

Although this place is called the Avenue, it is actually located in a remote place and is not particularly prosperous.

From the beginning to the end of the street, the distance is only fifty or sixty feet.

But when everyone was walking to the middle of the street, Black Heart Tiger suddenly stopped in his tracks.

A pair of eyes were in doubt, looking left and right, as if thinking of something important.

A man of great stature came from behind, with a serious and rigid appearance, and at least half of his hair was gray.

It can be seen that this person's age is at most 35-[-], and he is by no means at the age of gray hair.

This person is the white-fronted tiger, one of the Kaibei Eight Tigers, so named because of his early gray hair.

The white-fronted tiger said to the black-hearted tiger, "What's wrong?"

As soon as the Black Heart Tiger stopped, everyone stopped in their tracks. It was a critical moment and there was no delay.

So everyone felt very strange about the black heart tiger's pause.

Black Heart Tiger frowned, and said, "Did you notice something?"

When the white-fronted tiger saw the appearance of the black-hearted tiger, he knew that he might have discovered something.

The rest of the tigers also hurriedly surrounded them.

Black Heart Tiger continued: "This city is too quiet!"

A man with a strong figure, a sinister appearance, and a fierce look in his eyes all the time heard the words of the black heart tiger.

Immediately said: "Isn't it normal to be quiet? This small town surrounded by mountains is simply a rural place. How can it compare with our Kaibei City?"

This person is one of the eight tigers, a man-eating tiger, and among the eight tigers, this person is the most murderous.

At this time, the moon was dark and the wind was high, it was a good night for killing, and he could no longer bear the strong killing intent in his heart.

Heixinhu shook his head slowly, and said, "No, no matter how small the city is, there should be watchmen there, right?"

Blocking Tiger said at this time: "You are right, now that I think about it, something really seems wrong!"

As soon as the words fell, suddenly I saw bright lights all around!

Torches were lit all around.

The entire Linhu Avenue is reflected like daylight.

Hei Xinhu's heart skipped a beat, realizing that he and others had been exposed!
Before they could make any moves, they heard the sound of bows being drawn from all around them.

The disciples of the Shocking Society who had been ambushing for a long time showed their heads in the buildings on both sides of the street.

Everyone carried a bow and arrow, aiming at the Black Hearted Tigers standing on the street.

When Zhao Quan passed by Kaibei City earlier, he noticed the bows and crossbows on the gate tower, and even saw the bed crossbows.

This thing is basically the legacy of the imperial court, originally used by the army.

However, the imperial court has been weak year after year, and gradually it has become trapped in the land of a mansion, and has become a shrinking turtle.

The rest of the places have all fallen into the hands of Jianghu forces.

People from the rivers and lakes value martial arts.

Martial arts have always been used to judge high and low, and they don't pay much attention to these military equipment.

So there are very few who can build these devices.

However, Zhao Quan saw those bows and crossbows in his eyes. After returning to Qianshan City, he sent people to make a lot of bows and arrows and distributed them to the lower-level disciples for training.

At this time, it also came in handy.

After all, what Black Heart Tiger brought with him were basically masters, while most of the Shocking Society disciples who stayed behind in Qianshan City were ordinary disciples.

Even if you do mental calculations but don't have the intention to do the ambush in advance, I'm afraid you won't be able to fight.

But with bows and arrows in hand, the shocking society has a large number of ordinary disciples, so as long as there is a round of shooting first, the gap between the two sides can be weakened as much as possible.

call out!
call out!
call out!
Hundreds of arrows pierced the air and shot towards Heixinhu and the others.

It happened so suddenly that there was no time for them to escape.

The Black Heart Tiger roared, drew out the long knife at his waist, and slashed down at a shooting arrow.

At this moment, Zhao Quan and Ye Gucheng were standing by the window above a three-story restaurant.

With your hands on your back, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Linhu Avenue.

He watched Heixinhu and more than a hundred men in black panicked under the rain of arrows.

After the first round of arrow rain, the second round was almost non-stop shooting again.

According to Zhao Quan's order, the disciples under the Shocking Society were divided into teams of two.

One person shoots the arrow, the other prepares, trying not to leave a chance for them to breathe.

It's just that there are reasons why people in Jianghu don't pay attention to these weapons. Bows and arrows are effective against ordinary people, even those who have been trained.

But for people in the rivers and lakes who come and go high and high, the effect is greatly reduced.

In particular, the Black Heart Tiger brought all the elite disciples from the Tiger Hall.

After two rounds of shooting, there were only about 27 or eight people, and there were casualties due to sudden incidents.

Among them, the unlucky ones who were directly shot to death on the spot were only twelve or three people.

The rest were just suffering from injuries of varying severity.

Although the arrow rain attack was fierce, it was tiring to deal with it, but there were masters in Black Heart Tiger's team.

The stellar energy was released, blocking a large rain of arrows, giving the people around them a chance to breathe, and using the arrows shot as hidden weapons, they kept shooting and killing the disciples of the Shocking Society hidden around them.

But at this moment, the sound of 'rumbling' was suddenly heard from the front and rear directions of the street.

(End of this chapter)

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