Get the Cloud Dispelling Palm at the start

Chapter 153: Eight Punches of the Divine Fist

Chapter 153
The man-eating tiger's kung fu is no less than that of the Screaming Mountain Tiger he faced outside Zuilixian in Jin'an City.

But he only made one move under Zhao Quan's hands, and died tragically on the spot.

Let the smiling tiger who performed lightness kung fu, wandered around, and was ready to launch a sneak attack with a hidden weapon at any time be shocked.

Just in the blink of an eye, Smiling Tiger saw Zhao Quan's icy eyes turned towards him.

On Smiling Tiger's chubby and kind face, the smile that had been hanging all year round suddenly froze.

He is the one with the best lightness kung fu among the eight tigers in Kaibei, and the one who is the best at concealed weapons.

Although the Winged Tiger is good at legwork, but in terms of lightness alone, it may not be able to compare with his smiling tiger.

But right in the middle of Xumi, Smiling Tiger felt a cold light shoot out.

The speed was so fast that he couldn't dodge at all.


A silver needle with a hollowed out tail pierced deeply into the neck of the smiling tiger.

The wound instantly turned into pitch black, a large mouthful of black blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground with eyes full of unwillingness to die.

This smiling tiger's light kung fu is quite good, although Zhao Quan didn't care about it, he didn't want to chase after him.

He also used hidden weapons to fight back.

He also had a pack of ice soul silver needles in his arms. Although Zhao Quan didn't know how to use hidden weapons, he wrapped it in Gang Qi and fired one at such a speed that even Smiling Tiger couldn't dodge it.

After easily killing the smiling tiger, Zhao Quanyun used Zong Phantom to attack the white-fronted tiger and spotted tiger who were besieging him with both palms.

Both of these two are good at hard work, and they have already achieved the point where the sword is added to the body, and the oily skin is not broken.

But in the face of Zhao Quan's ferocious palm force, it was still difficult to resist.

Gang Qi pierced through the bones, and immediately tore its internal meridians, the bones shattered, and there was a rattling sound.

The two of them were like a puddle of mud and died on the spot.

In an instant, four people were killed.

The bearded man in the back frowned again and again, and snorted angrily: "A bunch of trash!"

He knew that Zhao Quan was good at one technique of palming and one technique of boxing.

It is indeed extraordinary that the palm technique is strong and ethereal, but the cold and murderous fist technique is even better.

He just wanted to see Zhao Quan's martial arts moves, and fight against him after he was familiar with them.

In his mind, although Zhao Quan was a congenital master, he was just a beginner. The six tigers were all seasoned masters who had been in battle for a long time.

Although Zhao Quan cannot be defeated, it is still possible to test out the opponent's martial arts skills.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Quan just used the Cloud Dispelling Palm, and within a few breaths, he killed four people in a row.

In the blink of an eye, the six tigers were left with Black Heart Tiger and Blocking Tiger.

The bearded man knew that he had underestimated Zhao Quan, so he calmed down and said in a deep voice, "Get out of the way, both of you!"

At this time, the black heart tiger and the blocking tiger could be said to have already been drenched in cold sweat.

They are the Eight Tigers of the North, and they have been getting along day and night on weekdays, and they all know each other's roots.

But as soon as Zhao Quan made a move, he killed four people in a row, making them feel as powerless as a blade of grass in a storm. Maybe a gust of wind would blow them up and uproot them.

Hearing the bearded man speak out at this moment was really something they wished for. In their eyes, Zhao Quan was already a devil-like existence.

Hastily displayed the fastest speed in his life, and dodged to the side.

This big bearded man was Li Shentong's trusted old slave.

Since Li Shentong's debut, he has been serving him wholeheartedly by his side.

Li Shentong doesn't like power, but he also needs money to maintain his life and strength to settle trivial matters.

So the God Bull Gang was established. After the God Bull Gang grew rapidly, Li Shentong didn't care about it and handed it over to Wu Feng.

But he didn't completely trust Wu Feng.

This bearded man is the one who replaced Li Shentong to suppress the existence in the Shenniu Gang.

The purpose is to prevent the members of the gang from having two minds in their lives.

I saw a face full of beards, no wind to move, the muscles of the whole body were tense, and an extremely strong momentum spread out.

A trace of caution flashed in Zhao Quan's eyes. This person was the second innate master he faced after successfully advancing to the innate realm.

The first one is Li Shentong, who is invincible, tough and domineering, which left a deep impression on Zhao Quan.

This curly bearded man is obviously another innate master in the God Bull Gang.

There is no time to take care of dodging and retreating, such as black-hearted tigers and tigers standing in the way like hiding from the plague god.

Zhao Quan also stared at the bearded man.

The other party was equally burly, with a fine steel helmet on his face.

The messy beard covered most of the chin, giving people a wild feeling.

The bearded man did not wait long, but chose to take the lead.

The figure suddenly jumped up from the ground, and the strong energy shook the stone bricks under his feet into pieces of scattered gravel.

The majestic figure rushed towards Zhao Quan, his fists were clenched, and the muscles on his thick arms were twisted.


The bearded man is also good at martial arts with fists and feet, and he is best at "Shenquan Eight Fighters".

The first move is to drop a thousand catties to the ground.

Before the punch came, Gang Qi roared violently.

Even if Zhao Quandang could see that the boxing technique of this bearded man was also fierce.

Zhao Quan didn't take the punch head-on, but slipped his foot, and dodged it by walking on thin ice.

The tall and strong figure fell to the ground, and there was a surge of energy, gravel flew, and dust filled the air.

In front of Zhao Quan's bodyguard, the Gang Qi surged, blocking all the broken stones that came from him.

Through the dispersed dust, the tall and strong figure of the bearded man was locked.

But he only felt a gust of air whizzing towards him, followed by a punch from the bearded man.

But Zhao Quan no longer dodged, and struck out his palms like a cloud and rain, and he fought with the bearded man.

You back and forth between the two sides, and after about ten moves, the bearded man suddenly swept across with his iron arms, bringing unstoppable power.

It is the iron bolt horizontal door in the eight strikes of the gods!
But at this moment, the bearded man felt as if there were thousands of fine needles pricking his skin, and an extremely cold murderous aura permeated the surroundings.

Bursts of white mist rose, and at some point, the ground within a radius of three feet was covered with frost.

Frost embraces the moon!

After more than ten strokes with the bearded man, Zhao Quan has seen that he has studied his own palm technique and can always find restraint.

With the toughness of his own boxing, he confronted the fierceness of Paiyun Palm head-on.

For a while, Zhao Quan had no choice but to get him.

So he directly resorted to Tianshuang Fist.

After punching and punching, Zhao Quan was not to be outdone, after dispelling the big bearded man's move, he urged the true qi inside his body with all his strength, and the hard qi surged outside.

Frost and snow are flying!

The bearded man was in the middle of this punch, as if he was in the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month.

The endless cold wind whizzed past, and the frosty air was like maggots on tarsal bones, trying to get into the crevices of his bones, freezing his whole body completely.

Muscles were tense, Qi and blood in the body flowed violently, emitting surging heat from the inside out to counteract the frost-cold air emitted by Zhao Quan.

Eight strikes of the gods smash stones and smash jade!
The punch pierced through the heavy air, and the gray-white airflow dispelled the dispersed frosty cold air.

Collided with Zhao Quan's fist.

A wave of berserk energy centered on the two of them and spread violently to the surroundings.

Blowing out the frosty cold air that had originally diffused around the two of them.

On Linhu Avenue, the fighting is at a tragic time.

But suddenly there was only a loud noise, followed by a surge of air.

Everyone could only feel the surrounding temperature, which more than doubled in an instant.

I just felt that the exposed skin was a little tight from the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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