Chapter 188

Zhao Quan rubbed his chin, frowned slightly and said, "The important position of 28 Constellations must not be so easy to get."

"Two traitors appeared at once, and both of them are in the Northern Xuanwu Department."

Zhao Quan turned his head to look at Yang Wuxie, and said, "Wuxie, what do you think about this matter?"

A thoughtful look flashed in Yang Wuxie's eyes, and he said, "28 constellations sound like a lot, but they can be divided into four divisions, but each division has only seven people."

"Fewer people means strict requirements."

"However, compared to the other three departments, the Northern Xuanwu Department is the easiest to enter."

Zhao Quan said: "Oh? Why?"

Yang Wuxie said: "According to the data, the Qinglong Division is the main battle, and its members are all members with the highest martial arts in the Xingxiu Palace, their strength should not be underestimated."

"Again, it's not that easy to join."

"The chief killer of the Western White Tiger Division belongs to a special team, and the requirements for performing operations such as beheading are not low."

"The main detectives of the Suzaku Division in the south are all spies scattered around. They belong to the eyes of the Xingxiu Palace. Although they don't have strong requirements for martial arts, they have the highest requirements for personal qualities."

"Only the Northern Xuanwu Department is responsible for guarding the Xingxiu Palace."

"But now with the strength of Xingxiu Palace, it has been many years since I have encountered the crisis of being beaten to my lair."

"Besides, in the palace, there is also Xingxiu old fairy sitting in charge."

"Anyi will corrupt a person. After a long time, the Northern Xuanwu Department will inevitably have some names that do not match the reality."

Zhao Quan nodded: "If a person wants to attack Xingxiu Palace secretly, the Northern Xuanwu Department is the best entry point."

Afterwards, Zhao Quan asked Yang Wuxie to introduce some information about these four parts in detail.

He is now running a race against the Blood Cloud faction. Both parties know that the Nine Sons and Ghost Mother is in Qidi, and they will see who can find it first.

However, Zhao Quan could not ignore the strength of the Constellation Palace. The Southern Suzaku Department was in charge of scouting and collecting information, so its strength must not be underestimated.

They didn't discover the reason why the Nine Sons and Ghost Mother was hiding in Qidi, most likely it was because of the darkness under the lamp.

After all, according to ordinary people's thinking, they obtained the Promise Pill with painstaking efforts and scheming, but Xingxiu Palace did not dare to speak out about it.

That must be how far you have traveled.

The land of Shenzhou is so big, even if Xingxiu Palace belongs to the dominant power in Aolai Mansion, it is impossible for its tentacles to touch every mansion.

Wanting to find the mother of nine sons and ghosts is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

But no matter what, as long as the Nine Sons and Ghost Mother showed any signs of weakness, it was very likely to attract the attention of the Suzaku Department.

So she didn't leave the Aolai Mansion at all, but hid in the mountainous Qidi.

Qidi's geographical environment is indeed suitable for hiding.

It's just that although this method can hide it for a while, it can't hide it for a lifetime. Sooner or later, the Xingxiu Palace will find out the abnormality.

And the buffer time during this period is an opportunity for the Shocking Society and the Blood Cloud Sect.

As long as you can find the Nine Sons Ghost Mother in advance, and take the Promise Pill from her.

At that time, the strength will be greatly enhanced, directly increasing the skill of one Jiazi, and it can be regarded as the treasure of martial arts.

Everything must be prepared for the worst. In order to avoid attracting the Xingxiu Palace in the end, Zhao Quan still needs to know in advance who are the masters of the Xingxiu Palace.

And what characteristics do these masters have.

It's just that among the four, only the Eastern Qinglong Department has more detailed information, followed by the Northern Xuanwu Department.

As for the Western White Tiger Division, the information is already very vague, and as for the Southern Suzaku Division, it is almost nonexistent.

This incident cannot be blamed on Yang Wuxie and Sikong Zhaixing, after all, the spy department in the Shocking World Club has only been established for less than half a year.

Spy needs to develop slowly, this kind of thing takes time.

What's more, the opponent is a dominant force in a place like Xingxiu Palace.

Even though all the forces attached to the Shocking Society have shared intelligence information with the Shocking Society, Yang Wuxie then integrated and sorted out the intelligence data collected over the years left by them and the God Bull Gang.

But relying on their size, it is still impossible to know the specific information in the Constellation Palace.

After so many days, the Blood Cloud faction had already set up a perfect line of defense in Twelve City.

This line of defense is invisible to the naked eye, because it is not designed to defend against enemies on the bright side.

Its main function is like a fishing net, used to filter all kinds of rumors and information from Qidi.

Some that have been internally reviewed by the Blood Cloud Sect and confirmed to have no problems will continue to spread to the Northland.

After some internal review by the Blood Cloud Sect, those deemed more sensitive will be blocked.

This line of defense is established, and most people will not feel anything wrong.

But Zhao Quan has been paying close attention to all this for a long time. According to Yang Wuxie's data collation and analysis and comparison in the past few days, it is indeed a little less than the information collected before.

But it's not conspicuous. If you didn't know it a long time ago, it would be hard to realize that there is such a big net blocking the gate of the Northland, carefully screening the news.

And all the news and rumors heard by the Jianghu people and even the common people in the Northland were all intentionally put in by others so that they could know.

This alone will consume a lot of manpower and energy. In addition, the Blood Cloud Sect will also quietly dispatch a large number of people to search for the Nine Sons Ghost Mother in Qidi.

It is an extremely labor-intensive thing.

No wonder there is no time to attend the Shocking Meeting and avenge Ding Qi.

I don't know if Ding Qi's spirit in the sky will jump out of the coffin in anger if he finds out.

Although the Blood Cloud Sect has a large number of people, there is one thing that is inferior to the Shocking Society.

That is, Zhao Quan can know some future information, although there may be deviations.

But compared to the Blood Cloud faction's slow search in the huge Qidi, it is always better.

These days, Zhao Quan has been waiting for Sikong Zhaoxing to return.

But after waiting for so many days, there was no movement at all.

With his ability, it is reasonable to say that even if he encounters a dangerous situation, he can escape.

Because Sikong Zhaixing may not be very good at fighting the enemy, but his ability to hide and run is absolutely first-rate.

There should be no news for so long.

Just when Zhao Quan was a little impatient, Sikong Zhaixing finally returned to the main helm.

The first floor of Jingshi Building, the meeting hall.

Zhao Quan has called everyone to a meeting here.

As soon as they met, Sikong Zhaixing grinned and said, "Master, something is wrong!"

Zhao Quan frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Is there any accident?"

Sikong Zhaixing said: "The members of the Black Water Sect, together with the rest of the five mountains and eighteen caves, did not know what they did in Badwater Pool a few days ago, they made a unicorn!"

Zhao Quan frowned even tighter: "Kirin? Water unicorn?"

Sikong Zhaixing nodded and said: "That's right, that's right, I heard it's a water unicorn."

While talking, he sighed with emotion: "My God, it's incredible that this legendary beast actually exists."

Zhao Quan pursed his lips, he didn't expect that the Black Water Sect, who had been silent for so long, would make such a big event when it appeared.

He and Ye Gucheng once met that water unicorn in the back mountain of Qishan School.

That is an existence that even Ye Gucheng's Flying Immortal from Heaven cannot break through.

So he hurriedly said to Sikong Zhaixing: "What happened next?"

Sikong Zhaixing scratched his head and said: "Later, I heard that they had a battle with Shui Qilin at the edge of the Bad Water Pool, and there were heavy casualties, and that Shui Qilin also went into the Bad Water Pool and disappeared."

Gui Hai said with a sharp knife: "The boss asked you to find the Nine Sons Ghost Mother, not Shui Qilin, how is the business going?"

(End of this chapter)

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