Chapter 197
Seeing Kong Lun kneeling on the ground, Zhao Quan nodded in satisfaction.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero, you have made the right choice."

The Sea of ​​Tribulation has been opened, and supernatural powers are revealed.

I saw that Kong Lun's breathing was very strange at the moment, the exhalation was extremely short, but the inhalation was extremely deep and long, as if just one inhalation was going to absorb all the air around him.

Zhao Quan was a little surprised and said, "Oh? It turned out to be five supernatural powers. It seems that it should be the technique of ghost nose."

Then he said: "I accept you as a robbery slave, and there are countless benefits for you. If you feel this ghost nose robbery with your heart, you will know its magic."

"Practice in the future, and you will be able to appreciate the magic of Hei Tianshu even more. Maybe you will thank me then!"

Kong Lun had just experienced the power of Hei Tian Jie and learned the cruelty of the "Four Laws of Presence and Absence", but he didn't care what Zhao Quan said.

His eyes were full of ashes, and he kept silent, as if he had already accepted his fate.

Zhao Quan said: "I don't think you will want to taste the taste of Heitian Tribulation a second time."

"But don't worry, as long as you do your best for me, I won't treat you badly."

Kong Lun's voice was hoarse, but he still responded, "Of order, Master."

Zhao Quan smiled slightly and said, "Now, answer my previous question."

Kong Lun choked, but finally said: "Currently we are the only one in Yanmen Mountain in Qidi, but we have contacted Mr. Ma a few days ago, and Mr. Ma is also returning to Qidi at full speed."

Zhao Quan nodded and said, "Where is Xingxiu Palace?"

Kong Lun said: "The barriers set up by the Blood Cloud Sect in the Twelve Links City have hindered the transmission of news, but we have used a unique method, and I believe the news has reached the palace now."

Zhao Quan thought about it secretly. According to what Kong Lun said, the Xingxiu Palace forces currently in Qidi only have a small branch of Yanmen Mountain, the Suzaku Department.

No wonder he dared to take any action.

However, the news of Qidi had already broken through the blockade of the Blood Cloud Sect and passed it back to the Xingxiu Palace, so there was not much time left for Zhao Quan and the Blood Cloud Sect.

Based on the importance the old fairy Xingxiu attached to the Wuji Good Fortune Pill, I believe that the power of Xingxiu Palace will soon come to Qidi.

Zhao Quan said: "Since Xing Ri Ma has not yet arrived in Qidi, why do you have to let Bai Ruyu come back out of the rivers and lakes?"

Speaking of Bai Ruyu, Kong Lun felt his heart was hit hard.

He had been suppressed by Bai Ruyu since he was a child, and he felt resentful.

All kinds of unfair treatment afterwards made him even more resentful.

Today I had no choice but to look for Bai Ruyu, but failed again.

But at this time, he was even reduced to a robber slave, and he was under the control of Zhao Quan for eternity, and he was afraid that he would never be able to compare with Bai Ruyu.

After losing hope, Kong Lun seemed to accept his fate.

He opened his mouth and said, "Because we found that the Blood Cloud Sect was vaguely surrounding the Qishan Sect, and they were gazing at them. The mountain master was afraid that the Blood Cloud Sect would launch an attack in advance, and would take away the Wuji Good Fortune Pill."

"So I planned to send someone to infiltrate the Qishan Sect to find out the situation, but after thinking about it, there was no suitable candidate at all."

Zhao Quan said: "So you set your sights on Bai Ruyu?"

Kong Lun said: "Not bad."

Zhao Quan said: "Since this order was issued by your mountain lord, why do you say that Xingrima wants Bai Ruyu to return to the mountain?"

Kong Lun said: "Although the situation is critical this time, it is also an opportunity. If you can get back the Promise Pill before the old fairy of Xingxiu's law, you will definitely be able to win the favor of the old fairy and get a lot of rewards!"

"Besides, even if Mr. Ma knows about this, he will definitely agree with our actions."

Zhao Quan shook his head slightly, he couldn't agree with Kong Lun's opinion.

As one of the seven chiefs of the Suzaku Department, Xing Rima was able to convince the other chiefs to agree to Bai Ruyu's retreat, which shows that he really does not seem like an ordinary subordinate to Bai Ruyu.

If such a dangerous mission is successful, the credit is probably due to Bai Ruyu, not Kong Lun or the Lord of Yanmen Mountain.

And if it fails, and Bai Ruyu has three advantages and two disadvantages, then I am afraid that the entire Yanmen Mountain may have to be buried with him.

However, there is no need for Zhao Quan to explain these things to Kong Lun.

Zhao Quan said: "Okay, you can go back, as for what to say and what not to say, you are a smart person, I think you should know how to do it."

"In addition, if you don't want to suffer from the Heitian Tribulation again, don't forget your identity. If there is any latest situation, please report to me at any time."

Kong Lun is now under the control of others, no matter how Zhao Quan treats him, there is nothing he can do.

He could only lower his head, and said respectfully, "Yes."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, then waved his hand, indicating that Kong Lun could leave.

Looking at Kong Lun's lonely and desperate back, Zhao Quan stroked his chin.

This time it can be regarded as an unexpected harvest, being able to plant a secret agent in the Suzaku Department of the Constellation Palace will have immeasurable benefits for future actions.

And according to Kong Lun's information, Xingxiu Palace has not had time to react, which means they still have hope.

Now Zhao Quan once again gained the upper hand for the Blood Cloud faction.

After all, the Blood Cloud faction at this time didn't know anything about the fact that the Xingxiu Palace had learned about the events in Qidi, and they were still surrounding the Qishan faction like iron fools.

If Xingxiu Palace reacted, the old fairy Xingxiu would definitely smash Xue Yunzi's dog's head.

Ye Gucheng and Gui Hai stood behind Zhao Quan with a knife, at this time Ye Gucheng said: "Guangzhu, what should we do now."

Zhao Quan thought about it for a while, and then said: "Let's wait for Sikong's news first, and make other plans after he comes back."

Afterwards, Ye Gucheng and Guihai wiped away the traces of the abandoned residence, and followed Zhao Quan back to the inn.

The next day, at noon.

Zhao Quan finally received Sikong's signal.

So he brought Xuan Ming and the elders to the inn lobby.

The proprietress who was standing behind the counter was rubbing her head while looking at the account book.

Suddenly noticed Zhao Quan and others coming downstairs, looked up and said, "Brother Zhao, who are you?"

Zhao Quan said: "We are leaving."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of silver from his pocket and threw it to the proprietress.

Seeing the silver, the proprietress immediately grasped it in the air with sharp eyesight and quick hands. After carefully distinguishing the real and fake weights, she put it into her arms with a smile on her face.

Said: "Oh, brother Zhao, we are old acquaintances, why are you so polite."

Zhao Quan laughed, and said: "Since staying in the hotel is a guest, these are all as it should be, but I think you are not in good spirits just now, what happened?"

Zhao Quan spoke out to confirm whether the proprietress knew what happened yesterday.

The proprietress rubbed her head when she heard the words, and said in confusion, "I've been feeling dizzy since I woke up this morning, and I don't know what happened."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, thinking in his heart that it seemed that the proprietress didn't know what happened yesterday, and she didn't even know that she was kidnapped by Kong Lun.

So he said: "It must be due to poor rest, the lady boss can recover if she pays more attention."

Then he said: "That's it, we left now. If Brother Bai asks, I hope the proprietress will help pass it on."

(End of this chapter)

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