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Chapter 200 Returning to the Qishan Sect

Chapter 200 Returning to the Qishan Sect

Under Shouyang Peak, after passing the mountain gate, there are layers of white jade steps.

Looking up, I don't know where it stretches to.

Some people even say that the white jade steps have a total of 99 steps.

Stepping into the mountain gate and climbing the stone steps, it is regarded as entering the territory of the Qishan sect.

And the person who lives above this Yangfeng Peak is the head of the Qishan School, Baili Jinglong.

Baili Jinglong is also a household name in Qidi, and he inherited the Qishan School from his father.

It even carried forward in his own hands and became the strongest sect in Qidi in one fell swoop.

In the originally stretching Qishan Mountains, there were many sects fighting each other.

But they were all suppressed by the Qishan faction led by Baili Jinglong, and they were completely subordinated to the Qishan faction.

Some time ago, Baili Jinglong used his faction to fight against Wushan Shibadong.

Although the two sides suffered casualties, in general, the Qishan faction is better than the five mountains and eighteen caves.

If it weren't for the bandits in the five mountains and eighteen caves who were good at hiding in the forest, they would have been eradicated by Qishan sent.

Because of this, Baili Jinglong's reputation in Qidi reached a new high.

Become the well-deserved righteous leader in Qidi.

At this time, in front of the mountain gate under Shouyang Peak, there was a person standing proudly.

This person is tall and tall, with steel wristbands tied to his arms, wearing a blue blouse, and a dark red cloak fluttering in the wind behind him.

There was neither sorrow nor joy on Yingwu's face, he looked forward intently, and what he saw was the white jade steps stretching into the distance.

Lifting his steps lightly, Zhao Quan stepped onto the stone steps.

Like a gust of wind blowing, if someone looked at Zhao Quan at this time, they would feel like a flower in front of them.

Looking at Zhao Quan again, his figure has already stepped out of dozens of stone steps.

In this way, Zhao Quan stepped up the stone steps step by step, but it only took a stick of incense to reach the top of Shouyang Peak.

At this time, there was a person standing in place on the peak, waiting quietly.

The mountain gate of the Qishan sect looked as if there was no one there, but how could there be no guards.

But it's all hidden in the dark.

Because Zhao Quan had lived in the Qishan School for a while, and had friendship with Baili Huanzhu, Xi Yulong and Hu Qing, the guards hiding in the dark did not show up to drive Zhao Quan away.

Instead, he secretly informed the true disciples on the peak.

At this time, the seven disciples of the Qishan Sect greeted Zhao Quan at the gate.

This person has a big face in the shape of an eggplant, and there are pockmarks like sesame seeds on it.

So although his real name is Sun Yuankui, everyone who knows him calls him Maziqi.

Zhao Quan stepped forward, cupped his hands to Sun Yuankui and said, "Brother Sun, long time no see."

Although Sun Yuankui didn't know what Zhao Quan was doing here, but he had a relationship with Baili Huanzhu and was quite enthusiastic about him.

Immediately smiled and said: "Brother Zhao is here this time, but he is looking for Junior Sister?"

Zhao Quan nodded and said, "That's right, I came here just for Xiao Zhu."

Although Zhao Quan must protect the Qishan faction from being exterminated due to his mission, he must not tell Baili Jinglong the truth about the Nine Sons and Ghost Mother.

So when Zhao Quan came, he had already thought of the reason.

It was because she was concerned about Baili Huanzhu, that's why she made a special trip here to protect her safety.

Sun Yuankui said: "Although my junior sister has been lifted from the foot restraint, she still can only move around in the courtyard. During this time, she has caused us a lot of trouble. If she knows that you are here, she will be very happy."

"I'll take you to find my junior sister right now."

After speaking, he led Zhao Quan to the door.

As Zhao Quan walked, he said, "Brother Sun, the Blood Cloud Sect's wolves are ambitious and intend to invade Qidi. I don't know what unusual things have been discovered recently?"

Hearing this, Sun Yuankui snorted coldly, and said angrily, "This Blood Cloud faction really doesn't know what to say! The good Northland lair will not stay here, and insists on going to Qidi to make trouble!"

"They thought they were concealed enough, and they didn't think about how our Qishan faction has been here for hundreds of years, so how could it be impossible to find them?"

"It's just that these guys don't know what's brewing, they are surrounded by flies like flies, but they don't have any follow-up actions."

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows slightly, he had already guessed that the Qishan faction would definitely be able to find the blood cloud faction.

After all, this is the Qishan faction's home field.

So he continued to ask: "Oh? I don't know how the head of Baili plans to deal with it?"

Sun Yuankui shrugged and said, "I don't know about that."

Saying that, he turned his head to look at Zhao Quan, as if wanting to comfort him, and said, "Brother Zhao, I've already learned about you, so don't be discouraged. If you become the son-in-law of our Qishan faction, I think that blood Yunpai dare to touch you? I, Sun Yuankui, will be the first to say no!"

Zhao Quan let out a laugh, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much, brother Sun."

Sun Yuankui waved his hand and said: "Where is it, you and Xiaozhu are in love with each other, we will become a family sooner or later."

But the last sentence, Sun Yuankui kept it in his heart and didn't say it, that is: "But the premise is to pass the test of Master."

Not long after, Zhao Quan, led by Sun Yuankui, came to the other courtyard belonging to Baili Huanzhu.

When he left last time, Baili Huanzhu was imprisoned here, and it was Sun Yuankui who was guarding the entrance of the courtyard at that time.

Zhao Quan didn't force him, so he left without saying goodbye. As a result, Baili Huanzhu quietly escaped again.

I wanted to go to the north to look for Zhao Quan, but was accidentally kidnapped by the long-planned Blackwater Sect.

Later, in the black shop of the post station, it was planned to be auctioned to Wushan Shibadong, but it happened to be bumped into by Zhao Quan.

So he was rescued.

It was also this opportunity that Baili Jinglong launched an offensive on Wushan Shibadong, intending to take this opportunity to uproot them in one fell swoop.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Sun Yuankui shouted: "Little Junior Sister, look who I brought you!"

Zhao Quan looked forward, and saw that the other courtyard was exquisitely decorated, with mountains and rivers.

And beside the rockery, there is a swing.

At this time, Baili Huanzhu, who was wearing a white dress, was sitting on the swing, shaking slightly.

However, his head was raised upwards, his eyes looked at the blue sky, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Suddenly hearing Sun Yuankui's shout, Baili Huanzhu was taken aback, and instinctively turned his head to look.

They met Zhao Quan who was standing at the gate of the courtyard.

In an instant, Baili Huanzhu only felt sore in his nose, and his eyes began to heat up.

He suddenly jumped off the swing and ran towards Zhao Quan.

Baili Huanzhu is not big, it just reaches around Zhao Quan's chin.

At this time, he flew forward and directly plunged into Zhao Quan's arms, wrapping his arms around his waist, embracing him tightly, refusing to let go.

Although Sun Yuankui has a strange appearance and doesn't have much extra effort in his behavior, he is not stupid either.

How can I not see the situation at this moment, I'm afraid it's not suitable for him to continue to stay.

So he backed away quietly and left the sour-smelling place.

After a while, Baili Huanzhu reluctantly raised his head from Zhao Quan's arms.

Tears hung on her delicate face, her eyes were reddish, her mouth was puckered, and she said, "Old Zhao, I miss you so much!"

Zhao Quan also smiled slightly, and stroked Baili Huanzhu's cheek with his right hand, wiping away the dripping tears.

Said: "Aren't I here?"

(End of this chapter)

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