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Chapter 227 Siege of the Water Kylin

Chapter 227 Siege of the Water Kylin
Xinyuehu dodged to hide, but saw a stream of cold spray from Shui Qilin's nostrils.

The cold current invaded, covering Xinyuehu in an instant, and even the protective energy was blown away in an instant.

It made her feel as if her whole body was frozen and unable to move.

In the end, he had no choice but to force the true energy in his body to forcefully raise the sword and block it in front of him.

Although it doesn't have much protective effect, it is better than nothing.

Xinyuehu can be selected into the Qinglong Division, so he is naturally a very good master in actual combat.

And in Aolai Mansion, the Constellation Palace is a unique powerful force, and the Qinglong Department is the main battle department in the palace.

The seven ministers can all be regarded as pivotal figures.

Naturally, there is a lot of arrogance in my heart.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy, so he decided to kill the water unicorn first, open its stomach, and look for the Wuji Creation Pill that it swallowed.

They felt that they had already paid enough attention to the water unicorn.

But in fact it is still far from enough.

The power of the water unicorn is beyond Xinyuehu's imagination.

It was just a short contact, and it produced an unparalleled oppressive force.

With one move of greedy for merit, he almost ruined his good years under the iron hooves of the gods and beasts of heaven and earth.

Xinyuehu could even imagine what would happen if he was hit by a hoof and his bones were broken.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly approached quickly, and rescued Xinyuehu before Shui Qilin.

This person is Jishuibao.

Ji Shui Leopard's actual combat ability is not as good as Tai Huo Hu's, but his lightness skills are extremely high, especially good at explosive power.

Standing on the watchtower, Zhao Quan was not only watching the excitement, but also evaluating the combat effectiveness of these ministers in his heart.

Then compare it with yourself and your subordinates.

After seeing Jishui Leopard's lightness kung fu, a gleam flashed in his eyes, this person's lightness kung fu was almost on par with his.

After Zhao Quan got the Fengshen Leg, his strength increased greatly for a time, and he relied on this superb kick technique.

Not only is his lightness skill superb, but he also has a good attack power.

Naturally, one knows how much a masterful lightness kung fu can increase for those who practice martial arts.

On the other side, Jishuibao rescued Xinyuehu at a critical moment, and Tailhuohu stepped up immediately.

This person is also good at boxing, and his pair of iron fists are powerful.

Although he couldn't hurt the water unicorn, he was able to temporarily hold it back.

On the other side, Ditu raccoon rushed to Xinyuehu's side, used acupuncture techniques, and after entering the true energy, Xinyuehu's body that was frozen due to the cold current improved instantly.

In just a few breaths, he regained his fighting ability.

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows. When fighting against the water unicorn, Ditu raccoon didn't show much strength.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that emergency healing to get rid of negative states is his forte.

Rubbing his chin, Zhao Quan thought to himself, why does it always feel like they are teaming up to fight the boss, while I am lurking in the dark trying to grab the head?
However, the four people who got serious cooperated with each other, and the previous accident did not happen again.

With the restraint of five hundred elite disciples, he was on par with Shui Qilin for a while.

It's a pity that none of them has a magic weapon in their hands, and they can't break through the scales of the water unicorn.

Zhao Quan looked a little anxious, as long as Shui Qilin could be injured and bleed, his calculation this time would be considered to have achieved his goal.

The water kylin became more and more manic, roaring again and again, and then saw a cloud of mist spreading.

It diffused instantly, and Xinyuehu's beautiful eyes were full of surprise, and then looked down, and his long sword was covered with a layer of white frost.

And those elite members of the Azure Dragon Division were just like what Xinyuehu encountered just now. As long as they were shrouded in cold fog, their whole bodies would become stiff and unable to move at all.

And Shui Qilin took the opportunity to jump into the crowd.

Wantonly turned on the unparalleled mowing mode.

Although there are many of these guys that can only reach its belly, they are all slippery.

Except for letting it kill a lot at the beginning, it can no longer cause too many casualties at one time.

Always circling around him, hitting and failing to hit, and occasionally killing one or two, it really made Shui Qilin feel irritable.

It's okay now, each of them is frozen in place, unable to move.

Shui Qilin snorted, stomped on a member of the staff's chest cavity with a step of iron hoof, and immediately a large amount of blood gushed out.

As soon as it appeared, it was frozen by the icy air and turned into dark red ice crystals.

With a sweep of its tail, five or six people were swept away.

Originally, due to the extreme cold, the body was frozen and became very fragile.

At this time, a strong force swept across, directly separating their limbs.

It fell to the ground and turned into a broken corpse, but not a drop of blood flowed out.

Because in mid-air, the broken wound was already frozen.

Xinyuehu felt that his hand holding the sword was too stiff to move, and a burning pain began to appear on his innocent and pretty face.

She knew it was the result of frostbite on her face.

This gust of cold mist came too fast, a series of accidents happened in an instant, and even the Jishui Leopard and Tail Fire Tiger didn't have time to react.

Just as the water unicorn jumped high and pressed down on three or five members of the tribe, suddenly two figures appeared, piercing the center of the water unicorn's iron hoof.

A gleam of brilliance suddenly flashed in Zhao Quan's eyes from the observation tower in the distance, and he looked carefully.

These two people moved extremely fast, the timing of their appearance and the angle of their shots were all perfect and impeccable.

Even the water unicorn had no time to react, and was stabbed in the center of the iron hoof by two sharp weapons.


The water unicorn's hooves are extremely hard all around, but relatively soft in the center.

It was actually the two White Tiger Department chiefs who had been hiding all this time, watching all the time, and only now did they brazenly act.

As soon as he shot, he hit a weak point of the water unicorn.

These two people are Lou Jingou and Xihuohou from the White Tiger Division.

However, how could Shui Qilin be easy to get along with? This blow didn't really hurt Shui Qilin, but it really made it completely angry.

After a roar, he heard 'Crack! 'Two voices.

It turned out that the sharp blades in the hands of Lou Jingou and Xi Huohou were trampled off by Shui Qilin.

But the iron hoof stepped straight down with a violent momentum.

Xihuohou was extremely fast and dodged it, but Lou Jingou was not so lucky.

There was only time to cross his hands and block them in front of his chest.

With a sound, the iron hoof stepped down, and the protective energy was broken without any delay.

The two forearm bones suddenly shattered.

The whole person also flew out and knocked down three Qinglong tribe members before stopping his figure.

Tail Fire Tiger arrived first, and slammed Shui Qilin with a pair of iron fists.

However, he was kicked suddenly by Shui Qilin's hind legs, and his body turned sharply so that he was not kicked away, but the attack was also resolved.

At this time, due to the cold fog just now, the flames surrounding Badwater Pool had almost extinguished.

The fire is very weak.

On land, the water unicorn can only display one-third of its abilities at most.

So it suddenly jumped in place, and wanted to go back to the Badwater Pool.

(End of this chapter)

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