Get the Cloud Dispelling Palm at the start

Chapter 251 Dragon Elephant Breakthrough

Chapter 251 Dragon Elephant Breakthrough
In one afternoon, there were more than a dozen natural and earthly treasures over a century old piled up in front of Zhao Quan.

However, most of them are only more than 100 years old, and there are only four more than 200 years old.

They are two 240-year-old ginseng, one 280-year-old Andrographis paniculata, and one 200-year-old Poria cocos.

Zhao Quan looked at the treasures of heaven and earth in the wooden box, but frowned slightly: "The tallest one is only 280 years old. Can't you find any ones that are more than 300 years old in the entire Qianshan City?"

Yang Wuxie stood beside her and said, "These are already the treasures of the major drugstores in the city."

Zhao Quan said: "Continue to search, send a letter to Lao Zuo and other forces attached to us, find them all for me!"

Yang Wuxie cupped her hands and said, "Yes, this subordinate will do it now."

After Yang Wuxie resigned, Zhao Quan reached out and picked up a Poria cocos fruit, like swallowing a jujube whole, threw it into his mouth, chewed it casually, and swallowed it.

These treasures of heaven, material and earth can all exist as important medicine references, and most of them are treasured by medicine shops.

But it is also extremely useful for those who practice martial arts. The large amount of energy contained in it can enhance the skills of those who practice martial arts.

For example, the poria cocos fruit that Zhao Quan swallowed casually at this time, if a person of the acquired fourth level can withstand the impact of the drug's effect, he can directly raise one level to reach the acquired fifth level.

If you think you can't bear the impact of the medicinal effects of eating natural materials and earth treasures raw, you can also combine them with other medicinal materials to refine them into ointments or liquid medicines.

In this way, the effect of the medicine can be eased, which can also enhance the skill, but it is inevitable that the medicine will lose its power during the refining process, so it is not as effective as eating it raw.

A tuckahoe fruit entered the stomach, and soon turned into a warm current in Zhao Quan's body.

This warm current is the acquired essence of Poria cocos fruit in Zhao Quan's body.

Zhao Quan savored it carefully, and this Poria fruit alone was almost equivalent to the big pile of meat he ate in the morning.

Zhao Quan hurriedly exercised his kung fu to control it, transforming the increased acquired essence into congenital essence.

The original warm current instantly turned into a trace, and then melted into the lower burner along the meridians.

Zhao Quan nodded in satisfaction, but did not continue to devour the rest of the other genius treasures.

Instead, store it for now.

This is the beauty of power, Zhao Quan only needs one word, and despite all the difficulties, there will naturally be his subordinates to help him find enough geniuses and treasures.

If Zhao Quan was just a lone ranger, just looking for enough genius treasures would allow him to walk in the deep mountains and old forests day and night for ten years.

For the next few days, Zhao Quan spent most of his time practicing cloud palm by the lake.

Zhao Quan is quite familiar with the first eleven moves, but the last one is still almost meaningless.

He knew earlier that the No.12 style is gloomy and gloomy, the focus is no longer on the word worry, nor on the word miserable, but on a light word.

But Zhao Quan has a strong utilitarian mind, and he has a clear purpose in doing things.

It's hard to be calm, to be truly indifferent.

At this time, geniuses and land treasures collected from all over the world have already begun to gather in Qianshan City's Shocking World Headquarters.

For these geniuses and treasures, Zhao Quan was bleeding a lot this time.

You know, a century-old ginseng needs a full 200 taels of silver.

These silver can fully support the food and clothing of an ordinary family of ordinary people for several years.

And on the second floor, the wooden boxes stacked together to hold the genius treasures are more than one meter high.

During this period, a small episode occurred.

That was the bet between Zhu Ting and Bao Zhengye.

Three days passed, and as expected, Zhu Ting created a wooden figure about two meters long.

It can not only walk, but also move its head and arms, but its movements are too stiff and slow.

According to Zhu Ting himself, this is because the time given to him is too short. If he is given enough time, he can create a mechanism puppet that is no different from a real person.

At that time, it will be as simple as moving, walking, and even fighting with people. Five or six strong men will not be opponents.

His strength is roughly equivalent to the realm of martial arts at the second level of Houtian, but he is not afraid of being injured. A wooden body can be invulnerable even if he is at the fourth level of acquired strength.

Faced with this situation, Bao Zhengye was of course convinced of the defeat, and immediately kneeled three times and kowtowed nine times to Zhu Ting, and performed the ceremony of apprenticeship.

Zhu Ting was quite proud at first, but Bao Zhengye felt a little regretful after the teacher apprentice ceremony.

He doesn't like to be surrounded by someone who is lagging behind.

But one is that Bao Zhengye has already made a big gift, so he can't go back on his word.

The other one is that Zhao Quan once said that he should lead Bao Zhengye, so Zhu Ting had no choice but to accept it reluctantly, and tried to train him into a real talent to serve as his deputy.

A crude mechanism wooden man was created, just when Zhu Ting was going to take Bao Zhengye to go deeper and light up the skill tree of mechanism puppet.

But Zhao Quan stopped him.

Zhao Quan asked him to let go of the mechanism puppets first, and temporarily focus on mechanism equipment and mechanism traps, and strengthen the defensive force within the gang.

There are also three key buildings, the Shocking Building, Tianji Pavilion, and Tianxiawu Pavilion. They all need to install some mechanism structures to facilitate access, and mechanism traps to prevent foreign enemies from invading.

Five days later, Zhao Quan's cloud-dispelling palm No. 12 still didn't make much progress. On the contrary, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu has improved a level.

He would set aside an hour every day to practice Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu and Great Ziyang Hand, which never stopped.

But Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu became more and more difficult as it went on. Since the last time he broke through the tenth level, Zhao Quan was trapped in this bottleneck and hadn't let go for a long time.

Perhaps because of the influence of the Promise Pill and the Qilin Arm, the bottleneck of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu has been loosened.

After this period of unremitting practice, I finally broke through the bottleneck and reached the unprecedented No.11 level.

It has the great power of eleven dragons and eleven elephants.

Now even if Zhao Quan didn't use his real qi, but only relied on his physical strength to strike with all his strength, he still had a huge strength of tens of thousands of catties.

Ordinary masters will surely die if they touch it!

But in contrast to the unexpected breakthrough of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, the practice of Tian Jue Di Mie Da Zi Yang Hand was not smooth.

Zhao Quan's entire right arm was transformed into a unicorn arm by unicorn blood. The skin is so tough that it can't be hurt by swords and swords.

But only the right hand can no longer continue to practice Da Ziyang hand.

Because as long as Zhao Quan mobilized the yang evil energy in his body and entered the right arm meridian, it would be extremely painful.

There was a fierce conflict between the yang evil spirit and the unicorn arm, and they could not coexist peacefully at all.

The yang evil energy can't even reach the right hand, so how can you continue to refine it?

Not to mention cultivating to the realm of Dacheng.

Zhao Quan had no choice but to specialize in his left hand.

But after spending all his thoughts on his left hand, the progress of Da Ziyang's hand was much faster than before.

(End of this chapter)

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