Chapter 256

Zhao Quan stood by the window lost in thought.

Carefully appreciate the story that Mo Wuqing told him before.

What she said was very general, and the basic details were completely hidden, but Zhao Quan could still feel the desolation in it.

In fact, Mo Wuqing and Zhao Quan are the same kind of people, they both have strong desires.

Mo Wuqing may have a very strong desire for life because of his miraculous birth.

Even though she has experienced so much, she still maintains a heart to survive in the face of no matter how difficult the environment is.

On this basis, Mo Wuqing can quickly restore a good attitude to any situation he falls into, and deal with it calmly.

The pavilion that Mo Wuqing chose was built behind the main rudder. Looking out from the window, you can see the rolling Lianjing Mountains not far away.

The noisy wind blows in from the broken window.

Lifting up the corner of Zhao Quan's robe also brought along Mo Wuqing's silvery white hair standing behind him.

"Is the master worried?"

Zhao Quan sighed slightly, and said: "I have experienced a lot, but I still can't take it lightly."

After all, people are different.

Zhao Quan asked Qi Xishuang and Mo Wuqing, and got their own answers.

They also brought a little inspiration to Zhao Quan.

But in the end, it still couldn't be fully applied to oneself.

Even in the original book, Bu Jingyun experienced one incident after another, and it was not until a long time later that he finally realized the true meaning of this gloomy cloud.

In fact, this move is divided into two realms, the first realm is the realm of 'sorrow' and 'misery', which is also Xiongba's understanding of this move.

At the beginning, Xiong Ba hid his secrets and did not teach this move to Bu Jingyun, but later Bu Jingyun learned this move secretly.

After fighting against the Holy King, Bu Jingyun has reached the essence of the esoteric meaning of this move, discarding 'sad' and 'miserable', and reached the second level, which is the state of 'light'.

However, even if Zhao Quan knew all this, there was nothing he could do.

In this world, there are always questions that can't be solved even if people know the answer.

Because Zhao Quan could neither experience 'sorrow' and 'misery', nor could he make his mind reach the state of 'light'.

Suddenly, Zhao Quan glanced at Mo Wuqing who was beside him. If it was her, she might have hoped to comprehend the true meaning of this move.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhao Quan suppressed the thought in his heart of teaching this palm technique to Mo Wuqing.

She is different from all his other slave robbers, she is an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, Zhao Quan instinctively wants to keep a hand on her.

At this moment, Mo Wuqing said: "Outsiders can't control the state of mind, only you can understand it."

"But the servant girl knows a trick."

There was a gleam of light in Zhao Quan's eyes, he stared at Mo Wuqing and said, "What method?"

He doesn't have to fully master this No.12 palm technique, but now he needs to fully master the Paiyun Palm in order to blend with its innate essence.

At this time, the No.12 palm technique became the biggest obstacle.

Even if it is only temporarily mastered, it doesn't matter if you can no longer use this style after you complete the integration with the innate essence.

Mo Wuqing said: "There are many rare and rare fruits in this world, and this servant girl knows that there is such a fruit of forgetting love. It is rumored that as long as you eat this fruit, you can forget your past and present lives and reach the state of 'no form and no self' as taught by Buddhism. .”

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows slightly, if what Mo Wuqing said was true, then this Wangqing fruit could really be regarded as a rare and rare fruit.

In this world, all kinds of plants that are commonly seen, such as ginseng and deer antler, can be regarded as natural treasures as long as they have been around for a hundred years.

It contains the natural power of heaven and earth, which can be used as medicine to treat chronic diseases and restore injuries.

Swallowing can absorb the energy in it to achieve the effect of enhancing skills.

In addition, there are rare and exotic fruits, such as the ice spirit fruit that Mo Wuqing spent a lot of money to buy to lure the water unicorn.

There is also the fruit of Wangqing mentioned at this time.

This kind of rare fruit is naturally considered a kind of natural treasure, but it is more precious than those ginseng and deer antlers.

But this Wangqing fruit was too effective for Zhao Quan.

Buddhism talks about no appearance and no self, which means that there is no appearance of self, no appearance of human beings, no appearance of sentient beings, and no appearance of life.

My appearance refers to the external appearance of clinging to the 'real self'.

Human appearance refers to the external appearance that regards the self of the six realms of reincarnation as a real existence.

The appearance of all beings refers to the body of all living beings born according to the five aggregates (form, feeling, thought, action, and consciousness) as real existence.

Shouzhexiang refers to the appearance that takes the time limit of the life of the false appearance as the real existence.

As the saying goes, seeing all appearances and non-appearances is to see the Tathagata.

This is a realm of Buddhism.

But it can be regarded as indirectly achieving the "light" state that Zhao Quan requested.

But if Zhao Quan really swallowed the fruit of Wangqing, would it be so important to him whether he could achieve three-point return?

Is the ambition to have more power, more power, still that important?

Is the shocking event still that important?
Is it even that important to be alive?

Zhao Quan shook his head and said, "The side effects are too strong, so it's not suitable for me."

Mo Wuqing continued: "In this world, where there is loss, there is gain, and where there is yin, there must be yang."

"Where poisonous snakes haunt, there must be antidote herbs nearby."

"Tianshan snow lotus with twin flowers, as long as there are female flowers, there must be male flowers around."

"This Wangqing fruit is no exception. The flesh can make people forget their feelings, but the core can teach people to remember their feelings. If the owner swallows both the flesh and the core at the same time, the instant the two interweave, the owner can achieve 'lightness' for a short time. ' state of mind."

Hearing this, Zhao Quan's heart was slightly moved.

To Mo Wuqing said: "This fruit must be very precious, if you want to look for it, you don't know when you will find it."

Mo Wuqing smiled coquettishly, and said: "Master, if the servants don't know the whereabouts of this fruit, how dare they recommend it to the master?"

Zhao Quan was surprised and said, "Oh? Do you know where there is this Wangqing fruit?"

Mo Wuqing nodded and said, "Not bad."

Zhao Quan said, "Where is it?"

She didn't make a fool of herself, and said directly: "Xiuyang Mansion, Qingguan Town."

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows, Xiuyang Mansion and Aolai Mansion are connected, the distance is not too far.

The place where the Shocking Society is located is the central part of the Northland of Aolai Mansion.

If you continue to go west, you can enter the realm of Xiuyang Mansion.

It's just that this love is in Guanzhen, but Zhao Quan doesn't know where it is.

Mo Wuqing didn't have any strongholds in the past, and he mostly wandered in the rivers and lakes, so he has a good understanding of various prefectures.

Zhao Quan asked her, "Where is this Qingguan town?"

Mo Wuqing couldn't guess what Zhao Quan was thinking, and replied directly: "Based on the distance of the two of us, seven days are enough to go back and forth."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, and said without delay: "Departure tomorrow."

After saying that, he went straight out of the pavilion.

After having a goal, Zhao Quan felt that his mood, which was originally full of gloom, became much more cheerful in an instant.

He stopped wandering around and went straight back to Jingshi Building.

Unexpectedly, just as he came to the front of the building, he saw Yang Wuxie standing in front of the door.

Judging by his appearance, it seems that he has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Zhao Quan returning, Yang Wuxie hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Master, something is wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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