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Chapter 277 3 Saturated Shang

Chapter 277 Three Saturated Shang
Zhao Quan had never seen so many monks.

The three of them set off from Jiangjiu Town and rushed at full speed. It didn't take long for them to arrive at Qingguan Town.

Qingguan Town is smaller than Jiangjiu Town, and there is not even a organized gang force in the town.

There are only a few thousand townspeople living an unpretentious life here.

However, during this period of time, the peace in the town was completely broken.

Because from outside the town, a group of monks came one after another.

These monks were the Buddhist forces in Xiuyang Mansion who had been invited by the Wangqing Temple.

Because the time for holding the Water and Land Ceremony has not been set before the arrival.

So these Buddhist forces have to wait for a few days.

However, Wangqing Temple is not big, and there are not enough rooms to accommodate these monks.

So they can only come to Qingguan Town, looking for a dwelling to stay.

The three of Zhao Quan were walking on the streets of Qingguan Town, and they could see a lot of bald heads coming and going.

Wearing all kinds of monk's robes and cassocks, some acquaintances will call a Buddha's name when they meet, and greet each other politely.

Along the way, Zhao Quan saw not only monks, but also nuns.

But he never saw such a scene in Aolai Mansion.

I didn't expect to see so many great monks not far from Aolai Mansion.

That big bald head shining under the sun can really blind people's eyes.

Zhao Quan said to Shang Qing: "Where did you meet Master Yixin?"

Shang Qing looked at the monks coming and going on the street, but he felt a little troubled.

Pursing his lips, he said, "Yixin just said that I should meet him in Qingguan Town, but I didn't expect that there are so many monks here."

Zhao Quan saw a tea shop by the side of the road, so he found a table and sat down to rest for the time being.

He said to Shang Qing: "You go and find out first, the reality of the Wangqing Temple."

Shang Qing is also an old Jianghu, nodded directly, and aimed at the owner of the tea shop.

The boss could tell that he was a native of Qingguan Township, and he opened a tea shop. People come and go on weekdays, and the news is more well-informed.

Shang Qing didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped forward to circle the road.

And Mo Wuqing made a pot of tea for Zhao Quan, and just took a sip, when he saw a monk in tattered cassock walking over.

Zhao Quan could see that the monk's target was himself.

He raised his eyebrows, observed for a while, and found that although the monk was fat and big-eared, he was quite kind-hearted. Although his outfit wasn't very good, he looked more like an eminent monk.

The monk walked up to Zhao Quan, pretending to be surprised, and looked up and down.

Couldn't help but tsk tsk.

Zhao Quan frowned slightly, and Mo Wuqing saw this, so he wanted to take the lead and drive away this weird monk for Zhao Quan.

But suddenly the monk sighed in shock: "No, no, this benefactor, you have a spiritual light emanating from the sky, do you know?"

"At a young age, you have a well-trained body. You are like a once-in-a-century martial arts prodigy. If you can get through Ren Du's second vein one day, you won't fly to heaven!"

"As the saying goes: I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

Then, he took out a book from his bosom, and said to Zhao Quan: "I have a peerless secret book here, I only charge you ten taels of silver, and I will sell it to you cheaply!"

Rao even Zhao Quan felt a little speechless, picked his ears, and thought to himself: "Why do these words sound familiar?"

Then he looked down at the secret book in the monk's hand, and saw four large characters written on it!

--"Buddha's Palm"!
Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't know what to call Master?"

The monk chuckled and said, "The poor monk has three meals."

Zhao Quan said: "Three treasures?"

The monk waved his hand and said, "No, it's three full meals a day."

Zhao Quan smiled and said, "Interesting."

Taking the cheat book in his hand, he flipped through it casually.

With Zhao Quan's current eyesight, how could he fail to see that this cheat book is completely bluffing.

There is not even a word in it, all are pictures, the exercise route is against common sense, and the meridians are marked with obvious errors.

As long as you dare to practice, you will definitely end up in a state of madness.

It looks decent, but it can only fool ordinary people.

How could he be fooled by a congenital peak expert like Zhao Quan.

In Zhao Quan's view, the monk was just cheating.

After all, in Jianghu, there are actually many people who behave like this.

Among these people, most of them would choose to pretend to be Taoist priests or monks.

After all, monks are generally the easiest to give people the illusion of being a master.

Throwing the Tathagata God's Palm on the table casually, said: "I'm not interested in your cheats, let's go before my patience wears off."

The three saturated monks didn't care about Zhao Quan's threat, he laughed and said: "Since the benefactor has read the poor monk's secret book, it means that we have a destiny, and you have to buy it even if you don't want to buy it."

Mo Wuqing sneered and said, "Buying and selling by force is on our hands?"

But all of a sudden, he saw a three-centimeter-long thin needle in his chubby hand with a wave of his big sleeve.

The eyes of Zhao Quan and Mo Wuqing suddenly glowed, and they both showed fear.

Mo Wuqing was originally a member of the demon way, and he had acted recklessly in the past. Seeing that this monk dared to threaten them.

Dang even shot directly, intending to kill him.

But he didn't expect this monk to hide his secrets and catch the hidden weapon flying needle sent by Mo Wuqing.

Zhao Quan was shocked by the fact that he had lost his sight. He didn't expect that the trio was still a master.

Sanshenshang didn't care about Mo Wuqing's attack, but just smiled and looked at Zhao Quan.

Zhao Quan narrowed his eyes slightly. The trio was still able to take Mo Wuqing's hidden weapon as if nothing had happened, obviously their strength is not weak.

As for why he wanted to sell fake cheats, although Zhao Quan couldn't figure it out, he also knew that there were many strange people of all kinds in the world, and some of them had eccentricities.

Acting is confusing.

Presumably it was the Water and Land Ceremony held here that also attracted the three saturates.

Zhao Quan didn't have any conflicts that could not be resolved, so he didn't want to provoke powerful enemies out of thin air.

The three saturations are just a matter of wanting ten taels of silver, and it can be settled with money, so it is not a problem.

So Zhao Quan took out an ingot of silver from his bosom, but instead of giving it to three saturates, he threw it out forcefully.

Although no internal strength was used, only physical strength made Yinzi streak through the air with a sharp whistling sound.

Sanshengshang's eyes glowed with joy, his fat, greasy but dexterous body jumped up, and immediately chased after Yinzi in the direction where Yinzi disappeared.

When the triple saturation had completely disappeared before the two of them, Mo Wuqing turned to Zhao Quan and said, "Master."

Zhao Quan shook his head slowly, and said: "Let's get someone to check this person's details later, it's not appropriate to make extra trouble now."

It's too late to say all this, but it's fast then.

It has only been a short period of time since the arrival of trisaturation.

Except for the last three saturations that were still chasing after Yinzi, attracting the attention of the people around him, seeing that nothing else happened, he turned his attention away from here again.

At this time, Shang Qing, who went to the owner of the tea shop to inquire about news, also returned to the table.

(End of this chapter)

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