Get the Cloud Dispelling Palm at the start

Chapter 287 Hidden Thunder Assassination Palm

Chapter 287 Hidden Thunder Assassination Palm

However, Zhao Quan was by no means Fan Fu, facing the palm of the white face, he was calm and unhurried.

With a slight movement of footsteps, the burly figure looked like a ghost, dodged a foot away, and turned slightly to one side.

Bai Lianpu's palm just brushed Zhao Quan's body, and hit the air.

The white-faced makeup reacted in time, using this strength to fly up and prevent Zhao Quan from having a chance to attack him.

But the figure that flew out seemed to have encountered an invincible force, and the figure suddenly stagnated.

At this time, Bailianpu noticed his wrist, and Zhao Quan had held it in his hand at some point.

Just when Zhao Quan was about to use his hands hard to crush the bones of White Face's hand.

But he only felt soft and slippery in his hands, and the white-faced arm seemed to turn into a slippery, boneless loach.

With a sound of '呲念', he broke free from Zhao Quan's restraint.

The footsteps are galloping, back and forth again and again.

A face hidden under the white mask also couldn't help but show fear.

He had already heard that Zhao Quan's martial arts were extremely high, and even Xue Yunzi, the head of the Blood Cloud Sect, died in Zhao Quan's hands.

But Zhao Quan's rise was too fast. He may have a great reputation in the north of Aolai Mansion, but in the Jianghu, his reputation is still not obvious.

Many people did not believe that Zhao Quan could defeat Xue Yunzi with his own strength.

They believed that the reason why Xue Yunzi was planted in Qidi was mainly because of Baili Jinglong of the Qishan School.

Zhao Quan just picked up a bargain.

There are quite a few people who think so, and punishing evil and promoting good and chivalrous ambassadors is obviously one of them.

The white face was already vigilant enough to Zhao Quan, but when he got started, he found that he was no match at all.

If he hadn't seen the opportunity and used his "Boneless Soft Kung Fu" which specializes in grasping and clamping to escape, his right hand would have been useless at this moment.

Bai Lianpu backed away quickly, not daring to rush forward for a while.

However, Zhao Quan was also reminiscing about the martial art performed by the white face just now, to be able to break free from his restraint, it should be regarded as a rather peculiar martial art.

Seeing that the white face was defeated, the red face naturally wouldn't stand by and watch, and immediately used his lightness kung fu to fly down.

Landing next to Bai Mianpu, the two cautiously stared at Zhao Quan who was not far away.

Zhao Quan didn't care at all, and said to the two: "Could it be that the Liang family bribed you to come and deal with me?"

The red face said in a deep voice: "Don't be complacent, even though you are strong in martial arts, you will definitely be no match for the combination of the two of us!"

Zhao Quan was a little helpless, could these two people speak normally? This answer is not at the level of the question.

It seems that we can only beat him to death first, and then talk about other things.

Just after the fight, Zhao Quan has seen that the white face has an innate mid-level state, even if the red face is a little better than his martial arts, he is definitely not Zhao Quan's opponent.

It's just that Zhao Quan has been confused by what they said about the Tong family.

Before leaving for Xiuyang Mansion, Yang Wuxie reminded him that there was indeed a rumor rising along the coast.

It is said that Qi Xishuang betrayed the Haisha faction and joined forces with Zhao Quan to slaughter the Tong family in order to weaken the Haisha faction and intend to attack the Haisha faction.

Rumors stop at the wise, let alone such a rumor full of mistakes and omissions.

So Zhao Quan didn't care about it at the beginning, who would have expected that just after returning from Xiuyang Mansion, he would encounter this so-called double envoy of punishing evil and promoting good, chivalrous and righteous, with a confident appearance.

Can't help but make Zhao Quan suspicious. Could it be that the rumor has really spread?
Before he could think about it, the white face and red face over there were the first to attack.

The white face is good at using palms, but the red face can use a strange weapon, the judge's pen!

As the brush stroked across, there was a screaming sound in the air.

A shot is a fatal move!

Zhao Quan's footsteps moved a little, his body retreated quickly, and then both palms came out together, which was the cloud-dispelling palm.

Facing Zhao Quan's power, the white face makeup did not hide at all, and used the unique martial art "Hidden Thunder Assassination Palm" to confront Zhao Quan's power.

For a while, there were repeated explosions in the air.

It's too late, it's too soon.

It took only two or three breaths before and after, as the red-faced judge pen rushed out, the two figures separated.

Zhao Quan was completely unharmed and stood where he was.

The white-faced figure retreated more than ten steps in a row, and was finally stopped by the red-faced figure's palms from behind to stop the retreat.

But even so, the figure still couldn't stop shaking, and bright red blood kept flowing out from the gap under the face.

The severity of the injury can be seen.

Even so, Bailianpu was not discouraged at all, instead he laughed very proudly.

He said to Zhao Quan: "Your Excellency's martial arts are indeed beyond our expectations, but at this moment you have already been hit by my [-]-style stealth mine assassination palm, as long as I have a thought, even if you don't die, your arms will be destroyed!"

The corner of Zhao Quan's mouth twitched, and he chuckled lightly: "Just give it a try."

Seeing that Zhao Quan wasn't flustered at all, the white face made a dissatisfied heart, and snorted coldly: "When your arms are crippled, don't kneel down and beg me for mercy!"

The red face also said: "That's right, the two of us have always been stern and selfless, and we never show mercy in punishing evil!"

Zhao Quan shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't understand how you have survived until now."

At this moment, the white face suddenly shouted in shock: "How is it possible!!"

Apparently, when Zhao Quan spoke just now, the white face make-up had aroused the true energy in Zhao Quan's meridian arms.

However, Zhao Quan did not change at all, still calm and calm, looking at them with both eyes, as if looking at two fools.

Zhao Quan said: "You just killed Fan Fu, I have already seen everything, if I can't restrain your move, how can I meet your palm."

It has to be said that all the martial arts that the white face is good at are quite miraculous. On the surface, the Hidden Thunder Assassination Palm seems to be just a high-class palm technique that is flexible yet swift.

But secretly, he can unknowingly use his own true energy to sneak into the enemy's meridian and hide in the fight.

As long as the white face makes a move, it can trigger the latent qi and produce a blasting effect.

From the inside out, it can naturally inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

But Zhao Quan's right arm was an indestructible unicorn arm, and the true energy had no effect at all.

The left hand also maintains the Da Ziyang hand, even the meridians and acupoints in the palm are extremely hard.

The true energy of the white face penetrated into it, unable to cause any injuries at all.

Seeing that the zhenqi that he risked his life to inject into Zhao Quan's body had no effect at all, the white face knew that they might not be able to defeat them today.

The two have been together for many years, and naturally they have a perfect understanding, and the red face instantly understood what the white face was thinking.

Immediately stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "You go first, I will block him!"

The white face makeup didn't stay too long, and immediately used lightness kung fu to leave.

Although his martial arts are hard to guard against, but in terms of skill, the red face is stronger than him.

Zhao Quan snorted coldly: "Come if you want, leave if you want, do you have my consent!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Quanren had already arrived in front of the red face.

I saw the red-faced judge's pen stab out quickly, and the short judge's pen actually used the power of a long spear.

Piercing through the heavy air, a little cold light nodded towards Zhao Quan's heart.

Without dodging or avoiding, Zhao Quan slapped out with his palm, hitting the nib of the judge's pen.

The nib of this pen is not a hair, but made of hundred forged fine iron imitating the shape of a hair, and the tip is extremely sharp.

However, with one touch, the originally shiny pen tip instantly turned into scrap iron.

But the red face only felt that the arm was shaken by the force, and the palm was numb for a while, and he could no longer hold the pen holder.


Immediately, the pen holder was pushed by force, piercing the palm of the red face directly.

Half of the pen stick protruded from the back of his hand, and it was still stained with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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