Chapter 290 Two-thirds Success
Zhao Quan and Mo Wuqing drove the donkey cart all the way to the nearest city.

Afterwards, a carriage was changed, and the doctors in the city were invited to treat the injuries of the red-faced makeup and white-faced makeup who were still in a coma.

After that, he drove the carriage and continued towards Qianshan City.

It's a pity that the speed was dragged down by the carriage, until the third day, Qianshan City was finally in sight.

And the chivalrous dual envoys have almost been controlled by Zi Gu.

Mo Wuqing unlocked the acupoints of the two of them, and after these few days, their injuries have basically recovered.

I saw that the two people who had woken up did not have the slightest hostility anymore.

Looking into Mo Wuqing's eyes, full of dependence and trust.

They said in unison: "See mother!"

Although he had heard Mo Wuqing's explanation before, Zhao Quan still felt a burst of curiosity.

Seeing the two people whose attitudes changed drastically, Zhao Quan said, "Do you still remember who you are?"

The two just looked at Zhao Quan, but did not answer his question.

Mo Wuqing said: "This is my master and your master. In the future, remember to take the master's order as the first criterion."

The attitude of the two devils also confirmed what Zhao Quan thought before.

However, nothing was revealed on the face.

When the two heard Mo Wuqing's words, they turned around and saluted Zhao Quan: "See my lord!"

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, and then said, "Answer my question."

The red face said: "Return to the master, I belong to Sang Quan."

The white face said: "Return to the master, my subordinate Rui Yu."

Zhao Quan continued to ask: "What are your identities?"

The two said in unison: "Punish the evil and promote the good and chivalrous."

Zhao Quan said: "Then why are you here this time?"

The two said: "Punish the evil and punish the Lord."

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows slightly, it seemed that they were indeed still sane and remembered the previous events.

But it always feels a little weird.

After turning his eyes, Zhao Quan continued: "Then why don't we continue to punish evil now?"

The two of them didn't hide anything, and said very naturally: "Because the subordinates can't attack the master."

Zhao Quan nodded, no matter what, the two innate mid-stage masters can be regarded as adding strength to the Shocking Society.

After confirming that the two had recovered from their injuries, Zhao Quan simply abandoned the carriage.

A group of four performed lightness kung fu and quickly headed towards Qianshan City not far away.

After returning to the main helm, Zhao Quan said to the two of them: "Go and find Yang Wuxie to register first, so as not to cause misunderstandings in time."

The two took orders, and were guided by a disciple guarding the main rudder, and headed towards Tianji Pavilion.

For Zhao Quan's return, it naturally caused a wave of waves in the main helm.

Guihai Yidao and Ye Gucheng, who had already returned to the main helm, and others came to Jingshilou to look for Zhao Quan.

However, at this moment, Zhao Quan had already stepped into the closed room on the third floor.

Although he felt a little confused about the rumors, the most important thing was to fuse the Cloud Pai Zhang with the Xiantian Yuanjing first.

All kinds of natural treasures collected earlier have also been piled up in the secret room.

Zhao Quan couldn't help but swallowed it all, only to feel a raging flame burning in his body.

It took a huge amount of gold and silver from the Shocking Society to collect all kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures that are more than one meter high.

Being swallowed whole by Zhao Quan, like jujubes, all of them were swallowed up, and the energy turned into was so huge that an ordinary person would have been blown away.

Even with Zhao Quan's current skills, this huge energy can help him improve his skills.

However, Zhao Quan did not do this. Although it is good to improve his skills, it is not worth the loss for him now.

It quickly transformed into a stream of pure innate essence, which melted into the lower coke.

Immediately, I felt like a flame rose from my lower abdomen, which caused a violent reaction in myself, almost like Optimus Prime.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Quan took out the jade box containing the Wangqing fruit from his arms and opened it.

I saw that the size of the fruit was about half a fist, and it looked crystal clear and very beautiful.

Although this fruit has been placed for an unknown number of years, because it is a rare and exotic fruit, it looks as fresh as if it had just been picked.

Zhao Quan didn't care much and threw it into his mouth.

Together with the core, swallow the dates whole.

Suddenly, Zhao Quan seemed to feel that he was in a state of chaos.

The whole world seems to have turned into an illusion.

I don't know how long it took, when Zhao Quan's consciousness became clear again, he saw himself practicing Cloud Pai Zhang in the secret room.

From the first type to No.12 type, unimpeded.

Its strength has already reached the state of lifting a weight as light as it is, even in the secret room, it did not cause any damage.

Zhao Quan stopped his body, pressed his palms down, calmed down his true energy, and let out a breath of air.

Quickly looking inside, I saw that the innate essence in the body had changed, containing the fierceness and etherealness of Paiyun Palm.

Unknowingly, the fusion was successfully carried out.

Now, according to the direction of martial arts envisioned by Zhao Quan, two-thirds of it has been completed.

As long as you find a way to integrate the profound meaning of Fengshen's legs with the innate soul, you can form a set of three points of return to your own.

With Hunyuan Yiqi as the foundation, according to Zhao Quan's estimation, when one day it is successful, its power will definitely be unrivaled.

Don't talk about the original three-point return to Yuan, even the three-point return to Yuan Qi created by Xiongba can't compare with it.

Sure enough, Mo Wuqing was not wrong. If he ate the flesh and core of Wangqing fruit at the same time, at the intersection of Wangqing and Yiqing, he would indeed fall into a state of chaos.

It's a pity that even if Zhao Quan recalled that feeling now, he couldn't describe it, let alone experience it again.

The No.12 style is gloomy, and it is destined to be unable to exert its true power.

Zhao Quan is neither 'sorrowful' nor 'miserable', let alone 'light'.

There will no longer be Wangqingguo, which made him reach that chaotic state.

This formula is also considered wasteful.

Although it is abandoned, it is not impossible to use it, but it cannot exert its real power, and it is not very effective when used.

Relatively speaking, the integration went smoothly, and Zhao Quan was in a good mood.

Straight out of the closed room.

Only to find that the sky outside had dimmed.

The original scorching sun turned into a bright moon, and the sky was like a black curtain, inlaid with little stars.

Ye Gucheng and the others did not leave, but were still waiting outside the Shocking Building.

For one thing, Zhao Quan had just returned to the helm, and they had important matters to report to the gang.

Secondly, Zhao Quan went to retreat, and they can also protect him here.

Seeing Zhao Quan walking down the stairs with a relaxed expression, everyone knew that he must have successfully broken through.

Ye Gucheng stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Congratulations to the leader, the great achievement of the magic is just around the corner."

Zhao Quan laughed, and said: "Gucheng, why did you go out for a trip, and even learned how to play tricks?"

Ye Gucheng also smiled softly, and said: "Although it sounds like flattery, it cannot be denied that it is the truth."

Zhao Quan nodded, and said: "That's right, I've completed more than half of my magical skills this time, and I can complete it once more."

Bai Choufei suddenly said: "Master, now that we are strong, we don't need to bear it anymore, we might as well return the favor to the Haisha faction, and stop letting the heroes of the world think that I am shocking and weak."

Zhao Quan said: "I have already understood the matter, what is the specific situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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