Chapter 298 Leng Xiao
The guards on the island were all attracted by the fifteen Zhongren, and Zhao Quan was also blocked by Takahashi Kenjiro.

It actually caused the defense of Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion to be empty.

Before Zhao Quan came to Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion, his eyes froze.

Although the nine-storey pavilion looks completely unobstructed from the outside.

But Zhao Quan could sense that someone must have broken into it before.

A ferocious aura permeated Zhao Quan's body, all of which were the trophies of Zhao Quan's successive battles, and also the basis for guaranteeing the reward system of the World Shocking Club.

Those who make small achievements will be rewarded with silver, and those who make great achievements can enter the Tianxia Wu Pavilion to observe a kind of martial arts learning.

Not only can it mobilize the enthusiasm of the disciples in the gang, but it can also increase their strength.

Make the Shocking Society stronger.

Even in the process of constantly conquering other forces and collecting their treasures, Zhao Quan's hobby of collecting was also aroused.

Therefore, among them, even if it is only the first level of ordinary martial arts, it is regarded as forbidden by Zhao Quan.

At this moment, Zhao Quan moved his ears and heard a voice approaching.

Turning his head to look, after a while, he saw Yang Wuxie, Zhu Ting, and some big bosses guarding the helm, bringing their elite disciples.

Zhu Ting ran up immediately, and looked around the Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion.

This ordinary person seems to be no different from usual.

But in his eyes, it was quite different.

While looking at it, he sighed: "Master, master! He even broke [-] of my organs, not only did not trigger, but even the alarm lost its effect."

Just finished admiring, and jumped up angrily: "Damn! Who the hell is this guy! He can break my genius mechanism design! It seems that we need to continue to strengthen the mechanism here!"

Zhao Quan said: "Is there anything wrong with it?"

Zhu Ting said: "Don't worry, leader, the [-] organs he broke are only the outer defensive organs. The internal organs are more sophisticated and harder to crack. I have confidence in myself!"

Zhao Quan nodded slightly and said, "Go in and have a look."

Zhu Ting took the first step, walked up to the gate of Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion, and pressed on a disc beside the gate.

This disc coincides with the position of the Eight Diagrams of the Nine Palaces, and it is the organ that opens the door.

I saw Zhu Ting's skillful movements, and then heard a sound, and the mechanism was turned on.

The door of Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion was also opened.

Zhu Ting stepped in first, followed by Zhao Quan.

Yang Wuxie said to the other big bosses: "You stay here and don't allow anyone to break in."

Ten big bosses led the order, and led their disciples, scattered around Tianxia Martial Pavilion, and strictly controlled it.

Immediately, Yang Wuxie followed into the Martial Pavilion.

The first floor was a bit dark, and as Zhu Ting turned on the mechanism, fires ignited on the surrounding beams and pillars.

Bring some light to Wuge.

Zhao Quan looked around and found that the first floor was in good condition and had not been invaded by anyone.

Zhu Ting also said: "The trap here is intact, and there is no sign of anyone coming."

Afterwards, the three climbed up the wooden ladder to the second floor.

The second floor is the same as the first floor, the organs have not been touched, and there is no sign of anyone sneaking in.

The treasured martial arts cheats are also in their original positions.

However, the first two levels are just ordinary martial arts in the Jianghu, and starting from the third level, are the top-level martial arts cheats.

Zhao Quan's eyes were serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Go to the third floor."

Zhu Ting nodded, and went up the wooden ladder first.

Several people came to the third floor, only to find a long arrow sticking out of the wooden ladder!
The wood used here is the most solid iron wood, and the arrow head of this long arrow is still deeply embedded in the floor.

It can be seen that its power is strong, if it hits someone, even if it has the protective energy, it will not dare to hit the front easily.

Zhu Ting's expression changed suddenly, his steps were faster, he swung his fat body, and climbed up to the third floor.

Zhao Quan's face was as sinking as water, but his figure was as steady as Mount Tai, stepping up the stairs step by step.

The third floor still maintains its original appearance as a whole, but it can be seen that some things have been slightly moved.

There were seven arrows in total, five of which were stuck on the floor, one was lying horizontally in the corner, and one pierced into the wooden post next to it.

Zhao Quan just glanced at it briefly, and then restored the scene at that time in the back of his mind.

There is no doubt that it must be Takasaki Kengo who invaded Tianxia Wuge.

At that time, he tried his best to crack the outer defensive mechanism, and finally sneaked into the third floor.

However, here, each martial arts cheat book is stored separately.

Takasaki Kengo was in a hurry, so he chose a martial art and wanted to steal it.

However, the mechanism within the Wuge is more complex and sophisticated than the peripheral mechanism, and Takasaki Kengo cannot perfectly crack it in a short period of time.

So the mechanism was triggered, and a total of seven arrows shot out.

Takasaki Kengo dodged five of them by virtue of his lightness, and successfully blocked the sixth, but was accidentally injured by the seventh.

Zhao Quan went to the corner, picked up the arrow, and saw a trace of blood stained on the sharp arrow.

he got hurt.

At this moment, Yang Wuxie walked to Zhao Quan's side.

Said: "Guild Master, only one martial arts secret book was stolen, and the rest are intact."

Zhao Quan said in a deep voice, "Which one?"

In the third layer, all the relatively advanced martial arts are stored.

Most of them are collected from the Black Water Sect and the Blood Cloud Sect.

Among them, except for "Blood Shadow Dafa", which is placed on the fourth floor, the rest are stored on the third floor.

Yang Wuxie said: "Sect Leader, it's "Gang Liu Qi Niu"."

Zhao Quan's eyes flashed, and he remembered Li Shentong, the leader of the Shenniu Gang back then.

This martial art is Li Shentong's exclusive martial art.

After the Shenniu Gang was swallowed by the Shocking Society, Zhao Quan included this martial art in the Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion.

At this time, Zhu Ting, who had just gone to the fourth floor to check, also returned.

Said: "Master, there is nothing unusual on the fourth floor. It seems that the only loss this time is the martial arts cheat book."

Even though there was only one copy, it still made Zhao Quan feel angry.

Although "Gang Liu Qi Niu" is powerful, but the cultivation conditions are harsh, and it is not something that ordinary people can practice.

It seems that Takasaki Kengo should have been in a hurry at the time, and didn't have too many other choices. He could only take "Gang Liu Qi Niu" away first, so as not to come here for nothing this time.

Zhao Quan said: "Re-strengthen the organs of the Wu Pavilion, and let the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall come to see me!"

The first sentence was to Zhu Ting, and the second sentence was to Yang Wuxie.

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of Tianxia Martial Arts Pavilion.

In the Shocking Building, Zhao Quan met the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Now Guihai rushed to Qidi to track down Xu Puze's whereabouts, so the only one at the helm was this hall master.

He was the winner of the gang competition back then, and was directly appointed by Zhao Quan as the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall, and existed as Gui Hai Yidao's deputy.

His name was Leng Xiao, and it was only later that Zhao Quan found out that he was Leng Feiyue's younger brother from the Assassination Department.

However, he did not join Feiyue Building until Leng Feiyue brought the entire Feiyue Building into the Shocking World Club.

Leng Xiao joined the Shocking World Club with his sister.

And in one fell swoop, he won the first place in the first gang competition, became a key training target, and was appointed as the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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