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Chapter 322 Changing the sky and striking the earth Spirit Dafa

Chapter 322 Changing the sky and striking the earth Spirit Dafa
This kind of martial arts is in the hands of ordinary Jianghu people, and it can be used as a major in martial arts.

Because it has both offense and defense, both lightness skills and auxiliary secret methods.

It is a comprehensive and profound martial arts secret book.

Relying on it, Lei Shun became extremely powerful for a while, established the Six and a Half Hall, and crossed the rivers and lakes.

Zhao Quan rubbed his chin, not fascinated by the generous rewards, but with thoughtful eyes.

This kind of secret, since the other party has already told me, if I refuse, will there be any other consequences?
Then I thought that I can't judge others by myself, after all, Wudang is also the pillar of the righteous way.

But with the lessons learned from the Tianwu League, I can't be careless.

As for the second choice, it is to agree to You Yunzi and participate in what he said to slay demons and demons.

Even if he is himself, he can only be reduced to a supporting role, which can prove his danger.

Regardless of the consequences of choosing to refuse, if you choose to go with him, the difficulty will obviously go up to a higher level.

As for the reward for the second choice, it is called "Spiritual Dafa of Changing Heaven and Earth", which is Ba Shiba's unique martial art.

Ba Shiba is the Mongolian national teacher, and is as famous as the Mozong Meng Chixing, and the emperor Sihanfei, and is one of the three Mongolian masters.

And this martial art is mainly based on the cultivation of spiritual strength.

And the most frightening thing is that it can pull people into the constructed spiritual illusion, go through hundreds of reincarnations, and wipe out the enemy's spiritual will.

The battle between Bashiba and Chuanying means that both of them entered the spiritual world and experienced endless entanglement for thousands of generations.

In these countless reincarnations, the two parties are both friends and enemies, husband and wife, and father and son.

It can be said that this is a very powerful secret book of spiritual martial arts.

Although it is not as comprehensive as the "Nine Characters of Speed ​​and Slowness", it is better than most martial arts secrets just for the cultivation of spiritual strength.

Because compared to the lightness of fists and feet, the use of various weapons, and the martial arts for the spirit, there are really too few.

Zhao Quan smashed his mouth, this is the only martial arts cheat that the system has given so far that can cultivate spiritual strength.

Immediately afterwards, the gaze moved down to the third option.

Without a doubt, this one is the hardest.

He actually asked Zhao Quan to turn his back on him at a critical moment and rescue the escaped devil.

Not to mention, in order to deal with this monster, how many masters did the Wudang people invite to participate.

Let's just say that this devil, since he can be imprisoned in the Demon Suppressing Tower, obviously he is not just simply killing people like hemp, disregarding human life.

If it hadn't touched the cake of most people, causing most people's interests to be violated, it would definitely not arouse public outrage.

This is why people in the evil way are hostile, because they have no scruples and do not obey the rules.

After all, when you come out to hang out, you always have to follow the rules.

Those who do not obey the rules generally do not end well.

According to the general situation, when a person is besieged by other people, if someone rescues him suddenly, then he will definitely feel grateful to the person who saved him.

But this principle can't be applied to those devils at all, and the probability of being retaliated by them will be 80.00%.

So this option three is obviously another cheating option.

It's just not good at both ends.

But the reward for this cheating option is the best among these three rewards!

"Congenital Phaseless Pointing Sword", uses mind to control Qi and gathers it into a sword, four hands and one foot transform into five changes.

Divided into Tyrant Sword, Soft Sword, Righteous Sword, Flicking Sword, and Toe Sword!
In fact, it is an invisible sword qi martial art similar to the Six Meridians Excalibur.

It's just that the power is much stronger than the Six Meridians Excalibur. Of course, if it's just that, it can't compare to "Nine Characters of Speed ​​and Slowness" and "Spiritual Dafa of Changing the Sky and Strike the Earth".

The reason why it is said to be strong is because it belongs to the front-end martial arts of a true supernatural skill.

That is one of Wen Shu's Four Miraculous Skills, "Broken Body and Invisible Sword Qi"!
Born with thoughts, it breaks through the sky, as fast as electricity and as agile as the wind.

What the word broken body breaks is not the human body, but the celestial body and space.

For Zhao Quan this time, it was not only the entanglement of the next decision, but also the entanglement of these three martial arts.

Suddenly, Zhao Quan raised a thought that it would be great if he could get all of them.

After all, children only make choices, and of course adults want them all.

But the system doesn't allow it!
Next, even if he was as decisive as Zhao Quan, he fell into a tangle.

Fortunately, he didn't have to think about the time limit, and he had enough time for him to think clearly.

In the end, after careful thinking, Zhao Quan reluctantly gave up the third choice.

After all, what was rewarded was only "Innate Formless Finger Sword", if the reward was "Body Breaking Invisible Sword Qi", no matter how difficult the task was, Zhao Quan would have to give it a try.

Between option one and option two, Zhao Quan still prefers option two in the end.

Although "Nine Character Jue of Fast and Slow" is comprehensive, Zhao Quan already has three martial arts skills.

And it is about to evolve the three-point return to the original, and it is only the last step to fuse the Fengshen legs with the innate primordial spirit.

And "Spiritual Dafa of Changing Heaven and Earth" is a cheat book for cultivating spiritual power, which solved Zhao Quan's urgent need.

So there is no need to look far away and practice "Nine Characters of Speed ​​and Slowness" from scratch.

After making up his mind, Zhao Quan said to the system, "I'll choose the second option!"

After saying that, I just felt a rush of information rushing into my mind, which was all about the cultivation methods and perceptions of "Spiritual Dafa of Changing Heaven and Earth".

Zhao Quan's proficiency is directly full, as if he has practiced this martial art for a long time, and practicing it again is as easy as retraining.

Returning to the real world, Zhao Quan noticed that the time in the outside world is not constant.

Before he sank into the system, a fallen leaf that was still on the water surface had already touched the water surface.

In fact, this has happened several times before, so Zhao Quan guessed that when he was sinking into the system to make a choice.

The system does not have the ability to suspend the time of the outside world, but only speeds up his thinking speed countless times.

This directly led to Zhao Quan thinking that the outside world seemed to have stopped.

For Zhao Quan, it seemed that he had been entangled in the system for a long time, but in reality, it was only a flick of a finger.

And You Yunzi was still looking at him, waiting for his answer.

Zhao Quan said in a deep voice: "I want to know who you invited and the specific information about this monster."

You Yunzi pondered for a while, and said: "Then you have to agree first."

Zhao Quan frowned slightly and said, "Why, if this demon is really so dangerous, it stands to reason that it would be more efficient for the leader of the Wudang faction to call on everyone in the world to besiege him."

You Yunzi smiled wryly, and said: "That's because the devil is still called Duan Hongxuan. If the news of his escape spreads and causes panic in the world, it will definitely stimulate him and make him become a swearer again." .”

Even Zhao Quan, after hearing the name "Oath to Shatian", could not help but see a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Swear to kill the sky!"

But immediately, Zhao Quan was full of doubts again, because he had only heard of the name of Oath to Kill Tian, ​​but had never heard of Duan Hongxuan.

After a little thought, a possibility came to mind.

"you mean"

You Yunzi sighed and said, "That's right, he has a dual personality."

(End of this chapter)

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