Chapter 331 Six People
Xingxiu's eyes lit up, obviously Tang Leyu's words moved his heart.

Turning his head to the real Qianyuan, he said, "I said Lao Niubi, this is a good idea."

Master Qianyuan frowned slightly: "But we discussed it before and rejected the suggestion of using poison."

Xingxiu stared and said, "That's because there is no suitable poison! But this is the poison produced by the Tang family, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed!"

As he said that, the old fairy Xingxiu smiled.

Not seeing him, the porcelain vase that was originally in Tang Leyu's hand appeared in his hand in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Quan could clearly feel Tang Leyu's eyelids twitching.

If he could take away the things in his hand without a sound, he would naturally be able to take his life away without a sound.

Old Immortal Xingxiu said to Master Qianyuan: "Niubi, let's make a bet. I'll drop a drop on that old bald donkey who crossed the river right now. If he doesn't notice, then you have to agree to this proposal."

Aolai Mansion has always had the title of one city, one palace and three sects, one of which is Dusin City, and the other is Xingxiu Palace.

As for the Three Schools, only the Qishan School still exists.

As for the other two factions, they were all swallowed up by the newly rising Shocking Society.

Before Xingxiu Old Immortal established Xingxiu Palace, he had a duel with Duzui Chan Master.

The result is not well known, only known that since then, the old fairy Xingxiu settled down in Aolai Mansion, and formed the huge force of Xingxiu Palace.

However, seeing that he bet on Zen Master Du Zui immediately, it can be seen that the relationship between him and Zen Master Du Zui will never be as good as that between him and Qian Yuan.

For Xingxiu's proposal, Master Qianyuan just smiled wryly, obviously he knew that no matter whether he agreed or not, Xingxiu had already made up his mind.

As for a drop of Reborn Bliss and Unfettered Water, it's not enough to decimate a master like them.

Even if accidentally poisoned, the toxin can be quickly forced out.

The old fairy Xingxiu excitedly performed lightness kung fu, and directly swept away.

Daoist Qianyuan had no choice but to turn his head to Lingyunzi and said, "Lingyunzi, you should go and arrange accommodation for some benefactors first."

Afterwards, Zhao Quan and the other three were called out, and they left after saying goodbye.

Ling Yunzi turned his head to Tang Leyu and said, "Don't worry about benefactor Chu, old fairy Xingxiu always looks like this."

Tang Leyu shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not stupid."

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows. Although Tang Leyu was a bit cold and arrogant, he was right, and he was not stupid.

Xingxiu Old Immortal is not in the same order as him at all, if he has a grudge because of such a trivial matter, Zhao Quan will wonder why he can live to this day.

Ling Yunzi said: "Those three follow me."

After walking through this open space, you entered an alley.

There is a gate in the alley, and entering it is a big house with three entrances and three exits.

After entering the gate of the house, there is a screen wall facing you, and after turning a corner, you enter another gate.

On the left is a row of south rooms, where servants and maids live.

Although monks like Master Qianyuan or Master Ziyang don't know how to engage in ostentation.

But there are still some people who need someone to serve them wherever they go, so these servants and maids are brought by him.

After You Yunzi and Chi Yunzi entered the house, they left after saying goodbye.

Only Lingyunzi led the three of them, directly opposite to the center of the south room, was the last hanging flower gate.

After passing the hanging flower gate, you can see a large courtyard.

Looking up, the end of the compound is in the middle, which is the lobby and main room of the house.

Next to it is the ear room, and on both sides are the west wing room and the east wing room.

Even if it is just a temporary residence, the living environment is very good.

There are also flowers and trees planted in the courtyard, as well as stone tables and chairs under the trees.

There was a chessboard on the stone table, and two people were playing chess there.

One person is watching.

Ling Yunzi walked forward with Zhao Quan and the others, and said with a smile: "It happens that they are all there, let me introduce you."

As he spoke, he turned sideways and introduced Zhao Quan and others to the three of them in turn.

During the introduction, both parties observe each other.

Why don't they understand that everyone should be the outstanding young people who were invited to help out this time.

Daoist Qianyuan has seven disciples, the eldest disciple, Qing Yunzi, is still staying in the mountain and has not been brought out because of a mistake.

By the way, continue to guard the Town Demon Tower.

The other six disciples dispersed to find helpers.

Among them, You Yunzi's target was Zhao Quan, Ling Yunzi's target was Ji Shan, and Chi Yunzi's target was the Tang family, but unfortunately only Tang Leyu was invited.

The three of them were the latest to come, and the three in front of them were obviously the ones Xuan Yunzi, Bai Yunzi, and Bi Yunzi were looking for.

According to Ling Yunzi's introduction, the man sitting on the stone bench holding the black chess and almost killing the white chess is named Luo Xiu.

He is the son of the head master of Zhenlei Hall in Liuhua Mansion. At only 25 years old, he has already reached the late stage of congenital status.

The one who played against him was a beautiful girl with a sweet appearance. It is said that she was only 16 years old, but only ghosts would believe her.

Judging from the appearance, it is true that he will not be over 20 years old, but the martial arts that can change his appearance and even guard his youth are not unheard of in the world.

So at best, it can only be determined that her real age will not exceed 30 years old.

As for the accuracy, it is hard to tell.

Her name is Feng Lanmeng, and she is the closed disciple of Master Wenqingxuan in Jingu Mansion.

As for the last one standing on the sidelines watching chess, he was a handsome young man with a chic temperament, sword eyebrows and star eyes.

There was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was tall and straight, holding a long sword in his arms.

Before Ling Yunzi could introduce him, he cupped his hands and said, "It's the first time I've met you, and I've admired all of you for a long time. I'm next to Megatron Liuhua, Liancang, and parts of Xiuyang. People in the world call the jade-faced little dragon Bai Yingjun, and that's me. .”

After Luo Xiu heard this, he immediately laughed: "Don't listen to his nonsense, in fact, his nickname is 'Jade Face Little Nervous', and this jade face was taken for him by those ignorant girls. We dedicate a true portrayal of him, haha!"

Bai Yingjun's complexion suddenly collapsed, and he glared at Luo Xiu: "Don't talk nonsense, Luo! I think you are just jealous of my handsome appearance and the admiration of so many heroines for me. You can't eat grapes and talk about grapes!" acid!"

Luo Xiu didn't care about it at all, and just counterattacked lightly: "Then you have the ability to make Miss Feng fall in love with one."

Bai Yingjun choked suddenly, and turned his head to look at Feng Lanmeng.

Coincidentally, Feng Lanmeng also looked at him when he met him, and also winked at him by the way.

But Bai Yingjun didn't dare to pick it up at all, he quickly pretended not to see it, and gave an awkward laugh.

Suddenly changed the subject and said to Zhao Quan: "Wow, brother, with your outfit and muscles, we can definitely make a handsome and chic combination. By then, those little sisters will come into our arms as if they are not crazy. What do you think? no?"

Zhao Quan just said indifferently: "Not interested."

Luo Xiu sneered, ignored Bai Yingjun as a living treasure, and said to Feng Lanmeng, "Let's continue."

Feng Lanmeng's vermilion lips parted slightly, and exhaled Youlan: "There is no need to continue."

Luo Xiu's eyes were puzzled: "Why?"

Feng Lanmeng smiled lightly and said, "Because I have already won."

Luo Xiu lowered his head to look at the chessboard, only to see that his black dragon, who was so angry, was beheaded by Feng Lanmeng's son.

The originally good situation suddenly collapsed.

There is absolutely no chance of winning, and indeed there is no need to continue.

Surprised Luo Xiu murmured: "When?"

Feng Lanmeng stood up, stretched her graceful figure, and said, "When you two were just bickering."

(End of this chapter)

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