Chapter 333 Wu Jingtian

Thunder was swift and approached Zhao Quan in an instant.

Zhao Quan's eyelids twitched, and he could already feel the power contained in these five lightning bolts.

If you don't hold back your hands, you can use both palms together, and if you use eight successes, you will be able to overwhelm mountains and seas with one move!

The wind howled, and there was a muffled sound in the air.

In the end, Luo Xiu's skills were still inferior, and he fought Zhao Quan recklessly, and finally retreated.

He didn't stop until his back hit the tree trunk in the courtyard.

And those five thunderbolts were also annihilated in the surging palm strength.

Zhao Quan stood where he was, without moving a muscle, and did not continue to pursue Luo Xiu.

He just put his hands behind his back and stared at Luo Xiu who retreated.

"Turning true energy into thunder, the power is really tyrannical!"

Luo Xiu coughed, stood up straight, and said with a slight smile: "Your Excellency is the one who lives up to his reputation. I lost."

However, what he didn't know was that the hand behind Zhao Quan's back twitched slightly.

This zhenqi thunderbolt had extremely strong attack power and penetrating power, even if Zhao Quan used a palm with half the power, he couldn't completely wipe it out.

Instead, a trace of electric arc penetrated the palm strength and hit Zhao Quan's palm.

Although it is not a serious problem, it is inevitable to feel a little paralyzed.

At this moment, a wild laughter suddenly came from the back of the main room: "Haha! Old Niubi, you should be willing to admit defeat this time!"

Hearing the sound, it was the laughter of the old fairy Xingxiu.

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the old fairy Xingxiu really ran to poison Zen Master Du Zui and succeeded?

There is a row of houses behind the main house, and the people living there are all the gods who came this time.

Perhaps it was because of the voice of the old fairy Xingxiu that Tang Leyu walked out of the room first.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Lanmeng also pushed the door out.

Then he heard a solemn voice like Hong Zhong Dalu: "Xingxiu, you are still as despicable as ever."

The old fairy Xingxiu laughed, ran out of the main room, and came to the courtyard.

Wearing luxurious robes, embellished with various jewels and agates, the old fairy Xingxiu with white hair and beard looks like a naughty boy at this time.

There was a smug smile on his face: "Old bald donkey, I'm just a cunt, how about you? Come and hit me!"

The second one to come out was not Zen Master Du Zui, nor Daoist Qian Yuan, but a middle-aged man.

This person is dressed very rigorously and formally, and the robes are made of exquisite materials. It seems that every size and matching of every piece of fabric has been carefully calculated.

The hair is also combed meticulously, with a crown.

Although he is middle-aged, it can still be seen that he must have been very handsome when he was young.

Full of the unique charm of a mature man.

This person is the leader of Tianwu League in Yanyang Prefecture, Wu Jingtian.

After him, it was Zen Master Du Zui who walked out slowly.

Zen Master Du Zui is not bald, but has gray stubble, a thin face, and a short gray beard on his chin.

The bridge of the nose is straight, the eye sockets are somewhat sunken, and the expression is solemn and solemn.

But Zhao Quan saw a trace of murderous temperament in him that did not conform to Buddhism.

And after Duzui Zen Master, it is Qianyuan Daoist.

Immortal Qianyuan walked out, saw Zhao Quan and others were in the courtyard, and said: "It happens that you are all here, the matter of using poison is very important, let's discuss it together."

With a slight smile on Wu Jingtian's face, he slowly looked at the six people.

"Ji Shan, Bai Yingjun, Feng Lanmeng, Tang Leyu, Luo Xiu."

When everyone saw him for the first time, he was able to recognize everyone one by one and call out their names one by one.

Wu Jingtian's eyes finally fixed on Zhao Quan, he glanced at him meaningfully, and said slowly: "Of course there is also Zhao Quan from the World Shocking Society, leader Zhao."

The other five people all cupped their hands and said respectfully: "This junior has met the leader of the Martial Alliance."

Only Zhao Quan still stood with arms folded, not saying a word, just staring at Wu Jingtian indifferently.

The World Shocking Association had already offended the Tianwu League before, and Zhao Quan didn't care about continuing to offend Wu Jingtian.

The behavior style of Jiwu Valley and Shengyang faction made Zhao Quan not have a good impression of Tianwu League.

Even facing Wu Jingtian at this moment, he will not put his posture in the position of a junior.

Wu Jingtian didn't say much, as if he didn't notice Zhao Quan's maverick at all.

After hearing the words of Daoist Qianyuan, Xingxiu old fairy turned his head to look at the six people, and said, "What about you? Do you agree to use poison?!"

Tang Leyu was the first to speak out: "Tang Mou is the master of the old fairy!"

He was the one who brought the Blissful Water of Rebirth, so he would naturally agree.

The rest of the people looked at each other and agreed.

In fact, Zhao Quan could almost see the current situation.

First of all, regarding the suggestion of poisoning Duan Hongxuan, the six young people who were born in the innate realm were not mentioned.

The old fairy Xingxiu is a firm supporter, and Wu Jingtian's attitude is obviously in agreement.

And Zen Master Du Zui, who was poisoned, was actually a supporter, regardless of whether he was aware of it when the old fairy Xingxiu poisoned him.

But judging by his current attitude, we know that he actually supports this decision.

Among the five divine court masters, three of them have already supported.

Daoist Qianyuan didn't object obviously, and there was only one person left.

The situation is actually very clear.

Daoist Qianyuan also realized this, in fact, he has been advocating gentle tactics to persuade Duan Hongxuan to return to the Demon Suppressing Pagoda.

However, there has been no effect, and Duan Hongxuan is not even willing to communicate with them more.

Forced to helplessness, Master Qianyuan had no choice but to sigh, nodded and said: "That's fine, but Ziyang's consent is still needed for this matter."

In order to deal with Duan Hongxuan's escape, Qianyuan invited a total of four masters from the court.

They are Wu Jingtian, Zen Master Duzui, Old Immortal Xingxiu, and Immortal Ziyang.

With him, there are five people.

In addition, there are six innate masters of the younger generation including Zhao Quan.

Earlier, Ling Yunzi had told Zhao Quan and the others that there would be big bosses in the court who would monitor Duan Hongxuan's every move every day.

Obviously, the person in charge of this matter today is none other than Master Ziyang.

So everyone chose to set off together, and went outside Xiaohe Village to discuss the matter with Master Ziyang.

Elder Xingxiu, who had won the support of the majority of people, took the lead and left directly using lightness kung fu.

Then Wu Jingtian and others followed immediately.

Zhao Quan has never been weaker than others, even if he is the leader of Shenting, he directly used all his skills to activate Fengshen's legs.

Unexpectedly, he could follow closely behind a group of gods and lords without falling behind.

The remaining five people looked at each other, and they all saw the unwillingness to admit defeat in each other's eyes.

Those here are all young men who are well-known in Jianghu. Naturally, no one wants to lose to anyone, especially under the premise that Zhao Quan leads the way.

Immediately, the five of them showed their supernatural powers, and after Zhao Quan, they flew towards Xiaohe Village.

Next to the village, there is a century-old willow tree.

The branches hang down one by one, and the branches and leaves are whirling.

On a rock under the tree, a Taoist priest was sitting upright.

This person is wearing a purple Taoist robe, with a fairy-like demeanor, and a purple-gold Taoist crown on his head.

Holding a white jade whisk in his hand, he was meditating with his eyes closed.

It was the real Ziyang.

Soon, Xingxiu Laoxian and others came here using lightness kung fu.

And Zhao Quan followed closely behind, like a gust of wind, blowing away branches and branches.

He also came here, causing Wu Jingtian to look slightly sideways.

After Zhao Quan, Feng Lanmeng was the first to arrive.

Followed by Luo Xiu, Bai Yingjun, Ji Shan and Tang Leyu.

(End of this chapter)

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