Chapter 343 Traces

The one-eyed man shouted sharply, and the younger brother behind him also rushed forward.

Surround Zhao Quan and the rest of the monks together.

Monk Chengyuan narrowly escaped death, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Put your hands together: "Amitabha, thank you for your generosity"

Just as he was about to salute and thank Zhao Quan, the lifesaver, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the cape as bright as blood.

The following words were all stuck in the throat, and it was difficult to say any more.

The rest of the monks also glared at Zhao Quan: "It's you! What are you doing here again! Do you want to kill them all!"

Monk Chengyuan couldn't help backing back again and again, protecting all the monks behind him, just looking like a backbone.

This time, it was the one-eyed bandit's turn to be puzzled.

He originally thought that Zhao Quan and the two came to help the group of monks save the situation, but he didn't expect that the group of monks hated him more than he did to himself.

It made him curious about Zhao Quan's identity.

Although the one-eyed bandit was afraid of Zhao Quan's strength just shown, he felt a little relieved when he thought of how many people he had.

He sternly said to Zhao Quan: "I'm asking you something! If you are sensible, get out of the way! Otherwise, I will kill you too!"

At this time, several winking younger brothers had already run to the wall, ready to take back the big golden ring knife nailed to the wall for their village master.

As a result, one person went forward to pull it out, but even with all his strength, he couldn't pull it out.

The other two hurried forward to help, but they still couldn't pull it out, it can be seen that the big knife was sunk deep into the wall.

Zhao Quan said indifferently to the one-eyed bandit: "You are not qualified to know my name yet, if you retreat now, I will spare you."

The one-eyed bandit naturally also noticed the behavior of his three subordinates, and cursed inwardly for shame!
Hearing Zhao Quan's words, although he was afraid in his heart, even if he didn't seek revenge for Wangqing Temple, but just to save face, he would never retreat just like that.

Otherwise, he didn't even know the other party's name, and with so many younger brothers, he was scared and walked away because of a word.

If the word spreads, he doesn't have to mess around in the Tao anymore.

At this moment, one of the monks who was guarded by Chengyuan saw Zhao Quan speak out to save Wangqing Temple.

But he didn't appreciate it at all, instead he said bitterly: "Zhao Quan, don't think that if you help us once, we will forgive you! It is you who caused Wangqing Temple to become what it is now!"

When Zhao Quan heard this, he turned his head and looked indifferently.

The monk shouted angrily, but was taken by Zhao Quan's aura and dared not face him.

Withdrew and hid behind the crowd.

On the other side, the one-eyed bandit turned pale with shock, and said in a trembling voice, "You are the leader of the Shocking Society, Zhao Quan!"

Obviously, even though he is in Xiuyang Mansion, he also knows the name of the Shocking Society.

Zhao Quan said to him, "Are you still going?"

The one-eyed bandit swallowed hard, and suddenly cupped his hands: "It's the one who offends me below, Haihan, leader of Zhao Gang!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and waved his hands: "Brothers, let's go!"

Then, as if fleeing, he led many bandits to evacuate Wangqing Temple.

Even the gold thread big ring knife inserted in the wall was ignored.

After the bandits left, Zhao Quan said to Monk Chengyuan, who was obviously the leader: "I need to know the whereabouts and information of the few people who fought here the day before."

Monk Chengyuan stood in front of the group of monks, looking at Zhao Quan nervously and vigilantly.

"Does it mean that if we tell the truth, you will let Wangqing Temple go?"

Zhao Quan said lightly: "I'm not interested in you at all."

Monk Chengyuan pursed his lips, and finally said: "One day ago, suddenly an old man with white hair and white beard, wearing a brocade robe appeared in the backyard, and he performed lightness kung fu and left the temple regardless of the obstruction."

"None of us know when he hid in the temple, nor who he is."

"Just when I was in doubt, the mutation regenerated. Not long after, a middle-aged man broke into the gate of the temple with a murderous look, and the two juniors who tried to stop him were mercilessly beheaded."

"At that time, I knew he was definitely not something we could provoke, so I hid with the rest of my juniors."

"He searched for a while in the temple, as if he was looking for the old man from before, but he couldn't find it, and finally planned to ask us."

Zhao Quan frowned slightly when he heard this.

Because the former person that Monk Chengyuan mentioned was very similar to the old fairy Xingxiu.

According to what You Yunzi said, the old fairy Xingxiu was seriously injured by the sworn killer, and then disappeared.

It seems that Sworn Shatian should have known that the person who poisoned him was the old fairy Xingxiu, so he has been chasing and killing him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Quan couldn't help laughing to himself, the mighty Xingxiu old fairy was also in such a state of embarrassment.

He really felt a little bit of schadenfreude.

Monk Chengyuan continued: "At this moment, two more priests suddenly broke into the temple."

"Afterwards, the three of them fought in the temple. I just led my juniors to hide and didn't observe carefully, but I can be sure that the three of them are peerless masters."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly, the ones who will come later should be the real Ziyang and Qianyuan who are chasing after him.

To Monk Chengyuan: "What happened afterwards?"

Thinking flashed in Chengyuan's eyes, and he said: "Later, both of them seemed to have suffered serious injuries, and then chased and fled away. As for the specifics, I don't know."

Zhao Quan was content to get this information from Monk Chengyuan.

After all, with the level of this group of monks in the battles of the masters of the divine court, even watching the battle is in danger of being affected by Chiyu.

Forgive me for not knowing the details.

After listening to Monk Chengyuan's words, Zhao Quan turned his head to You Yunzi and said, "Did you see the mark left by Daoist Qianyuan?"

During this time, You Yunzi has been paying attention to the surrounding environment, just to find the mark of the real Qianyuan.

Hearing Zhao Quan's question at this time, he shook his head slightly and said: "I only saw that there were indeed many traces of fighting, which should be from the hands of Master, but there were no marks. Presumably the situation was too urgent and there was no time to keep them." .”

After hearing this, Zhao Quan said to Monk Chengyuan, "Do you know which direction they went in the end?"

Monk Chengyuan thought for a while, then stretched out his finger to the east: "He went to the east."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly: "You should know the fate of cheating on me."

Monk Chengyuan put his palms together quickly and said, "Amitabha, monks don't tell lies."

After Zhao Quan got the answer, he took You Yunzi all the way out of the temple.

But before leaving, Zhao Quan suddenly turned around and said loudly to the many monks in the temple who were quietly watching him: "One thing needs to be explained, it's not the leader of the sect who caused Wangqing Temple to become like this, but It's your Fazhao deputy host!"

After saying that, he no longer cared about the remaining dozen or so monks, just stepped forward and left with lightness kung fu.

As for You Yunzi, he looked at Wangqing Temple, and then at the back of Zhao Quan's leaving.

His eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't say much else.

Exercising lightness kung fu, he followed Zhao Quan and left together.

Only a group of monks were left, looking at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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