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Chapter 378 The Scary Old Fairy

Chapter 378 The Scary Old Fairy
Meng Ji, Fan Cai and others also immediately realized that something was wrong.

These Xingxiu Palace disciples who poured out did not have any formation at all.

And there seemed to be an expression of unconcealable fear on everyone's face.

As soon as they came out, they scattered and fled in all directions like a group of mobs.

This is completely different from the disciples of the Xingxiu Palace in their impression.

You must know that in this catastrophe of the Xingxiu Palace, those who survived until now can be regarded as elite disciples.

It will never collapse easily.

Something must have happened.

Meng Ji said in a trembling voice: "I'm afraid some major changes have occurred in this palace, let's get ready!"

And Bai Yangping didn't care about targeting the three of Ye Gucheng anymore, so he quickly raised his vigilance and kept watching the Xuanwu Palace not far away.

At this moment, a burst of wild laughter was suddenly heard from the palace.

"Hahahaha! Shouldn't it be your honor to dedicate yourself to the old fairy!"

Ye Gucheng's eyes flashed, and he and Bai Choufei looked at each other, and they both read slight surprise in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the seriously injured old fairy Xingxiu appeared on his own initiative!

And it seems that the collapse inside the Constellation Palace was caused by him alone!
At this moment, another figure burst out from the Xuanwu Palace.

This person should have been hit and blasted out.

When the person was in mid-air, he opened his mouth and spurted blood.

Meng Ji said in a trembling voice, "It's a bull and a golden bull!"

They have been fighting with the Xingxiu Palace until now, so they naturally know the ministers in the Xingxiu Palace like the back of their hands.

Seeing Niu Jinniu, head of the Xuanwu Department, being blown out of the Xuanwu Palace at this time, he also felt incredible.

This series of changes really makes people feel a little magical.

Before, they were still trying to break through the defense of Xuanwu Palace, but now Xuanwu Palace collapsed by itself, starting to disintegrate from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, two figures galloped out of the palace, using all their strength to escape towards the distance.

And there was an unconcealable look of despair on their faces.

Meng Ji and the others could see clearly that they were Lady Bat and Wei Yueyan.

Among them, the female bat was just replaced in recent years. Her previous generation was Mo Wuqing's devil. To cover Mo Wuqing, the old fairy Xingxiu had personally killed her.

But now it seems that this lady bat is going to follow in the footsteps of her previous generation.

Wei Yueyan is a veteran minister with extremely high lightness skills, which is not comparable to that of a lady bat.

In an instant, the lady bat fell behind.

At this moment, an old man wearing a loose white robe and a wildly dancing hair burst out from the Xuanwu Palace, leaving only a series of wild laughter in the air.

"Hahaha! Where do you want to escape!!"

In an instant, he caught up with the lagging lady bat, and saw that the young lady bat had already been distorted by fear.

But he couldn't stop his tragic fate from coming.

Meng Ji and others led all the subordinates to stay still, and they were always paying attention to the progress of this matter, intending to know what happened.

When Deng Yanghui saw the old fairy Xingxiu, his eyes were red, and all the anger in his chest was completely ignited by hatred, no matter what happened, he directly threw himself to kill the old fairy Xingxiu.

But Ye Gucheng winked at Bai Choufei, and saw Bai Choufei fluttering around, performing lightness kung fu and heading towards Niu Jinniu.

Now that Niu Jinniu was seriously injured, Bai Choufei's kung fu was superior to him, and Niu Jinniu had no time to react when he struck out with one finger, so he was hit on the acupoint.

But Bai Choufei didn't stop there, grabbed Niu Jinniu's collar directly, and brought him to Ye Gucheng and others.

The whole process was like flowing water, and when Bai Choufei returned with Niu Jinniu, Meng Ji and others reacted.

But he didn't take any action to stop it, because what happened on the other side at this moment was enough to attract everyone's attention and make everyone feel terrified!
I saw that the old fairy Xingxiu had already placed one hand on the top of the lady bat's head, and suddenly I saw the beautiful long black hair of the lady bat, which withered instantly and turned into fly ash.

And her skin is also constantly shrinking, becoming extremely dry and wrinkled, and her muscles are also constantly shrinking.

In an instant, she changed from a beautiful woman in her 20s to a skinny old lady in her 80s and [-]s.

The Xingxiu old fairy let out a laugh of enjoyment, and then threw the lady bat away like a shriveled corpse.

At this time, Deng Yanghui had already come to the old fairy Xingxiu.

The death of the female bat was like a basin of ice water, drenching Deng Yanghui from head to toe.

The anger in his heart was also extinguished.

It's a pity that at this time, he was already on the point of departure, and he had no chance to retreat.

Impulse always has a price to pay.

Sure enough, the old fairy Xingxiu's eyes were locked on him in an instant, his face was as white as a baby, rosy in the white, matching his appearance but it was indescribably weird.

He grinned grimly at Deng Yanghui, and then rushed towards him.

People in Deng Yanghui Jianghu called Dali Flying Tiger, but he is good at a fierce Tiger Roaring boxing technique.

At this time, facing the aggressive approach of the Xingxiu old fairy, he had no way out, gritted his teeth, and directly used a move to get out of the mountain!
With one punch, the power is astonishing.

However, Xingxiu Old Immortal didn't dodge or dodge, his fingers stretched out, and he grabbed his fist directly.

The strength contained in this punch actually caused a trace of blood to overflow from the corner of Xingxiu's mouth.

It can be seen that Deng Yanghui's strength is indeed not weak, he can survive to the end among the many masters and forces besieging the Xingxiu Palace, and he does have two brushes.

And the old fairy Xingxiu, as a master of Shenting, was still injured after taking a punch from Deng Yanghui, which was enough to prove that his injury was not completely healed.

The injury that Oath Slay Heaven gave him earlier was too serious.

But in the next second, Deng Yanghui's face changed drastically!
I saw that his fist, which was stronger than gold and iron, suddenly became soft, as if it was glued to the palm of the old fairy Xingxiu.

He wanted to close his fist, but couldn't.

Afterwards, the essence of his flesh and blood flowed into the body of Xingxiu Old Immortal like opening a sluice to release water.

The old fairy Xingxiu smiled more complacently and wildly!

However, at this moment, a bright light flashed suddenly.

Deng Yanghui screamed and fled back.

It turned out that it was Gui Hai who cut off his entire right arm at a critical moment.

Now anyone can see that the old fairy Xingxiu is using some kind of extremely terrifying secret method to heal himself by devouring the essence of other people's flesh and blood.

If Gui Hai's knife was later, I'm afraid Deng Yanghui would have completely become the nourishment of Xingxiu old fairy.

And the more the Xingxiu old fairy recovers, the more unfavorable it will be for them.

Because there are no masters in the court at all!
If the Xingxiu old fairy returns to the cultivation base of Shenting, it will be a disaster for everyone present!
Deng Yanghui's complexion was pale, which was due to the loss of flesh and blood essence and the broken arm, and also because he was frightened by the terrifying trick of the old fairy Xingxiu.

His severed arm was already shriveled, and the originally bulging muscles were completely shriveled, like the arm of a refugee who had been starved for more than ten days.

It fell to the ground, and with a click, it was completely shattered.

It turns out that the bones inside have also become very fragile, and will be shattered upon impact.

(End of this chapter)

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