Chapter 387 Rebirth and Four Transformations (45)

And the last option is undoubtedly the most difficult.

He actually asked Zhao Quan to abandon the power he had been running for a long time, and instead face the heroes of the world alone.

Ordinary Jianghu people, even innate masters, are not afraid of Zhao Quan's martial arts.

But Shenting masters can already be called first-class in the world, even if they are not all at the level of Xingxiu Laoxian, they will not all respond to Wu Jingtian.

I'm afraid there must be at least five or six, or even more than single digits.

If Zhao Quan faced it alone, even with his current martial arts, I'm afraid it would be more dangerous than good.

But the martial art that was rewarded was also an absolute magic art.

This martial art was created by a demon monk from the Western Regions, his name is Shi Shashan.

This monstrous monk is not only strong in martial arts, but what is even more frightening is that he often dissects living people and has a deep understanding of the structure of the human brain and body meridians.

And created four extremely evil and terrifying martial arts, which is the "Four Transformations of Rebirth".

They are Alchemy for Good, Invincibility in Soul, Invincibility in Corpse, and Selflessness in Transformation.

It is the first of the four great magic arts.

At first glance, the name seems quite Zen.

But in fact, the essence of the so-called "begging for alms" is to get something for nothing, to rob others of their skills and energy, so as to improve their own cultivation as the foundation.

In the process of 'transformation' and 'acceptance', the powerful force transfer will cause the victim's flesh to erode, muscles to wither, and the death condition is extremely terrifying, weird and unimaginable.

At first glance, it seems to be similar to the plundering marrow performed by the old fairy Xingxiu, but in fact the effect is even better.

Because the old fairy's plundering essence and marrow can only absorb other people's energy, spirit and other vitality, but cannot plunder other people's skills, and the conversion rate is still very low.

When Ye Gucheng and others dealt with him, the old fairy absorbed seven people including the female soil bat, Deng Yanghui, Meng Ji, Bai Yangping, Shihuozhu and Niu Jinniu.

Plus there are many other disciples, the number of people absorbed by the old fairy is definitely in double digits.

But it still failed to heal his injury and restore him to the Divine Court.

Although he had previously used the secret method, which caused serious sequelae, it can still be seen that the conversion rate is really low.

But if you have the right way to make alms, you can not only absorb the energy of the human body, but also plunder the skills of others who have worked hard for decades, and the conversion rate is extremely amazing.

If the Xingxiu old fairy did not use plundering essence to seize marrow, but begging for good fortune, I am afraid that after absorbing so many people, Zhao Quan and Fu Chen must join forces to defeat him.

Of course, begging for alms is not without its weaknesses, that is, once the body absorbs too much energy, it will cause other sequelae.

For example, it will become insane and become a lunatic.

The second door of the Four Transformations Magic Art is Soul Transformation Invincibility. This magic ability injects an evil energy into the brain of the target.

This evil force, like a gu or a nightmare, penetrated into the mind of the victim.

Compulsive awareness can be instilled at will.

People who have been given this magic skill still retain self-memory and know who they are.

But the soul has been eroded and changed, and in the end it will be reduced to a poor puppet who obeys orders and only knows to swear allegiance to the caster.

Transforming the mind and forgetting oneself, this magic art is somewhat similar to the invincible soul transforming.

They are all inputting evil energy into the target's brain.

But it will not change the target's consciousness, it will only temporarily seal up and suppress the target's past memory.

Transforming corpses without traces, this magic skill is relatively simple, it just simply destroys corpses and eliminates traces.

Zhao Quan rubbed his chin. Although this choice is the most difficult, the reward is indeed attractive.

After all, people have the greed of getting something for nothing, so similar to "Suction Star Dafa", "Northern Darkness Magic", "Suction Dafa", "Plundering the Essence and Essence", and "Alms for Good" can steal other people's skills or Martial arts that use life force for oneself are so popular.

But when he glanced at the prompt behind the third option, his expression froze, and then he understood what the system meant.

Sometimes the power of giving up may also be regained in another way.

Obviously, this was a reminder to Zhao Quan that although the system task required him to give up the power of the Shocking Society and face the powerful enemy alone.

But if you really choose this option, you can use the good way of alms to absorb Fushen, Ye Gucheng, Guihai Yidao, Bai Choufei, Seven Seas Dragon King and others.

Gather all the power of the crowd into one body.

At that time, as long as he can withstand the side effects, Zhao Quan can indeed enter the Tianwu League alone.

One person, one pair of fists, completely smashed the Luo Shizi Demon Slayer Conference.

But will Zhao Quan do this?

The answer is obvious, he would never do it.

What Zhao Quan wants is to rule the world and control the supreme power.

Instead of being an invincible lunatic!

Zhao Quan frowned, he was really embarrassed about the choice this time.

The attraction of begging for alms is indeed great, but in the end Zhao Quan gave up on it.

A strong man, who can control the enemy externally, should also be able to control himself internally.

Zhao Quan has a strong desire to control power, but he will not let his desire override himself.

In the same way, getting something for nothing is a desire that everyone will have, but the truly strong can resist and control this desire.

Even after receiving systematic assistance, Zhao Quan never slacked off in martial arts training.

In the end, a flash of determination flashed in Zhao Quan's eyes: "System, I choose the first item!"

The first item is that the task requirements are most in line with Zhao Quan's personality, and the rewarded Heavenly Tribulation Armor, although it is called a sharp weapon for mowing grass, is of little use to real masters.

But it is handsome!
After all, being strong or not is only temporary, and being handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime!
Well, in fact, in terms of support alone, the effect of the Heavenly Tribulation Armor on Zhao Quan is still visible to the naked eye.

The ultimate ultimate move, Tian Luo Sha, is very powerful, and the defense of the armor itself is also extremely strong.

At the martial arts conference held by Jue Xin, the explosives were detonated by Jue Xin at the last moment, but Tie Kuang Tu, who was wearing the Heavenly Tribulation Armor, survived the explosion.

It can be seen that the defensive power of the battle armor is strong.

Consciousness returns to reality, and the outside world remains the same, not even a breath.

Although Zhao Quan chose the first item, the Heavenly Tribulation Armor did not appear directly, but was stored in the system space.

Zhao Quan could see a pair of domineering steel armor floating in the darkness.

Hmm. This system still has system space?
However, Zhao Quan asked the system, but did not get any reply. He tried to put other things into this space, but there was no response.

It seems that the really sad thing is not that I have owned the system for so long before I know it has system space, but that even if I know it, I can't use it.

At this time, Ye Gucheng was still watching Zhao Quan.

Zhao Quan pondered for a while first, and then said: "Since they are all together, let's do it once and for all, so as not to form a protracted tug-of-war."

Ye Gucheng's eyes flashed: "Guangzhu, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Quan's mouth curled into a smile: "I have my own plan."

Ye Gucheng didn't ask any more questions, and continued: "Guangzhu, there is one more important thing that needs to be reported to you."

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter?"

Ye Gucheng: "About the identity of the old fairy Xingxiu and the martial art he used in the end."

Originally, Ye Gucheng and the others didn't know the name of the evil skill that the old fairy used to suck the essence of human flesh and blood at the end, but later when they counted the items in the palace.

His letters were found in the old fairy's residence.

Some secrets are recorded above.

(End of this chapter)

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