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Chapter 389 No Drunk No Return

Chapter 389 No Drunk No Return (15)

After Zhao Quan conquered Xingxiu Palace, he stayed here directly and did not return to Qianshan City.

At this time, the Xingxiu Palace has almost been rebuilt.

The destroyed buildings were summoned by the disciples of the Shocking Society, and the people in the city were hired at a high cost to rebuild them.

Not only repaired the destroyed city, but also made most of the people accept their existence.

After all, the Shocking Society has never participated in the frontal battle against the Xingxiu Palace, and even saved the lives of those ordinary people in the end.

Therefore, the people in the city were slightly less hostile to them, and only needed some sweetness to accept the reality of the ruler's replacement.

At this time, in the happy building in the inner palace, Zhao Quan was talking and laughing loudly with people, drinking heavily.

This happy building is a place specially used by the old fairy Xingxiu to entertain guests and hold entertainment activities.

There are five floors up and down, and each floor has different entertainment methods.

It is obviously not an ordinary person who can make Zhao Quan entertain in person and be so solemn.

But opposite him, there was only one person.

A young man with a cheerful smile.

"Haha, drink! Let's not get drunk today!"

Zhao Quan raised the fine wine in his glass and sent it forward.

The young man opposite also raised his glass with great interest.

A crisp clink of glasses sounded in the hall.

Both of them drank it down in one gulp, not a drop left.

Zhao Quan burst into hearty laughter, today can be regarded as his happiest moment in recent days.

Just because of the arrival of the young man opposite.

He is not only his drinking buddy, but also his brother.

He is Li Sheng!
Li Sheng looked at the magnificently decorated halls around him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I really didn't expect that after such a long time, my eldest brother even defeated the rumored Xingxiu Palace."

Zhao Quan waved his hand slightly and said: "There are many reasons why the Xingxiu Palace has fallen to this point, but it is not my own efforts."

The Xingxiu Palace was in Qidi first, and many ministers were killed by the water unicorn. Although they were supplemented later, their skills and experience were not as deep as the old man's.

After that, Xingxiu old fairy was seriously injured by oath killing sky, and he chased him all the way to Aolai Mansion. In order to take care of the old fairy, the people from the four tribes also suffered heavy injuries in Pingsha Valley.

He was besieged by many forces and masters in search of revenge, until finally Fu Shen personally beheaded the old fairy Xingxiu.

There are many coincidences in this, which led to the complete collapse of the Constellation Palace, and was taken advantage of by the Shocking Society.

If it was the Xingxiu Palace in its heyday, Zhao Quan would have led the entire Shocking Society to attack. Without the help of Fushen, he would probably have to go through a hard battle.

After listening to this, Li Sheng praised again and again: "Brother's experience is really soul-stirring and enviable."

Zhao Quan said with a smile: "Don't come here, kid. You've lived a pretty good life in Shangjiang Mansion during this time. Seeing that your face is full of peach blossoms, is it possible to hug a beauty?"

Li Sheng didn't know if it was because he was drunk, or because Zhao Quan made fun of him.

There was a hint of rosiness on the cheeks, and he waved his hands and said: "Brother, you are joking, Hexi and I are in love, and we have indeed become husband and wife under the witness of my father."

Zhao Quan was slightly surprised, and then yelled: "Okay, you boy! You didn't even inform my eldest brother of such a big matter as getting married! You should be punished with three cups!"

Li Sheng didn't hesitate, and immediately filled the glass with wine, three of them raised their necks, and poured three glasses of wine into their stomachs.

Zhao Quan laughed and said: "I just saw you at the beginning, and I was still a young boy. I didn't expect to have a family and a business in a blink of an eye. Congratulations, let's drink three more cups!"

Li Sheng showed a wry smile, but he is also a greedy drinker, drinking more good wine is just for enjoyment, not torture.

Immediately pick up the wine glass and drink it up.

But he was stopped by Zhao Quan, who also picked up the wine glass and said: "This glass is for Uncle Jing Li. I haven't seen you for a long time. How is his health?"

Li Sheng clinked glasses with Zhao Quan, and sighed after finishing the drink: "Father has been miserable for half his life, although now he has lost all his skills and is even worse than ordinary people, but he is happier than before."

Zhao Quan nodded slightly. When Li Feishen was caught by Jiao Xiuyuan, he not only used the 'reverse reincarnation' to suck up his internal energy, but also severed his tendons.

Even if it was reconnected later, it was limited to daily activities without hindrance, not to mention fighting with others, even heavy physical work would be impossible.

A dignified congenital master in the late stage, he was once reduced to a useless person.

But he is still very happy, because his son is back by his side, and he has a daughter-in-law, and the three of them live an ordinary life together, which is quite comfortable.

Zhao Quan picked up the wine glass again: "This second glass is for my younger siblings. I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years and a baby boy!"

Li Sheng laughed and clinked glasses with Zhao Quan.

Putting down the wine glass, Zhao Quan said: "At the first glance, I saw that my siblings are not ordinary fans. They all said that this hero is matched with a beauty. It's really good, haha!"

Li Sheng waved his hands again and again: "Brother, don't laugh at me anymore. How dare I call him a hero. I'm just an ordinary part of the crowd, but you, brother, are the real hero!"

Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Brother, why did you say that? You know that people all over the world are trying to get rid of me and hurry up! The Tianwu League even issued a hero post, recruiting heroes from all over the world, and holding a demon-elimination conference. In order to eradicate my shocking society!"

Li Sheng said: "First, my eldest brother will never be the kind of monster rumored in the world, because I believe in you!"

A word of belief is such a luxury in today's arena.

Those who can trust each other without reason and unconditionally are worthy of the word brother!

Li Sheng continued: "Secondly, I have already investigated the ins and outs of the matter clearly. The oath to kill the sky actually has two major personalities, one good and one evil. Now the good and evil have vanished, and there is only ups and downs. They are not grateful to you for your help They avenged their revenge and wiped out the oath to kill the sky. Instead, they closed their eyes and refused to see the facts. Driven by the hatred in their hearts, they willingly became slaves of desires. Adding to the chaos, I don't know how many lives will die!"

Zhao Quan raised his thumb: "That's right!"

In fact, everyone has their own opinion on this matter.

Some people think that split personalities have nothing to do with each other. They are all independent individuals who just share a body.

Some people think that no matter how many personalities he has, he is always himself from the outside, so no matter what personality does, it must be counted on the head of all personalities.

This will lead to a more philosophical question, that is, is split personality one person, or are there many different people?

Does the death of a person count as death when the personality dies, or does the death of the body count as death?
Obviously, Li Sheng and Zhao Quan have the same cognition, each personality is an independent individual.

So the trouble caused by vowing to kill the sky should not be counted on Fu Chen.

This point, Yuan Jing also thinks so.

Zhao Quan immediately picked up the wine glass: "The third glass of wine, I respect you! There are so many icing on the cake, how many people are there to give charcoal in the snow! You can come to me at this time, this love is for my brother!"

Li Sheng also raised his wine glass high: "This glass of wine should be respected to brothers. If you say big brother, you will always be big brother! If I don't come, I will be a coward, even your younger siblings will never agree!"

Zhao Quan laughed loudly: "Haha, well said! Respect brother!"

Li Sheng: "Do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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