Chapter 410 Bully?

The next day, Zhao Quan personally saw Li Sheng and Li Sheng off.

Zhao Quan didn't ask Mo Wuqing to come with him, and she didn't follow her on her own.

This smart woman knew what was too much, she just played with Tong Yu in the garden wholeheartedly.

When Zhao Quan passed by, he saw two bright smiling faces, one big and one small, and suddenly felt unreal.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, is this still the Mo Wuqing he knew?

But the emotion was only temporary, Zhao Quan sent Li Sheng and Li Sheng out of Qianshan City all the way.

At this time, a figure had been waiting at the gate of the city for a long time.

Looking at the road stretching into the distance, the three of them stopped in their tracks.

Li Sheng: "I have to say goodbye after sending you thousands of miles away. Brother, please come back."

Zhao Quan didn't insist any longer, nodded and said, "Well, be careful all the way."

Then he turned to the other person and said, "I leave it to you."

This person's hair fell straight down, his face was handsome, it was Bai Shoufei.

Bai Choufei nodded in response, then looked at Li Sheng and Jiao Hexi.

Back then in Pingdingshan, Li Sheng was not far from Bai Choufei, and he also saw the battle between him and Luo Xiu.

I admired it very much in my heart, and told Jiao Hexi about it after I came back.

So Jiao Hexi faced Bai Choufei and hurriedly said, "Brother Lao Bai will be on this way."

Bai Choufei chuckled lightly and said, "You're welcome."

Zhao Quan asked Bai Choufei to go there himself, just in case.

In case of any emergency, Bai Choufei is courageous and resourceful, and he strikes decisively. Although his martial arts are strong, he will not be stingy with tricks if the situation is urgent.

He is a subordinate who can make Zhao Quan feel at ease.

Seeing the three of them driving away on horseback, Zhao Quan felt a little sad in his heart.

For his mother's last wish before she died, Li Sheng even let go of family grievances, let alone regaining the power and wealth represented by the Burning Heaven Temple.

Looking back at the tall gate tower of Qianshan City, Zhao Quan suddenly found that the more he had, the harder it was for him to let it go as Li Sheng did.

So light, so insignificant.

The exclamation was only temporary, and Zhao Quan soon put it behind him, and it would not affect his state of mind.

After being promoted to Shenting, martial arts will be very different from before, and pay more attention to realm.

If one day Zhao Quanquan's state of mind is shattered, his martial arts will also suffer great damage, and he will even fall from the realm of the gods and return to his innate nature.

After a short sigh, Zhao Quan looked at the city gate tower with pride and appreciation.

Qianshan City was originally just a small mountain town, but it evolved slowly from a small town.

In the eyes of real big city people, this kind of small town is almost like the countryside.

However, as Anzha's shocking meeting in Qianshan City became stronger and stronger, Qianshan City naturally underwent many transformations.

Today's Qianshan City is no longer the small mountain town it used to be.

The city wall is high, the grand gate tower, the wide and thick city gate, and there are endless crowds.

All show the prosperity and prosperity here.

The people living here never close their doors at night and do not pick up their belongings. They live a rich life with ample food and clothing.

A good living environment will naturally attract more people to settle here and stimulate economic prosperity and development.

But the current Qianshan City is no longer the place where all comers were welcome.

If you want to settle here, you must first go through a lot of review and approval from the Shocking World Club.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to pass. Those who have the ability to make contributions to Qianshan City will be approved to settle in Qianshan City for a long time.

Zhao Quan didn't wear a formal suit and a red cloak, but a simple lavender robe.

Walking among the crowd, no one around could recognize him.

The main reason is that Zhao Quan seldom walks out of the chief rudder to wander around on weekdays. Before being promoted to Shenting, he has been practicing in retreat whenever he has time.

Or not at the helm, running around.

At this time, I was walking alone on the streets of Qianshan City, and suddenly found that some things were different.

Compared with Qianshan City two years ago, it has indeed changed a lot now.

Some memories surfaced in his mind, and then there was a sharp contrast with the reality he saw in his eyes.

Some scenes are obviously familiar, but they are different from the one in memory.

The prosperity of the World Shocking Society has also driven the rapid development of the entire Qianshan City, but in just over two years, the changes seem to have passed more than ten years.

Zhao Quan didn't return to the main rudder immediately, but wandered around the city with great interest.

The mind also relaxed accordingly. Before, in order to expand the power, he fought east and west, and it seemed that he hadn't felt so comfortable for a long time.

Now the Shocking Society has become an outstanding and huge force in the Jianghu, regardless of whether the title of the first gang in the world is real or not, at least Zhao Quan can now say who is in favor and who is against.

No one dared to object in person.

While walking slowly, he admired the surrounding scenery and recalled his experiences in the past few years.

However, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud noise, Zhao Quan raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned his head to look over.

It seemed that someone was fighting.

In the past, it was Qianshan City when Jingshihui and Hunyuan Gang divided the world equally. The two major gangs each managed their own territory, and there were still many leftover sites where small forces stationed.

So at that time there was still a yamen gate in the city. Although there were only two policemen and four yamen servants, it was more than enough to resolve disputes among the common people.

Ever since the World Shocking Society became more and more powerful, its control over Qianshan City has also become stronger and more comprehensive.

Guihai Yidao's Law Enforcement Hall has even set up a law enforcement team, which often patrols the city.

So the yamen is useless, and the master book and the arresters in it are basically separated.

There was only one county magistrate living there, who made a living selling some calligraphy and paintings on weekdays.

After the Law Enforcement Hall took over the security of the city, such fights and disturbances rarely occurred.

Because being invited to drink tea by the law enforcement hall is not something everyone can afford.

With curiosity, Zhao Quan planned to be a melon-eating crowd and watch the excitement.

After approaching, Zhao Quan was surprised to find that it was a few disciples of the Shocking Society who were beating a young man in white coarse clothes.

Looking carefully, the young man was not wearing some white coarse cloth clothes, but had been washed countless times, and the clothes had lost their color and turned white.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Quan was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the person who hit someone would be his disciple of the Shocking Society.

Aren't they afraid of the Law Enforcement Hall?

With the character of Guihai Yidao, he will never bend the law for personal gain, but after a great power, there will always be dark corners that the upper class cannot see.

Could it be that he encountered this situation after simply looking around?

It's just that this kind of situation occurs in other halls. After all, the Law Enforcement Hall may be too far away to manage every site in an orderly manner.

But this is Qianshan City, where the chief rudder of the Shocking Society is stationed.

There was a scene where disciples of the Shocking Society beat ordinary people, which made Zhao Quan realize that things might not be that simple.

So he didn't say anything, just continued to watch from a distance.

Then another discovery surprised him, that is, many people passing by turned a blind eye to it, as if they had been used to it for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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