Chapter 415 Two Martial Arts
Thinking of this, Zhong Chun couldn't help being startled by his conjecture.

With this doubt, Zhong Chun went to look at the little girl in front of him.

I saw that although she was disguised very well, there was still a hint of joking in the depths of her eyes!

Seeing Zhong Chun's reaction, Zhao Quan on the other side couldn't help but smile.

He secretly said in his heart: "Oh? It's actually interesting to see through it."

Yes, this so-called little girl is actually an assassin.

Zhao Quan didn't know why she came here, maybe she killed her relatives when the Jingshi Society expanded.

Maybe it was hired by other forces to assassinate Zhao Quan.

Maybe it's a feud with Fushen.

There are too many possibilities, and Zhao Quan doesn't care what the truth is.

All he knew was that when he was wandering around the city after seeing Li Sheng and the others away, the little girl followed him all the time.

Another point is that although her appearance is exactly that of a little girl around four or five years old.

But Zhao Quan can be sure that she is definitely not young anymore.

Since there are strange diseases in this world that can speed up human growth, for example Tu Chenghua, the envoy of Zhenwu, suffered from this strange disease.

It is not surprising that there is such a strange disease that stops growth.

It is not unheard of for Zhao Quan to even rejuvenate martial arts.

The main reason why Zhao Quan is so sure is that this is Qianshan City!
Yes, this is the headquarter of the Shocking Society, Qianshan City.

Everything here cannot escape the control of the Shocking Society.

The little girl thought that her disguise was perfect, but in fact, she was discovered by the spy department long ago, and they investigated everything.

Yang Wuxie even sent someone to deliver a detailed information to Zhao Quan.

Spreading out the palm, a roll of paper the size of a thumb is impressively inside.

The finger was crushed, and it was covered with densely packed small characters, all of which were a series of information about the little girl's origin, sect, martial arts, identity, etc.
However, even though Zhong Chun saw through her disguise by himself, he still had to have the ability to kill her, which could be regarded as fulfilling Zhao Quan's second condition.

But how can someone who can lurk into Qianshan City and want to assassinate Zhao Quan be weak?
The little girl's eyes flashed, and she also realized that she had been exposed.

The petite body that had been sitting on the ground shot straight up and rushed towards Zhong Chun.

She didn't want to kill Zhong Chun, but hijacked him.

Because in the eyes of the little girl, the real threat is not Zhong Chun, but the other side, Zhao Quan who has never made any move!

The little girl was so fast that Zhong Chun had no time to react.

He just raised his arms subconsciously, arousing the remaining internal force in his body.

Unexpectedly, the internal force was released outwards, turned into gang qi, and knocked the little girl who was rushing up and flew away.


The little girl crashed into a roadside stall, blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

Eyes full of disbelief: "Impossible! At your age, how could you be a congenital late-stage master!"

Zhong Chun was still in a dazed state: "What. Later stage"

Before she finished speaking, the little girl wanted to use lightness kung fu to escape.

How could Zhong Chun give in? If she really escaped, there would be no way to fulfill his second condition!

"do not run!"

As he said that, he directly poured the last third of the internal force remaining in his body into the dagger in his hand.

Throw it at the little girl with all your strength.

The little girl who had just jumped to the height of the eaves was directly pierced by the flying dagger.

A cloud of blood spilled.

However, the dagger headed towards the sky without any sign of diminishing, and disappeared without a trace.

The little girl's body fell to the ground, utterly dead.

There was applause.

Zhong Chun, who was still in shock, suddenly shivered and turned to look over.

Zhao Quan came slowly and said, "That's right, you have fulfilled the second condition."

Zhao Quan did not follow up with the third condition, but gave Zhong Chun enough time to recover.

At this time, the people on the street had already run away completely, and the law enforcement team did not come.

So the whole street was very quiet.

After a while, Zhong Chun let out a sigh of relief.

Slowly said to Zhao Quan: "If I had exhausted the internal energy you gave me in the yard earlier, then I would have died in the hands of that assassin just now, right?"

Zhao Quan shrugged his shoulders and said, "It can only be said that there is a high probability, not certainty."

Zhong Chun didn't ask whether the probability was 90.00% or 90.00% nine, because it was all meaningless.

"I'm fine, what's the third condition!"

Zhao Quan smiled lightly, then snapped his fingers.

A team of about 20 people appeared from nowhere and quickly came to Zhao Quan.

The person in charge is plain in appearance, but has a stern demeanor.

It was Leng Xiao, the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall.

Leng Xiao lowered his head and said, "Guard Master!"

Zhao Quan: "Give him a bronze medal, and from now on this street will belong to him."

Leng Xiao glanced at Zhong Chun, and said to Zhao Quan, "Yes!"

Zhong Chun was still confused, not knowing what Zhao Quan meant.

Zhao Quan had already turned around and said to Zhong Chun: "Afterwards, I will send you two martial arts books for three months. I will only give you three months. If you can practice any of these two martial arts Xiao Cheng, I will accept you as my apprentice."

"This is my third condition."

Zhao Quan refused Leng Xiao's request to escort him back to the helm, but chose to walk back by himself.

Returning to the main rudder, Zhao Quan did not enter the Shocking Building, but walked slowly to the Jingxin Lake.

Looking at the sparkling lake not far away.

Yang Wuxie appeared next to Zhao Quan: "Guard Master."

Zhao Quan said without any surprise: "You know everything about the city."

Yang Wuxie nodded: "He is a good young man, I don't know which two kinds of martial arts the leader is going to give him?"

Zhao Quan said: "The basic "Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill" should be given to the first three layers first, this is the standard configuration for a small boss."

Then he rubbed his chin: "As for the second book."

"Just give him "Heaven and Earth Killing the Great Ziyang Hand"."

Yang Wuxie: "Yes."

Both of these two martial arts require a lot of patience to hone, and the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu is the basic skill of the Shocking Society.

Although a person who claims to be a fool can practice to the first level in two years, he must practice hard and never give up during this period.

If Zhong Chun can really practice Dragon Elephant Wisdom to the third level within three months, it will prove that his aptitude for martial arts is not bad.

The other hand of Da Ziyang, who will destroy the world and destroy the sky, needs to be sharpened even more!

There is absolutely no shortcut. Even if you have good martial arts qualifications, you have to practice hard day and night to achieve a small success within three months.

But once a small success, the power is definitely much stronger than the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu in the triple realm.

His hands turned into amethyst color, and their hardness was comparable to that of a precious weapon. With only one hand, he could travel through the rivers and lakes.

If Zhao Quan's first condition tested Zhong Chun's determination and obedience, then the second condition was wit and judgment.

The third condition, which is also the most important, is martial arts qualifications and a heart that can endure loneliness.

If the third condition cannot be fulfilled, then Zhong Chun can only be a small leader in the Shocking Society.

Maybe one day, he can be promoted from a small boss to a big boss, and even become the head of a church, managing the hall of a city.

However, Zhao Quan's personal disciple was nowhere to be found.

(End of this chapter)

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