The strongest villain in martial arts

Chapter 1 The Villain System

Chapter 1 The Villain System
"Come on, let's continue drinking..." A drunken young man held a wine glass and said to the person next to him.

"You're drunk, you can't drink any more!" A young man next to him snatched his glass and said to him.

"I'm not drunk, you are..." the drunk young man said to him.

This young man is called Shen Ao, this year

21 years old, in his third year of junior high school, his grades in school were considered average, but he was born with a handsome and extraordinary face.

Shen Ao is also considered a playboy in school, and is widely liked by the school girls, but our young master Shen also has a playful attitude when interacting with those girls. He's been hit, he doesn't touch his body, he's a typical scumbag.

But just a while ago, our Young Master Shen was dumped by his girlfriend. This girl is a freshman school girl. Shen Ao has been dating her for more than half a year, and he has a deep feeling for her. Originally, we Shen Young Master Shen was already planning to "wash his hands in the golden basin" for her, but something like this happened, which annoyed our Young Master Shen very much. He has always been the only one who dumped others, but now someone dares to dump him!
So Shen Ao went to find that girl, trying to find out why he wanted to dump him, but when he found her, he found that there was an extra man beside her. That man looked ugly, but from his behavior, it could be seen that he was a typical playboy. .

Only then did Shen Ao realize that the girl was interested in this man's money.And although I have a good family background, I am a student after all, and my parents will not give me too much money.

Originally, I thought that I had seen through the difference between her and those powerful girls, but I didn't expect that I was wrong, so there was a scene where Young Master Shen borrowed wine to relieve his worries.

"Hey, let me tell you that you are also a school girl. There are so many beauties waiting for you in the school, so you plan to hang yourself on this tree? You also use alcohol to relieve your worries, and I will shame you for it." The young man was Li Yang. He and Shen Ao are good buddies, and they usually have the best relationship.I saw him talking contemptuously while helping Shen Ao out of the bar.

"Go back to school first, I'll ask someone from my family to pick me up later." Shen Ao said to him.

"Forget it, if you fight like this, you can't stand up. When your family members come, you will have already fallen asleep on the ground." Li Yang laughed.

"Just kidding, don't talk about standing, I can go forward."

"Haha! Then try it, I'll see how you go right." Li Yang laughed.

Shen Ao shook off the arm that was supporting him, and walked forward unsteadily, "You see, it's all right."

"Haha! Yours is still called going forward. Babies are better at walking than you." Li Yang looked at his staggering appearance and laughed.


A whistle sounded, Li Yang was drinking less alcohol, he was the first to realize that that fellow Shen Ao had walked into the middle of the road!
"Shen Ao! It's dangerous! Come here!" Li Yang felt towards him.


Before Shen Ao could react, a van bumped into him with a "Boom!", Shen Ao flew out and died on the spot.


"Huh? What's going on? I'm still alive?" Shen Ao got up from the ground, rubbed his head and said.

"I remember that I was hit by a car, didn't I? Didn't I die? But this is not much, even if I didn't die, I would be seriously injured, but my body is fine." Shen Ao thought.

At this time, Shen Ao was suddenly stunned by the scene in front of him, he found himself in a valley.

"What the hell kind of place is this?" Shen Ao thought in his heart.

At this time, a voice sounded, "Hi host, I am the martial arts villain system, and I am very happy to serve you."

"The system? The villain system? Could it be that I have time-traveled?! Such a once-in-a-lifetime event will happen to me!" After hearing the voice of the system, Shen Ao couldn't help being a little elated. up.Martial arts system, I used to like to read martial arts novels the most. The protagonists in those martial arts time-traveling novels fight five scumbags in the early stage, and get various martial arts cheats and system buff bonuses in the later stage. They either become a generation of heroes or directly become emperors. Some returned three thousand imperial daughters, and when they thought about it, they became excited.

"That system, where is this?" Shen Ao asked.

"Back to the host, this is a space opened by the system." The system replied.

"System, what functions do you have?" Shen Ao asked.

"Back to the host, the system allows the host to travel to various martial arts worlds, and the host needs to complete the tasks given by the system." The system replied.

"Ah, I still have to play the mission, so what if I can't complete it? You won't kill me, right?" Shen Ao's heart trembled when he heard that there was a mission.

"If the host cannot complete the task given by the system, then the host will stay in that world forever." The system replied.

"Ah, this and that can't be done, there are so many beauties in the world waiting for me to save, I can't hang myself in one world." Shen Ao suddenly felt a surge of enthusiasm.


system space.

A high mountain towered majestically, and on the top of the mountain, there was a strange human-shaped cocoon, and screams could be heard from the cocoon from time to time, which made people feel creepy.

Three days later, a grandson popped out of the cocoon... Oh no, the cocoon split from the middle, and a person came out. "I'm going, is this marrow washing? This is torturing people, okay? What kind of broken system is this? When a white light shines on people, their bodies immediately become stronger. I am simply being abused."

During these three days, Shen Ao suffered a lot in the cocoon, but his physique was finally strengthened and his foundation was reshaped, which made him practice martial arts many times faster than others.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully washing the marrow." The system's voice came.

"Well, the system, you see, I can practice martial arts now, so should you give me some martial arts cheats or something?" Shen Ao was full of confidence after washing his marrow, but he seemed to have forgotten that three days ago The system checked his body is what he said: With the current physique of the host, entering the world of martial arts, even the worst disciples in the worst sects can't beat him. "It doesn't need to be too good, just the Nine Suns Divine Art and the Great Shift of the Universe." Shen Ao remembered Yi Tianzhong Zhang Wuji relied on these two magical arts to fight against the six sects, and finally became the leader of Mingjiao.

"Sorry for the host, this system will not provide the host with any martial arts cheats, all martial arts cheats are found by the host." The system said.

"Uh, the system, what if I fall inside?" Shen Ao asked.

"Then the system will re-select the host." The system said mercilessly.

"Damn, count yourself as cruel!" Shen Ao said fiercely.

PS: The new book "The Journey of Ten Thousand Worlds Starting from the Nine Songs of Heaven" has been released, please support us a lot!

 The new book "The Journey of Ten Thousand Worlds Starting from the Nine Songs of Heaven" has been released, please support us!

(End of this chapter)

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