Chapter 220 Showdown
"You! Hmph, if you don't marry, you won't marry!" Ren Yingying said coquettishly.

"Thinking that my majestic Sun Moon Sacred Aunt would be bullied by dogs sometimes! Hey, hey!" Ren Yingying cried in her heart.

"Oh! What a pity!" Shen Ao sighed.

"What a pity?" Ren Yingying asked.

"It's a pity that you and Dongfang are enemies. Otherwise, I might consider promoting you from a maid to a concubine." Shen Ao regretted.

When Ren Yingying heard this, she immediately blew up, and shouted at Shen Ao: "Damn! Who wants to marry you, a bastard! Even if all the men in the world die, I will not commit myself to you!"

"Whatever you say, anyway, this young master will always welcome you in his bed." Shen Ao said disapprovingly.

"You!" Ren Yingying was instantly speechless from the anger of Young Master Shen.

Ren Yingying was so angry that Shen Ao was so angry, she knew she couldn't speak against Shen Ao, so she simply came here and kicked Shen Ao out of the room.

"Stinky girl, you've got some skills!" Young Master Shen said to himself at the door, "Hmph! Sooner or later, this Young Master will kill you!"

"But Ren Woxing and that guy Dongfang are angry enemies, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to deal with!"

If it weren't for the consideration of the relationship between Ren Woxing and Dongfang Bubai, Young Master Shen would have eaten Ren Yingying long ago.


After Ren Yingying washed up, Shen Ao took her downstairs for dinner.

Ren Yingying said to herself that she was having breakfast, Shen Ao wanted to tease her, but after seeing the other party ignoring her, she stopped making fun of herself and ate breakfast quietly.

However, just when Shen Dashao was bored, the conversation of several people from the rivers and lakes at the next table suddenly attracted him.

"Lao Liu, have you heard that the big devil Ren Woxing has come out of the rivers and lakes again!" said a tall and thin man.

"I've heard that, but I don't think that person may just let me do what I want." The sixth son said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Another big man said.

"Ren Woxing has shocked the martial arts world with his unique unique skill of attracting stars. He has always been unarmed and has never used any weapons such as swords. However, it is rumored that the mysterious man has superb swordsmanship, and his stature is at most only [-] years old, so He is definitely not letting me do it!" said the sixth child.

"Hmph! Star-absorbing Dafa is Ren Woxing's unique skill. Even if that person is not Ren Woxing, he still has something to do with Ren Woxing!" said the thin and tall man.

"I..." Ren Yingying at the side also heard the conversation of several people at this time, she was very excited, and was about to get up to ask, but she was firmly pressed down on the chair by Shen Ao.

"Prostitute! What are you doing?" Ren Yingying shouted sharply.

"You want to find that person?" Shen Ao said in a deep voice.

"Nonsense! Didn't you hear them say that that person can absorb star Dafa?" Ren Yingying shouted.

"So what?" Shen Ao sneered and said, "Don't forget that you are my maid now, you must get my permission to go anywhere!"

"Get the hell out of here! Woooooo..." Ren Yingying cried as she struggled.

"Okay, there is definitely something wrong with this matter, I'll talk about it after I find out!" Ren Yingying's pitiful appearance finally softened Shen Ao's heart, and agreed to her request.

"Really?" Ren Yingying said in surprise.

"But..." Shen Ao suddenly changed the topic, his eyes became fierce: "If that person messes with me...huh!"


"Don't worry, I'm just asking him about my father, I won't do anything else." Ren Yingying swore hastily.

"Hmph! After I rescue my father, the first thing I will do is to chop you into pieces!" Ren Yingying said fiercely in her heart.

"Little girl, I know you are still thinking about how to rescue Ren Woxing and deal with me and Dongfang, but there is one thing I want to remind you, let alone Ren Woxing, even if there are ten of them, he may not be my opponent !" Shen Ao saw Ren Yingying's thoughts at a glance, and sneered.

Ren Yingying did not refute, but stared at Shen Ao with red eyes, as if she wished to tear Shen Ao apart.

"Shen Ao, since you and that Dongfang Bubai are working together, why do you help me?" Ren Yingying said.

"Hehe! Because it's fun!" Shen Ao teased and said, "Think about it, you tried your best to rescue Ren Woxing, but he was imprisoned by Dongfang Bubai just after he got out of prison, isn't it very interesting?"

"Shameless!" After hearing this, Ren Yingying angrily grabbed the Shuihan Sword and was about to fight Shen Ao desperately.


Shen Ao raised his hand and shot out a burst of zhenqi, Ren Yingying suffered from pain in her wrist, and the Shuihan sword immediately fell to the ground with a "clang".

"Little girl, don't you think it's okay for you to be my maid at ease?" Shen Ao said with a smile.

"Damn! The devil is willing to be the maid of you, a perverted thief! If it wasn't for saving my father, I would have fought desperately with you, a perverted thief!" Ren Yingying said.

Knowing that the other party has been teasing her, Ren Yingying was completely desperate, so she directly confronted Shen Ao.

"Little girl, I advise you not to be ignorant. Last time you secretly left Heimuya to go to Taihu Lake. If this young master hadn't sent people to watch you, you would have been killed by Dongfang Bubai a hundred times!" Shen Ao sneered.

"So what! Even if I die at the hands of Dongfang Bubai, it's better than being humiliated by you, a bastard!" Ren Yingying roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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