nine thousand years old

Chapter 104 Ambush in the Col

Chapter 104 Ambush in the Col
In the vast mountain road, a group of black-clothed men and horses drove out quickly, and they swept away tens of feet in a blink of an eye. Clouds of smoke and dust were splashed on the withered yellow ground, which seemed particularly murderous.

There are about 20 people in this team, the leader is thin, with a ferocious look on his brows, it is none other than Yijian Piaohong, Xu Zhaoshi who just came out of the Zhao family, and the twenty or so people behind him, They are all dead soldiers of the Zhao family, and they are also well-known people in the Jianghu in Guanlong.

There is Baili Kuangdao, Shen Rulong, Fenghuo King Kong, and so on!
Martial arts are not weak!

"Mr. Xu, how long is it?"

The crowd ran along the mountain road for a long time, and some of them were exhausted. A burly middle-aged man with a scar on his face stepped forward quickly, came to Xu Zhaoshi, and asked in a low voice.


Xu Zhaoshi glanced around, pointing to a valley formed by two low peaks in the distance, said,

"Let's do it there. It's the only way to go to Datong Mansion from Qingzhou. There are woods on both sides of the road. Although it's autumn and the woods are yellow, it's easier to hide."

"And that road is extremely narrow and long, and it can just lengthen the team of eunuchs' guards. There must not be many guards around him. As long as you hold on for a while, I can take his life!"

"it is good!"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, with an unconcealable coldness on his face, slightly shaking the steel sword in his hand, and said in a deep voice,

"Then let's speed up and rush over there as soon as possible. Before the eunuchs come over, let's familiarize ourselves with the surrounding environment so that we can do it easily. After we succeed, we have to retreat!"


Xu Zhaoshi took the lead, lashing his horse's whip fiercely on his horse's back, and ran towards the col at a faster speed, while the people behind him also had cold faces on their faces, and they also accelerated their speed. Soon after, everyone When they came to the col, Xu Zhaoshi glanced at it and led the people to familiarize themselves with the surrounding terrain.

These people are all good hands who are used to doing this kind of thing, and they quickly inquired about the surrounding situation clearly, and it was evening, people gathered at the blazing bonfire, eating dry food and discussing specific action plan.

"Mr. Xu, the other party is just a eunuch, why should we make such a fuss?"

A burly man tore and chewed the jerky in his pocket in one gulp, and said nonchalantly, in his opinion, this kind of thing is easy at all, without the need for a master like Xu Zhaoshi to appear, even if the other party has 1000 Duodongchang Fanzi guarded him, but he couldn't pose any threat in front of them.

Didn't even Hou Yumang and other guards of the Guanlong garrison almost die under their assassination?
A mere governor of the East Factory, what should he care about?
"That's right, Governor, why did you ask Mr. Xu to go there in person? It's a bit of a big deal!"

The rest of the people also said secretly in their hearts. Of course they dare not say so in front of Xu Zhaoshi, but the expressions on their faces basically showed that Xu Zhaoshi is a top-notch master. Existence, but came out in person to assassinate a governor of the East Factory?
Some are not worth it!


Xu Zhaoshi glanced at the people, frowned slightly, shook his head, and said with a wry smile,
"Don't you think so!"

"This governor is different from the people we assassinated in the past!"

"Do you know that just a few days ago, he brought a thousand Dongchang disciples to Mopan Mountain, burned the entire Mopan Mountain, and nearly 5 people from the White Lotus Sect to death?" ?”



These quack warriors who originally looked down upon Su Hanyun, when they heard this, their faces were filled with unconcealable shock. The Holy Maiden of the White Lotus, like them, is a master of the quack, and she is also a first-rate The masters, the second envoy Bailian, and the ten generals, etc., were wiped out?

How can this be?

People saw Xu Zhaoshi's serious and dignified face, it didn't look like he was telling a lie, and the disdain on his face finally faded and turned serious. In this way, the governor of the East Factory is really not simple!
"Everyone must be careful and don't be careless!"

"This guy is really not simple!"

"If there are any accidents during the assassination, don't love to fight and retreat immediately!"

"We can't afford to lose anyone!"

Xu Zhaoshi glanced at everyone slowly again, and said with an unconcealable solemnity in his voice.


Everyone also nodded with a gloomy expression. Even Xu Zhaoshi, a master like Xu Zhaoshi, was afraid of the governor. It seemed that the other party must be really difficult to deal with, and he couldn't be as careless as before!

At the same time, three miles away from the col.

Accompanied and guarded by a group of Dongchang Fanzi, the black carriage slowly moved towards the direction of Datong Mansion. The tall and majestic Dongjijichang flag fluttered in the sky, and the pattern of python claws on it appeared deeper and more depressing in the night. , there is an unmistakable aura that permeates it, which makes people dare not underestimate it.

"Master, it is Shuangfengao in front of you. The spies we sent out found that there are people over there."

Qin Yuting's gaze was serious, he came on his horse, bowed and said, his voice was deep and deep, "Shuangfengao is the only way from Qingzhou to Datong Mansion, they happened to be marching here, and some people from the rivers and lakes appeared inside, The other party was afraid that the visitor was not kind, so Qin Yuting didn't dare to continue to take risks.

After all, the governor's safety is the most important thing.

"Keep going!"

"Don't worry about anything else, if those people come with bad intentions, just kill them."

Su Hanyun glanced lightly at the outside of the carriage, and said in a low voice.

The situation in Datong Mansion was very critical, he didn't want to delay for a moment, and he had to meet with Lu Xingshu as soon as possible to resolve the matter of the Guanlong garrison, so that his heart could be completely at ease.

That's a full 50 people!
It is related to the safety of the entire Guanlong!
Don't delay!

Hearing Su Hanyun's order, Qin Yuting showed a dignified and worried face, but he didn't dare to disobey Su Hanyun's order, took a deep breath, and shouted to the dark voice in front of him,

"Everyone be alert, move on!"


Many fans pulled out the Xiuchun knife and held it tightly in their hands. The light of Senhan's knife flickered, and everyone slowly drove into the Shuangfeng Col. The sky was getting darker, and the sky was covered with It was cloudy, and the starlight could not be seen at all, only the faint moonlight shone, making it look extraordinarily bleak.

From the mountains on both sides came the sound of cold wind whimpering, like the howling of a devil, and the faint voices of wild beasts, which were ferocious and low, making the atmosphere between heaven and earth even more oppressive and heavy.


Qin Yuting's eyes were shining brightly, and he swept across the woods, his brows furrowed slightly.

At the same time, he pulled out the Xiuchun knife from his waist and held it tightly in his hand.

The team gradually moved forward and went deep into Shuangfengao. Because the road began to become narrow, the guards on both sides gradually moved closer to the middle and lengthened the team. Only the people guarding Su Hanyun's frame were left. It was less than half of what it was before, and even Qin Yuting was forced to walk back and forth with the carriage, unable to stand side by side.

"They're here!"

In the depths of the night, the previous bonfire had already been burned out, and even the ashes had been cleaned up by people. Xu Zhaoshi and others lurk behind the dead tree, staring at the slowly approaching carriage team, with serious expressions on their faces. and evil spirits.

"Don't worry!"

"Wait until they reach the middle of the col, and then do it!"

Xu Zhaoshi secretly waved his hand, stopped the people who were about to move, and said in a low voice,

"At that time, you will be responsible for attacking Dongchang fanzi, don't worry about the black carriage."

"pass it to me!"

"Wait for my password, once you succeed, retreat immediately, don't love to fight!"


Everyone nodded, the arms holding the weapons gradually tightened, and the expressions on their faces gradually became gloomy and cold.

The black carriage continued to move forward, Qin Yuting's face became more serious, and his eyes kept scanning the surroundings. Soon, the team was halfway to the valley, and several large stones appeared in front of them, which happened to block the middle of the road. Su Hanyun's The carriage cannot pass.

"Go and see!"

Qin Yuting frowned.


The two Dongchang fans walked forward.

call out!
Just at this moment, several cold lights burst out from the forest!

(End of this chapter)

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