nine thousand years old

Chapter 11 Shock in the Inner Court

Chapter 11 Shock in the Inner Court
Half an hour later, Zhao Yong had been tortured to the point of collapse, his body was covered with blood and sweat, soaking his clothes, and his face was pale and desperate, paralyzed and twitching, unable to make any sound.

Su Hanyun put away the five poisons and silver needles without haste, and sat back on the chair. He stretched, took a sip of tea, and said with a smile,

"Eunuch Zhao, our family's grievances have almost been vented. It's time to talk about business. Are you interested?"


Zhao Yong's body trembled, and he nodded with difficulty. Facing this devil, he no longer had the slightest intention of resisting. He only wanted the latter to leave as soon as possible, even if he killed himself, as long as he no longer suffers from those inhuman tortures. .

"Our family would like to know, how many eyeliners have been arranged by the empress and you around your majesty, who are they, and where are they?"

Su Hanyun's eyes were solemn, and he leaned into Zhao Yong's ear and said in a low voice.


Zhao Yong's body trembled, his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had heard something unbelievable, and at this moment he also realized that all this was planned by this guy. This guy is simply terrifying to the extreme!
"Understood? That's good!"

Su Hanyun patted his face with a smile and said,

"Our family doesn't want to talk too much, hand over what our family wants, and let you die happily, otherwise, there will be countless times more painful methods waiting for you than just now!"

"Our house can last until dawn. If you can hold on, you can try it!"

Zhao Yong's body trembled, and the fear on his face was extremely strong. Those methods had already tossed all his energy and spirit. He would rather die than suffer again. It was more terrifying than hell!

He twisted his body with difficulty, and glanced at the drawer where he just took out the medicine bottle.

"it's here?"

With a sneer on Su Hanyun's face, he got up and walked over, and carefully opened the drawer. There was nothing in it, only some bank notes, and a slightly worn booklet. When he opened it, there was a series of lists on it!
"Tsk tsk, Eunuch Zhao has cultivated a lot of power in the palace these years. Even the concubines in the harem have your eyeliner. This is really unexpected!"

Su Hanyun glanced slightly, feeling a little shocked in his heart, fortunately he didn't rush to carry out the death plan, Zhao Yong almost stared at the emperor steadfastly, not missing anything.


After reading the list, Su Hanyun found some paper from the side, and copied the contents on it in detail, and after a while, he finished copying and put the list back.

This is done to cover up perfectly and prevent the empress from tracing her.

After doing everything well, Su Hanyun came to Zhao Yong with a smile, lifted him up, and placed him under the broken wooden table, then pinched his fingers and made a series of scratch marks on the ground.

Zhao Yong's fingernails were lifted, his palms were bloody, and he trembled with pain, but Su Hanyun didn't care at all, and continued to arrange, and took out the five poisons and the box, and placed them around Zhao Yong's body.



The five poisons were free, and they crawled towards Zhao Yong one after another. Su Hanyun slapped his dantian again, and the not weak internal force surged in, shattering his meridians. Claw's book was thrown on the bed.

"From now on, we can only obey the destiny!"

Su Hanyun took a deep breath, took the small porcelain bottle that Zhao Yong took out, and left the room.

Not long after, Su Hanyun returned to the Chengqian Hall. In order to cooperate with him, Wu Chong was still in the hall. When he saw him reappear, his face showed an unconcealable joy. He hurriedly greeted him, grabbed his wrist, and asked,

"It's done?"

"It's done!"

Su Hanyun took out the porcelain bottle, stuffed it into Wu Chong's hand, and said in a low voice,

"Next, you have to wrong Your Majesty!"

"Don't worry, since you're acting, act more realistically, I understand!"

Wu Chong took a deep breath and roared towards the outside of the hall,
"Come here, prepare supper for me, tell the imperial dining room, and let the maid named Yingying bring it over!"

Not long after, there was a scream of pain from the maid in the hall, as well as Wu Chong's wild and wanton roar, and this sound lasted until almost dawn!

In the early morning, the sun poured down from the sky, and the whole palace was covered with a layer of warmth. Just when everyone was preparing to start the busy day step by step, a sound came from the prison house of the chief of rites. There was a scream of horror, and immediately after, the entire prison guard was shaken!

Numerous imperial guards were dispatched from the Warrior Camp, and surrounded the Sili Prison tightly. There were also many high-ranking experts who were not weak, and all the little eunuchs, as well as the guards on duty at night, etc., were gathered here. Together.

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden situation, and they were all curious about what happened. In the afternoon, the news of Zhao Yong's death finally came out.

This news was like a sudden thunder in the clear sky, and the entire inner court was blown apart. Zhao Yong is the chief supervisor of the Rites and the chief executive of the imperial court. It can be said that there is a powerful existence in the inner court!

And he himself was a second-rate expert, it was so weird that he died like this all of a sudden!

Who can kill him?
Fengyi Palace!
Some thin sunshine flowed in along the open door of the main hall. The gentle and dignified woman sat on the phoenix couch, her brows were frowned, and she was somewhat gloomy. The atmosphere in the main hall was obviously a little depressed.

Kneeling on the ground was a middle-aged eunuch with a thin figure and a black mole the size of a soybean grain growing behind his ear. He was the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, second only to Zhao Yong in status, and his name was Hu Zhongliang.

At this moment, Shengsheng was talking about the results of the investigation tremblingly.

A moment later, the woman slapped the table with a slap, and the strong force shook the teacup on it slightly, and the tea almost poured out, she said in a dark voice,
"After investigating all morning, you found these?"

"My lord, calm down!"

Hu Zhongliang trembled a bit, and said with some horror,
"Eunuch Zhao's death is really weird. I suspect that it was not caused by others. It is very likely that Eunuch Zhao practiced the evil kung fu of the Five Poison Claws and died of madness!"

"After all, nothing is missing from Eunuch Zhao's place. Even the roster of Eunuch Zhao's eyeliner is placed there intact. All the eunuchs, guards, and servants have been interrogated. There is nothing suspicious at all. Condition!"

"Where's that little eunuch named Su Hanyun? Didn't he meet Zhao Yong last? Did he interrogate him?"

The woman frowned for a moment and asked in a deep voice.

"This one……"

Hu Zhongliang hesitated for a moment, then whispered,
"There hasn't been an interrogation yet, because he is with His Majesty, and the servant is concerned about His Majesty's identity, so there is no way to arrest him directly."

The woman glanced at Hu Zhongliang, snorted with disdain, got up and said,
"With such a big incident, no matter who it is, as long as there is even the slightest suspicion, they have to cooperate with the interrogation, even the people around His Majesty, no exception!"

"Go, I will personally take you to arrest people, I want to see who dares to stop me!"


Hu Zhongliang got up with his head down, followed the woman, and left Fengyi Palace, and the two maids in green robes followed closely behind.

Not long after, the woman brought dozens of eunuchs with her, and appeared in Wu Chong's bedroom, the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The grand hall stood tall, and the deep gate was opened, like the mouth of a giant beast, filled with majesty.

However, the surrounding guards, eunuchs, etc. were somewhat lazy, and there was not much anger on their faces, which made the Hall of Mental Cultivation look a little deserted.

"The Empress is here!"

Hu Zhongliang glanced at the deep door and screamed.

"Meet the Empress!"

The eunuchs outside the door and the guards on both sides of the aisle knelt down to greet each other. The queen ignored it, exuding a majestic aura, and walked directly into the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Then, she heard the voice inside. There was a strange sound that made people blush.

"Ah... um..."

"Your Majesty... I beg you... this servant can't take it anymore..."


"Ha ha……"

The queen listened for a moment, and immediately understood what was going on inside. A look of shame and gloom appeared on her fair face, and she snorted coldly,

"Your Majesty, my concubine pays my respects!"

" did she come here?"

"Hurry up...put on your clothes..."

"Little Yunzi..."

There was a burst of panic, even a terrified cry from the depths of the hall, and then, it seemed that something had been knocked over, Wu Chong ran out in disheveled clothes under the support of Su Hanyun...

(End of this chapter)

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