nine thousand years old

Chapter 116 Doing It All

Chapter 116 Doing It All (Third)

On the mountain road, war horses are flying with four hooves, and the vigorous figure is like a dragon. Su Hanyun's hair is fluttering with the cold wind, his face is dignified and gloomy, and his eyes are looking through the gloomy sky. The city wall of Datong Mansion, which can be seen from a distance, is cold.

The Zhao family has coveted the control of the Guanlong garrison for many years. Although this time it was a desperate attempt to seize it by force, it must have been prepared a lot. He was really worried. Lu Xingshu was straightforward and not a smart person. Although Shang Tianyin is ruthless, he is only limited to being in that gang. He is not a real strategist!
Although he has pointed out the general direction for the two of them, there will inevitably be many changes in it, and he can adapt to the situation. These two people are not too strong, and he is afraid that something will go wrong!
In case the matter fails, the Zhao family gets the Guanlong garrison, and it will be troublesome to deal with them in the future!

A garrison of 50 troops, even if handed over to a fool, would be able to set off a storm in this Guanlong, let alone the Zhao family who had long planned to rebel!
The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, the whip in his hand lashed the horse's back more violently, the horse roared in pain, the speed under his feet suddenly accelerated, and he plundered towards Datong Mansion more and more quickly. Strands of gray dust.


The Guanlong garrison, the big tent of the Chinese army!
The sky was gloomy and the wind was cold. Zhao Huxun was wearing cold armor and a silver dragon sword was slung around his waist. His eyes were gloomy and gloomy. On his left and right were Captain Li Changshan, enlisted Zhao Yingmeng, and cavalrymen. , the infantry and several other generals, each of them also put on armor, held weapons in their hands, and their bodies were full of evil spirits.

"Lieutenant Li, how are you preparing?"

Zhao Huxun glanced at the sky and time, it was already past time, and it was noon in less than an hour, and it was almost time to start. His face was full of unconcealable solemnity, he turned to look at Li Changshan, and asked in a low voice.

"Report to General Zhao!"

Li Changshan's eyes were stern, he clasped his fists with both hands, and his voice was like a roaring dragon and a tiger, and said in a low voice,
"everything's ready."

"All around the central tent, [-] swordsmen, [-] elite infantry battalions, and [-] crossbowmen have been ambushed. Just wait for those guys to come, and the general will send them to the underworld with an order!"


Li Changshan has been a superintendent in the Guanlong garrison for many years, and he has many confidantes under him, and he does things quite safely. He said that everything is safe, and Zhao Huxun's worries in his heart are much less, he nodded slightly, and looked at that with awe The increasingly gloomy sky, whispered,

"Have you notified the generals of the Hou family?"


Li Changshan leaned forward, his eyes flickered, and continued,
"Originally, these generals were a little skeptical, some of them didn't even want to come, but when Old General Shen came out, most of the doubts in these guys' hearts were dispelled immediately, and they would arrive in time. General Zhao, don't worry, nothing will go wrong!"


Zhao Huxun had a sneer on his face when he heard the words Old General Shen, with a trace of disdain, and said,
"Shen Conglin, this old guy, is really a good dog. Hou Yumang trusted him so much, it was almost confiding in him, but he actually turned his head and bit him, and bit him so hard!"

"It's really unexpected!"

"People like Shen Conglin will always be an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. After this incident is completed, they will be useless. The subordinates feel that they should be eliminated!"

Li Changshan's eyes flickered, and he said in a low voice,
"He can betray even sworn brothers like Hou Yumang, and he will betray us in the future!"

"I didn't even want to keep him!"

Zhao Huxun sneered, with an unconcealable contempt on his brows.

"General, someone from Beizhen Fusi!"

When the few people were talking, a middle-aged general with a burly figure and a dark face came from a distance. After arriving in front of Zhao Huxun, there was a trace of respect on his face, and he bowed and knelt down on the ground, saying,
"Lu Xingshu, Eunuch Lu, said that the governor of the East Factory is coming soon, and he wants to check the food and supplies of our garrison in advance, as well as the accounts of firearms and weapons, etc.!"


When Zhao Huxun heard this, his brows frowned immediately, and his face was solemn, Beizhen Fusi, Lu Xingshu, come to check the food and supplies at this time?What's the meaning?
Did he know the Zhao family's plan?To make trouble?

Impossible, only a few principals of the Zhao family and his own confidantes know about this matter, even if they want to spy, it is impossible to find out!

Then why did he come here?
"How many people did he bring? How did he get here?"

Zhao Huxun asked in a concentrated voice.

"Report to General, Mr. Lu, Fusi of Beizhen, there are still nearly 2000 people!"

"They're all affiliated with the Dongji Incident Factory!"

The messenger replied in a low voice.

"It's all here?"

The seriousness on Zhao Huxun's face became even stronger. Isn't this guy protecting Hou Yumang these days?How could he leave Hou Yumang behind and come to garrison here?
There was something weird in it, he couldn't figure it out!
"Zhao Canjun, what do you think?"

Zhao Huxun looked at Zhao Yingmeng. This man has been with the army for many years and has a meticulous mind. [-]% of the Zhao family's series of methods for the Guanlong garrison were written by him. Zhao Huxun thinks highly of this person.

"All 2000 people come here..."

Zhao Yingmeng was also a little surprised. He frowned and thought for a while, his face suddenly relaxed, and then smiled,

"What does it matter what they come for?"

"What does Zhao Canjun mean?"

Zhao Huxun asked in a low voice, with a hint of doubt on his face.

"This is the Guanlong garrison camp. There are 50 soldiers and horses. Even near the middle tent, there are swordsmen, infantry battalions, and crossbowmen. There are nearly 5000 people. They will not pose any threat to us."

"Besides, they all came here. There must be no one protecting Hou Yumang, so it is more convenient for General Bai to do it."

"For us, it's actually a good thing!"

"What Zhao Canjun said is right!"

When Zhao Huxun heard the words, he immediately figured out the key point. He was always thinking about the opponent's purpose, but he forgot to consider the strength of both sides. No matter what the opponent's purpose, 2000 people, in the hinterland of the Guanlong garrison, can cause any disturbances no?
What's more, they can also use their tricks, and when they get rid of the generals of the Hou family, they can be eradicated together!
Thinking of this, he waved his hand and ordered to the messenger,

"Please come in!"


The general who reported the letter nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Outside the garrison camp, Lu Xingshu and Shang Tianyin stood side by side, looking in the direction of the central tent of the Guanlong garrison with solemn and solemn eyes. Behind them, the two thousand Dongchang fans also had awe-inspiring eyes, holding The palm of Xiu Chundao exerted a little force, and the veins were faintly exposed.

"came back!"

When the two of them saw the messenger appear, their faces became more serious, and their eyes became more serious.


After a while, the general who reported the message returned to the two of them, cupped his hands, and said,

"Vice General Zhao has invited Eunuch Lu!"


A cold light flashed in Lu Xingshu's eyes, he glanced at Shang Tianyin, who was equally dignified, and waved behind him, saying,


All the Dongchang fans looked solemn and walked towards the barracks.

"Eunuch Lu, please slow down!"

When the reporter saw that Lu Xingshu was going to bring so many people into the barracks, a look of shock appeared on his face, he quickly stood up, stopped them, and said in a low voice,
"There are rules in the garrison area, no one can bring too many entourages in, just in case of accidents!"

"Also ask Eunuch Lu to respect himself!"

"Eunuch Lu, you can bring up to three people in!"


Hearing these words, Lu Xingshu's face suddenly became ugly, and Shang Tianyin who was beside him also frowned slightly, with an unconcealable solemnity on his face, can only bring three people in?What are you talking about getting rid of Zhao Huxun?

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the solemnity and tension in each other's eyes.

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Xingshu frowned, and whipped the whip in his hand directly on the body of the messenger, and shouted in a cold voice,

"The rules are for ordinary people, not for Dongchang!"

"Go and report to Zhao Huxun, our family will bring all the Dongchang people in, and ask him if he has any opinions!"


The messenger was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to disobey Lu Xingshu's intention, so he bowed his head and retreated.

Lu Xingshu and Shang Tianyin looked at each other, the solemnity in their eyes became more intense.

Will this trick work?
If these people can't be brought in, the matter of killing Zhao Huxun will be completely useless!
While the two waited anxiously, not long after, the messenger came back, knelt down again, and said in a low voice,
"Eunuch Lu, General Zhao has no objections!"

"Everyone, please go in!"

Zhao Huxun originally wanted to catch Lu Xingshu and others, so how could he not let them in?

Lu Xingshu and Shang Tianyin looked at each other, took a deep breath, and said,


 The fourth update will be later, so I suggest watching it tomorrow morning.

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(End of this chapter)

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