Chapter 126

Shen Conglin's face was dull, with indescribable panic and fear surging in his eyes, he hesitated for a moment, then knelt down with a plop, but he didn't know what to say, nor what to do.

"You have let me down too much!"

Hou Yumang's scarlet eyes stared at Shen Conglin, with unconcealable anger and evil spirit on his face. After a moment's pause, his eyes swept over the remaining generals, and he stood up slowly, exuding a particularly awe-inspiring aura. ,road,

"Come on!"

"Take Shen Conglin down, and return to the tent with this general!"


As soon as the words fell, the two generals of the Hou family rushed past Shen Conglin with a fierce look on their faces. When they learned that this guy had colluded with the Zhao family's rebellion, people would think of him gathering everyone in the central army tent to discuss matters at noon Things, and soon figured out what was going on.

This guy wants to join forces with the Zhao family to eradicate their generals from the Hou family. After thinking about this, their eyes on Shen Conglin became very serious, and they wished they could kill this old thing on the spot, but because of General Hou They didn't give an order, they didn't move, but there was no mercy in the movements of their hands.

Shen Conglin's head was pressed down hard on the ground, his old and pale face was squeezed out of shape, and a general looked gloomy, and directly forced his hands behind his back. Because of the excessive force, Shen Conglin His complexion became paler, he cried out in pain, and his arm seemed to be broken!
"The last general welcomes General Hou!"

"Welcome to the Overlord!"

After subduing Shen Conglin, all the generals of the Marquis family knelt down on the ground one after another, with unconcealable respect and depression on their faces.

Zhao Yingmeng and several generals who participated in the rebellion saw this scene and knew that the matter had been exposed. They looked at each other, their eyes flickering. Although they knelt on the ground with the generals, they tried hard to think of ways to save their lives. Stirring towards the surroundings, ready to wait for an opportunity to escape.

"General Hou, Governor, please!"

A burly man with a beard and a beard on his face, with a huge black simple knife on his back, came to the black carriage with shiny armor and said in a low voice.

"Master, please!"

Hou Yumang got off the carriage, bowed his hands respectfully to Su Hanyun.


At this point, the tight string in Su Hanyun's heart finally loosened. He took a deep breath, and started to walk into the camp.


Just when he had just walked out two steps, four or five generals including Zhao Yingmeng suddenly stood up without warning. They pulled out their weapons one after another and rushed towards the horse beside the black carriage. The speed was very fast, but the two soldiers who were leading the horses almost didn't react, and their necks were cut off with a knife.

Blood splattered and flowed along with the rain, Zhao Ying suddenly turned over and jumped on the horse.

"General Zhao, wait for me!"

Another general also grabbed the reins and jumped on the horse's back, but Zhao Yingmeng's face darkened, and he kicked the man's chest, kicking him several feet away. It is already very difficult to escape alone, but it is impossible to add another person!

He didn't want to be one more burden.

"Zhao Yingmeng, you..."

The general's face changed, and there was unconcealable grief and indignation in his eyes. This bastard actually wanted to run away alone and leave himself behind?


The general's eyes were wide open, and he rushed to the side of the horse with a huge burst of strength from nowhere. Zhao Yingmeng just swung the whip, and before the horse took a step, he saw a saber light passing by, and there was a puff. , the front hoof of the war horse was cut off, blood splashed, and the burly body collapsed into the muddy water with a bang.


Thunder came again from the gloomy sky, and the rain was still whistling along with the cold wind. Zhao Ying suddenly staggered and rolled off the horse, and fell into the muddy water. His body was covered with blood and indescribably muddy. Turning his head to look at the horse that had its fore hooves cut off, rolling and howling in the muddy water, his face became extremely pale.

"You bastard!"

"You want everyone to die together...well, I will die with you!"

"Ah... I killed you!"

Zhao Ying's eyes were as wide as copper bells, with an indescribably ferocious look, and she rushed towards the general with a knife, like a crazy and desperate beast, and the general naturally refused to show weakness, and laughed wildly , brandishing a sword and fighting, bang, sparks splashed in all directions, and were quickly doused by the rain, and both of them fell into the mud.

At the same time, several other generals were also competing for another horse. Facing the threat of death, they all erupted with their strongest strength and fought each other. With a bang, one general's arm was cut off, blood Splashing, the general was kicked and fell into the muddy water, howling in pain.

"Go away!"

Another general grabbed the reins of the horse, but before he could get on the horse's back, the other two grabbed his thigh and pulled him off. The three of them rolled into the mud together, and the weapons in their hands had fallen. Falling, they attacked each other with their fists and feet, all trying to snatch the horse and escape by themselves.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the behavior of these generals seemed funny and sad.

Su Hanyun stood opposite, looking at them quietly, with unconcealable disdain on the corner of his mouth, he originally wanted to intercept them, but he didn't expect this scene, these generals really disappointed him.

Standing beside Su Hanyun, Hou Yumang saw the unbearable behavior of these generals, his old face showed unconcealable disdain, he shook his head, and told the black-faced general with beard and beard behind him,

"Huang Yunzhong, take them down and bring them back to the camp!"


General Qiuran has long understood the reason why these people escaped. It was nothing more than participating in the Zhao family's rebellion. He was afraid that General Hou would settle accounts in the autumn and wanted to escape early, but when he fled, he competed with each other for horses. With unconcealed disdain, he brought a few soldiers to Zhao Yingmeng and the others who were still fighting each other.

He kicked Zhao Yingmeng and the two of them flying away, then turned around, and pulled out the simple knife on his back. The handle of the knife was like a stick, and hit the rest of the staff directly. They screamed and rolled out in pain. Falling in the torrential rain, the soldiers stepped forward one after another, with swords around their necks, and pressed them to the ground.


With a big wave of Su Hanyun's hand, Hou Yumang, the generals of the Hou family and others entered the camp against the howling cold wind and rain.


The felt curtain of the large tent of the Chinese army was lifted, and Su Hanyun and Hou Yumang stepped forward respectively. Su Hanyun sat on the position representing the chief general, and Hou Yumang sat on the position of the deputy general. It was already muddy, and there was a thick evil spirit spreading vaguely.

"Bring Shen Conglin, Zhao Yingmeng and others up!"

Su Hanyun glanced at Hou Yumang, and roared in a sinister voice.


The bearded general suddenly turned around and waved his hand towards the outside of the tent. The soldiers brought these generals into the middle tent. In a short time, they had already taken off their armor, their clothes were covered with mud and blood, and their faces were covered in blood. Their expressions were extremely embarrassing and pale, and they knelt on the ground in despair, without saying a word.

"Our family only asks one thing!"

"Whoever participated in the massacre of Beizhen Fusi!"

Su Hanyun's tone was very indifferent, but in those eyes, there was an unconcealable sternness and evil spirit.

"Brother Yi, I was persecuted by the Zhao family, please..."

Shen Conglin was in a daze for a moment, looked up at Hou Yumang, and asked for mercy.

As soon as he spoke, an extremely gloomy black wind fell on his chest. With a scream, he rolled out directly, and fell into the heavy rain along the open felt curtain. The poisonous gas spread on his body, and his skin peeled off together with the rainwater. He howled in pain and sternly, rolling in the mud.

The poisonous gas of the Five Poison Claws spread rapidly, and Shen Conglin's face and arms were quickly contaminated. He was in unspeakable pain, twitching and scratching vigorously, the skin and blood peeled off even more, and soon became like There is no skin, only a blood man with scarlet flesh, and the bright red flesh squirms, that scene is particularly shocking!

Even these generals, who were used to seeing the killing field, frowned slightly, with a hint of shock on their faces.

Hou Yumang watched this sworn brother suffer such inhuman torture, and felt a little bit of sympathy in his heart, but thinking of the latter's betrayal of himself and the design of these generals, which almost caused an unspeakable catastrophe, the sympathy disappeared completely. Turned into contempt, this kind of person should have this kind of fate!
As for Zhao Yingmeng and others, they were so frightened that they almost peed their pants. Their faces were pale, and they lay on the ground trembling. Their hands and feet were cold, and they couldn't help shivering. The great fear made them almost unable to breathe.

"Our family didn't ask these questions!"

"you say!"

Su Hanyun stretched out his index finger and landed on Zhao Yingmeng.


A dazzling flash of lightning resounded outside the tent, followed by low-pitched thunder, and the entire middle tent seemed to be shaken slightly. Zhao Ying's complexion was pale and her eyes were terrified. Soon it was bright red, and he spoke incoherently and intermittently,


"There are sword and ax battalions, bow and crossbow battalions, and infantry battalions..."

"The generals involved are..."


Before Zhao Yingmeng finished speaking, Su Hanyun interrupted with a gloomy face, and said in a dark voice,
"You just need to tell our family which battalion is involved. Our family doesn't want to know which general it is!"


Zhao Yingmeng didn't know what Su Hanyun meant, but she still explained tremblingly,
"Ax Battalion, Seventh Battalion, Crossbow Battalion, Ninth Battalion, Infantry Battalion, Sixth Battalion, Eighth Battalion!"

"Are all these people involved?"


Zhao Yingmeng kowtowed and said,

"The generals of these battalions are all from the Zhao family..."

Halfway through Zhao Yingmeng's words, Su Hanyun slapped the latter again, and the dark poisonous gas fell on the latter's chest. He didn't even utter a scream, and was also blown out of the middle tent, falling into the rainwater all over the sky. Spreading out, the skin and flesh on his body peeled off inch by inch, revealing the dark red flesh and blood, and even let out an extremely painful wailing.

"Hou Yumang!"

Su Hanyun turned his head to look at Hou Yumang, his eyes were extremely serious, and said,
"Our family wants all those who participated in the massacre to be buried with Beizhen Fusi!"

 Sorry, because I have to take the train today, I was with my parents yesterday, and I really didn’t have time to update it. I woke up early this morning to update a chapter.

  Immediately go to the train, today, tomorrow, basically all on the train, the next morning when I get home, there won’t be many updates, sorry in advance.

  After I get home, it will be Saturdays and Sundays, and I don’t have to go to work. I promise everyone that there will be at least four [-] words every day!

(End of this chapter)

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