nine thousand years old

Chapter 135 Quickly Subside

Chapter 135 Quickly calm down (third change)
Datong Chamber of Commerce really went on strike!

In the early morning of the next day, when the sun poured down from the sky and shone on the streets of Datong Prefecture, the people who came out suddenly found that the originally lively stores, shops, and even restaurants were all closed. There is no sign of business at all, and even the shops selling rice noodles are closed.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are they all closed all of a sudden?"

"Don't do business?"

"what happened?"

The people stood on the street in fear, some were at a loss, some of them were still waiting to buy rice and noodles to cook at home, some were waiting to go to the tavern to drink, and some were waiting to celebrate the drought In the past, it was necessary to buy new clothes for the women in the family, but nothing can be done!

Sun House!

Sun Yu and a group of merchants from the Datong Mansion were gathering together. The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat oppressive. People all lowered their heads and did not speak. Sun Yu sipped his tea and kept looking out of the hall door. Waiting for the person who went out to inquire about the news to report back, the hand holding the teacup trembled slightly.

To be honest, this is the first time for him to do such a thing that openly opposes the government. In the past, the Zhao family led everyone to do things together. He always hid behind the scenes. It was the first time he came to the front, and he always felt a little worried. Anxiety, and unspeakable tension.

However, thinking that after this matter is completed, the Sun family and the huge benefits that Sun Yu will receive, he finally made up his mind. For the sake of the Sun family, in order to be able to establish a Sun family as large as the Zhao family , he went all out!

Moreover, he believes that he will succeed!
For so many years, how many times the Zhao family has fought against the government, basically all of them have used this trick. As long as all the merchants go on strike, Datong Mansion will be completely paralyzed, and the people will be full of resentment. Those officials can't bear it at all. Yes, they will compromise soon, and East Police, too!
"Report to the master!"

While thinking in his heart, there was a deep and respectful voice from outside the door, and a servant in a blue suit and soap hat ran in. He rushed to Sun Yu and said in a low voice,

"The situation in Datong Mansion is not very good. Because all the shops are on strike, the common people can't buy what they want, and they are talking on the street. Some people are planning to go to the government office to make trouble!"


Hearing this sentence, Sun Yu showed a faint smile on his face, waved his hand, and dismissed the messenger, then glanced confidently at everyone, and said with a smile,

"You see? That's a good idea!"

"Let's wait, the other party will come to us soon!"


Datong government office!

Liu Qinghe looked at the dossiers with a sad face, his face was full of solemnity, and there was unconcealable fatigue. These days, the Zhao family's rebellion, the severe drought in Guanlong, and a series of things came together, and he was really busy. Moreover, from time to time, he was dispatched by the governor or the staff of Beizhen Fusi to order some things, and he was almost exhausted!
"Master, something happened!"

Just as he was busy arranging the memorials about the Zhao family, a panicked voice came from outside the door. A slightly obese old man with gray beard ran in from outside in a hurry. The old man belonged to Liu Qinghe. Butler, I have been with him for decades. Although the relationship between the two is master and servant, there are not so many red tapes!
The old man arched his hands, bent his waist, and said,
"Master, something happened in Datong Mansion!"

"What happened again?"

Liu Qinghe frowned, with a look of impatience on his face. A lot of things happened these days, and if anything happened again, his old bones might not be able to hold on!

"It's those merchants!"

The old butler bowed,

"This morning, those merchants even joined forces to strike. Now, all the shops in the entire Datong Prefecture have been closed, even those selling rice, flour, grain and oil are gone!"

"Some people have been affected and are making trouble in front of the government office!"


Liu Qinghe's complexion changed slightly, his eyes were filled with unconcealable shock, he stared at the old man with wide eyes, hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly ran out of the hall, saying while running,
"This group of blind guys, what are you doing to confront Dongchang?"

"They are looking for death, they are overthinking their capabilities!"

"Dongchang hasn't done anything for a while, but it doesn't mean they can't do anything!"

Almost jogging all the way, Liu Qinghe came to the front of the government office. There were already a lot of people crowded in front of the door, about a hundred or so. They all had dignified faces and anger, and surrounded the front of the government office. He shouted loudly, venting his anger, and when he found Liu Qinghe appeared, he was filled with righteous indignation, and his voice expanded a lot.

"Prefect Liu, you have to decide for us..."

"Prefect Liu, now we want to eat or not, drink or not..."

"Everyone be quiet!"

Liu Qinghe was almost out of breath, and shouted to all the common people,

"Everyone listen to me!"

"This matter is a misunderstanding. The Chamber of Commerce of Datong Prefecture has some temporary matters and is discussing them. The market will open soon!"

"You go home and wait now, soon, soon!"

"Prefect Liu..."

After Liu Qinghe finished speaking, the shouts of the common people weakened a lot. The people froze for a moment, and they all moved towards Liu Qinghe's direction, wanting to ask some more questions, but Liu Qinghe didn't have time to explain to them at all, and was in a hurry Di ordered people to prepare a carriage, and hurried towards the direction of Sun's house.

Sun Yu is now the chairman of the Datong Chamber of Commerce, so he must be in charge of all these matters!

You have to stop him now!
Over the past few days, after he had been in contact with Dongchang, he discovered that this Dongchang is not a simple character!
Especially the overseer, with cruel methods!
By doing this, Sun Yu is tantamount to bringing the Datong Chamber of Commerce into the pit of fire!
Liu Qinghe will be an official in this Datong Mansion in the future, and he will rely on Sun Yu and others. He doesn't want to see these guys all die at the hands of Dongji Incident Factory.

The carriage galloped by on the street, Liu Qinghe lifted the curtain, his face was full of solemnity, nervousness, and there was faint sweat flowing xialai hoped that he could make it in time!

"Dongji Incident Factory is doing business!"

"Now get out of the way!"

Just when Liu Qinghe's carriage was about to arrive at the Sun's mansion, suddenly there was a rush and wild sound of horseshoes behind him, as well as a frightening sound. A group of Dongchang fans wearing flying fish suits galloped in the direction of Sun's mansion.

"Have they already done it?"

Liu Qinghe stared, with unconcealable worry, and shouted at the groom outside the car,
"Quick, quick!"

"Go and see!"

The groom's whip slammed on the horse's back, and the horse neighed long, and flew towards the Sun's mansion with the carriage. In less than a quarter of an hour, he saw the Sun's mansion from a distance, and At the same time, Liu Qinghe saw clearly what happened in front of the Sun's mansion, and his expression became dull.

"Come on!"


All the members of the Dongji Incident Factory have arrested Sun Yu and the vendors who gathered at the Sun's house, and are driving them out of the Sun's house. The wife of the Sun's family, and two The children were all hiding at the gate, crying in pain with horror and despair on their faces.

Sun Yu and the others didn't know what had happened just now, and they didn't dare to make any noise. They knelt on the ground one after another, with despair and paleness on their faces. Flow, there was chaos at the scene.


Soon, a group of merchants were tied up with ropes, and the Jinyiwei Baihu had a grim look on his face and roared loudly.

The crowd was led towards the Datong Mansion Prison, and there was a burst of wailing and painful screams along the way.

"Why is Dongchang so fast?"

Liu Qinghe stood beside the carriage, watching this scene, his face was a little dull to the extreme.

He is still late!

These overreaching guys dare to openly offend the governor of the East Factory, aren't they asking for their own death?

Liu Qinghe sighed heavily, turned around and got into the carriage again, waved and said,
"go back!"

"Yes, sir!"

The coachman waved his whip, the carriage turned slowly, and brought Liu Qinghe back to the government office.

In the afternoon, news came from Datong Mansion that all the closed businesses, including those of the previous Zhao family, had officially opened for business, and Datong Mansion had resumed its previous bustling scene.

"So fast?"

"This governor, I am afraid that he has been planning secretly since the massacre of the Zhao family?"

"Hey, guys like Sun Yu, they are so wronged..."

Liu Qinghe sighed secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he was even more afraid of the governor of the East Factory!

This method is unimaginable!
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(End of this chapter)

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