nine thousand years old

Chapter 138 Winning Over

Chapter 138 Winning Over (Part [-])
In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

Su Hanyun has been secretly watching Zheng Yunming, and news came from Fengyun Building that this guy tried to withdraw the maids and servants who were originally placed in some big families, and relocated them to the shops newly controlled by Fusi in Beizhen.

These people are all spies who have served Fengyulou for a long time. They are already successful and do not need any training. They will soon be qualified for the job of spies. The spies went over.

At present, the entire Guanlong has been stabilized, the rebellion has been suppressed, and the drought has eased due to the arrival of heavy rain. Nothing major has happened. These new spies have enough time to grow.

"Not bad, you can still think about it!"

Su Hanyun put the dossier back on the case, with an unconcealable expression of approval on his face. Zheng Yunming's method was very cautious, and he was able to complete his task in a short period of time without affecting the structure of the Wind and Rain Building. , It is really meticulous.

"I just don't know what this guy is doing? Can he suppress those people in the Wind and Rain Building?"

Su Hanyun looked at the other files, and soon a smile appeared on his face again, and he couldn't help but nod his head. The content in this file was what he was worried about, and Zheng Yunming handled it very well.

When he dispatched spies from major families, some people naturally objected, especially those who originally belonged to the Tianying Gang in Datong Prefecture. The spies they trained so hard were used by others and took advantage of them. And they have to train spies again.

A qualified spy requires a lot of time and energy, let alone not one, they have to train nearly a hundred or so spies, which consumes a lot of manpower, energy and material resources.

Naturally I was upset.

However, these overt and covert obstructions did not affect Zheng Yunming. This guy gathered all the veterans of the Skyhawk Gang together, and he even dismissed a hall master who opposed the most fiercely on the spot. Of course, he also It's not aimless, the subordinate who replaced this person was selected in advance, and replaced immediately.

This trick caught everyone in the Tianying Gang by surprise, and some hall masters and even gang leaders dared not show any intention of rebelling. Since joining Dongchang, they are no longer pure Jianghu gangs, and they have to be restricted. This restriction is East Factory.

Moreover, they have seen Dongchang's methods, and the entire Zhao family has been wiped out. If they make trouble, the end may not be very good, and things will be suppressed so smoothly.

Didn't even make much waves!
"Not bad!"

The smile on Su Hanyun's face became more and more intense. This Zheng Yunming is quite good in terms of both his thoughts and means, not worse than Shang Tianyin, even worse than Shang Tianyin. He is very suitable to be the landlord of Fengfenglou.

"It's him!"

After making up his mind, Su Hanyun waved his hand and shouted out the window,

"Come here, send Zheng Yunming over."


Someone bowed and left, and not long after, Zheng Yunming appeared respectfully at the entrance of the hall, perhaps knowing what Su Hanyun meant, the scarred face showed unconcealable excitement, he bowed and kowtowed, saying,

"This subordinate has seen the Governor!"

"Our family already knows what you have done, and our family is very satisfied. From today on, you will be the owner of Fengyulou, and continue to use the current strategy as the main strategy to continue to expand the power of Fengyulou. In addition, in Jianghu, there are aliens , our family also intends to keep an eye on it, you can arrange it yourself."

Su Hanyun casually threw a token at Zheng Yunming's feet, and said in a low voice,

"Don't let our family down!"

"Don't worry, the supervisor, the subordinates will definitely do their best!"

Zheng Yunming picked up the token and looked down. It was the size of a palm, engraved with mysterious and profound lines, and the whole body was brown. It was the Wind and Rain Order representing the highest authority of the Fengyu Tower!
"Supervisor, I have another suggestion!"

Respectfully putting away the token, Zheng Yunming kowtowed again and said respectfully,
"Most of the current spies in Fengyulou are servant girls who don't know martial arts. There are only some masters in some Jianghu gangs, but these masters are basically not high-level, and there are few third-rate masters. Bad development!"

"My subordinates have checked some files of Fengyulou. Some spies were in deep danger after being exposed. Fengyulou rarely rescued them successfully. This easily makes those spies feel insecure, and they are more restrained when they work for us!"

"The subordinates want to form a military organization to train or recruit masters of the rivers and lakes. As the guardian of these spies, colleagues can also deter these spies. If someone dares to rebel and do something wrong with Dongchang Fengfenglou, they can still be eliminated!"

"Please, Lord, consider it!"


Su Hanyun looked at Zheng Yunming, the expression of approval on his face became more obvious. Zheng Yunming's thoughts coincided with his own. The formation of Fengyun Tower also had this meaning in the beginning. However, Fengyun Tower monitors the existence of the entire Fengyun Tower and cannot express it. It's too obvious, and I can't interfere with the matter of Fengfenglou, so it hasn't been exposed.

And he is also planning to establish a similar organization in the Wind and Rain Building, and Zheng Yunming's proposal is exactly what he wants.

In addition, after the establishment of a force organization, Fengyulou can also do some unscrupulous things for Dongchang, which is more convenient for Dongchang to do things.

"You let go and do it, our family fully supports it!"

Su Hanyun said in a low voice with unconcealed approval in his eyes.

"My subordinate understands!"

Zheng Yunming didn't expect his proposal to be accepted so quickly, and his face showed a look of relief. He was also worried that Su Hanyun feared that he had enough power to pose a threat.

"Master, the general of the Guanlong garrison, Huang Yun is begging to see you again!"

The two of them discussed some things about Fengyu Building again, when a respectful voice came from outside the door, Su Hanyun's eyes flashed, and said,

"You go down!"


Zheng Yunming bowed and stepped back.

After the latter left, Su Hanyun took a deep breath and ordered someone to come over to help him tidy up his official uniform. After experiencing the Guanlong garrison rebellion and losing Lu Xingshu and Shang Tianyin one after another, Su Hanyun became more aware of the importance of power. In these few days of leisure, he also recalled Wei Zhongxian's growth path.

The latter was able to truly dominate the world not only by Dongchang, but also by recruiting some civil servants and generals to help him do things, especially some generals in the army. Now, he also has the intention of attracting the Guanlong garrison.

Now the relationship between the two can be established by quelling the Guanlong rebellion, so he attaches great importance to this meeting.


After a short time, the black python robe was put on, and the golden cloud-treading boots were on his feet. Su Hanyun strode out of the hall and came to the front hall. Huang Yunzhong and several generals were waiting in the hall. Perhaps it was the matter of cleaning up the interior of the Guanlong garrison recently. , several of them were a little tired, but their aura was not weak.

"The humble official has seen the governor!"

Seeing Su Hanyun appearing, Huang Yunzhong and others quickly got up and bowed their hands respectfully. Su Hanyun rescued Hou Yumang with his own power and quelled the rebellion of the Zhao family. They also admired this governor!


Su Hanyun went straight in, sat on the first seat, glanced at several generals, and asked in a low voice,
"The garrison, can everything be over?"

"Return to the Governor!"

Huang Yun got up again and came to the center of the hall, respectfully said,
"Recently, all the generals and soldiers in the humble general's garrison have been investigated and cleaned up. Anyone who is related to the Zhao family has been cleaned up, and a new person has been selected to replace them. Please take a look at the governor!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Yun presented a dossier with both hands. Su Hanyun is His Majesty's younger brother, and also holds the post of supervisor of the East Police Factory. He is qualified and has the right to see the arrangements in the garrison.

"No need!"

"Our family can trust you!"

Su Hanyun threw the dossier aside and said in a low voice,
"Old general Hou said before his death that you, Huang Yunzhong, could replace him in controlling the garrison. However, the garrison has not had any disturbances these days, which shows that you are doing well. This is the memorial prepared by our family. , look!"

Su Hanyun threw the memorial that he had prepared a few days ago to Huang Yunzhong. The latter opened the memorial, black and white words came into view, and he glanced over slightly. His rough face showed unconcealable shock and a hint of disbelief.

In the memorial, he gave a general account of the rebellion in Guanlong, dismissed the fact that Su Hanyun Liping the rebellion, and gave almost all the credit to the Guanlong garrison, especially Huang Yunzhong, and finally nominated him as the new garrison officer. This made him a little afraid to accept it.


Huang Yun took a deep breath, sent the memorial back respectfully, and said in a low voice,
"I dare not to be humble!"

"Our family is already under one person and over ten thousand people, and we don't care about these achievements, but you, if you want to secure your position as the chief of the Guanlong garrison, you need to not only frighten the garrison, but also shut the mouths of those guys in the court! "

Su Hanyun took a deep breath, got up slowly, came to Huang Yunzhong, patted his shoulder, and said,

"After all, you are responsible for not investigating the rebellion of the Guanlong garrison, and you also lost a veteran general with outstanding merit. If someone uses these things to talk about it, you will be in trouble!"

"Is our family right?"


Huang Yunzhong looked gloomy and lowered his head.

What Su Hanyun said is correct, if someone in the court makes a point of this matter, it will be really troublesome for him to be the chief general of the Guanlong garrison.

And with these credits, his position is secure!
However, these credits are not his own, he accepts them for no reason, and he really feels uneasy...

"Don't mind!"

Su Hanyun smiled and said,

"The Guanlong garrison is responsible for guarding Guanlong and resisting the Xiongnu. If someone else is the chief of the garrison, it will inevitably carry out a series of clean-ups inside the garrison, which will inevitably have an impact on the Guanlong garrison. You take this position ,it's the best!"

"If there is a change of personnel, the garrison is in chaos, and the Huns are given the opportunity to make trouble, then the loss outweighs the gain!"

"Before righteousness and smallness, you should know how to choose?"


Huang Yunzhong thought about it for a moment, his face revealed seriousness and admiration, he bowed his hands respectfully, knelt at Su Hanyun's feet, and said in a deep voice,

"The superintendent's righteousness, the humble post understands!"

"Please don't worry, Lord Governor. In the end, Guan Long will do his best and die!"

"it is good!"

Su Hanyun laughed loudly,
"Since you agree, then this memorial will be sent to the capital immediately. You can be your Guanlong Chief General at ease. We will help you settle all matters in the court!"

"Thank you Lord!"

Huang Yunzhong couldn't hide his gratitude, and kowtowed again.

And those Guanlong generals also showed admiration on their faces, they all got up and knelt down on the ground, saying in unison,
"My humble position is for Guan Long, thank you Lord Governor!"

(End of this chapter)

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