nine thousand years old

Chapter 142 I want Guan Long to flow blood into rivers, and there will never be peace in the Great Z

Chapter 142 I want Guan Long to flow blood into rivers, and there will never be peace in the Great Zhou Dynasty (fifth change)

Two days later!
On the side of Wang Ting's golden tent, the bright and warm sunlight shines in through the flickering felt window, and the inside of the inner tent is filled with a faint halo, and the warmth spreads. Yang's face is weak, and his eyes are fixed on the felt tent that flickers with the wind The curtains were gradually transferred to the several Hun women serving in the tent, their pale faces were sullen and relieved.

A joy, she used her body and all the tricks to make Hu Du Shanyu want to die, and then caught off guard and stabbed fiercely in the chest, expressing her love for Hu Du Shanyu Admiration, and admiration, although dangerous, almost costing my life, but it really works!
Now, she has officially become Hudu Shanyu's No. 30 six wives, and has her own servants and her own yurt.

Although there are only No.30 six, no matter in terms of status or status, they cannot be compared with Shanyu's other wives at all. Moreover, Hudu Shanyu may be just a whim. Abandoning herself like a shoe, but Yang doesn't care.

In fact, not afraid!
She believes that with her own means and the Guanlong deployment plan in her mind, she is enough to establish her own strength on this alien grassland!

After pondering for a while, Yang frowned, coughed intentionally, and called the Hun maid who had been respectfully guarding her side to her face. The little maid was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but because she lived on the grassland Because of this, there is a kind of rough bloodshot on the face, which is not good-looking.

"What are your orders, madam?"

The little maid could speak Chinese, she knelt respectfully beside Yang's bed, and asked in a low voice.

"Help me send a message to General Huluyan. He sent me to Huduchanyu. I want to thank him!"

Yang said tremblingly.


The little maid nodded and left the yurt. Not long after, Huluyan actually appeared at the door of the yurt. The Huns did not have the concept of those men and women in the Central Plains of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He was not very tall, and he had no scruples, so he just broke in and came to Yang with a gloomy face.

"you're good!"

Huluyan frowned into a pimple, with unconcealable anger on his rough face, and said in a deep voice,

"I didn't expect that you could use this method to make Shanyu accept you and make you his wife!"

"General Huluyan!"

Yang didn't make any excuses, just smiled faintly, and then said with a weak tone in his voice,

"The defense map of Guanlong is under the blanket of the felt tent you gave me to live in, but it's only half of it."


When Huluyan heard these words, his complexion suddenly changed, and an unconcealable shock flashed across Yang's eyes.

The reason why he was angry just now was because Mrs. Yang almost died. If she died, then Guan Long's defense plan would not be available to him, and he wanted to take this opportunity to pry Guan Long, so he slipped away from his hand , he was a little hard to accept.

But when he heard Yang's words, he immediately understood!

The woman had already handed over the defense map to him, but he didn't tell him clearly. However, according to his temper, after the woman died, he would definitely clean up the yurt she lived in, and when the time came, You will find that half of the Guanlong defense map is in your hands!
As for why there is half of it, it should be that this woman is half sure of her plan to get close to Hu Du Chanyu!
It was the first time that Huluyan looked at this woman squarely.

He was able to escape from the pursuit of the Dongji Incident Factory, and wandered alone on the empty grassland for so long without dying. After seeing himself, he forced himself to take her to see Hudu Shanyu, and finally relied on With a series of tricks, she became Shan Yu's wife, and during this period, the ruthlessness she showed made him, a man who is used to killing scenes, even more frightened!
This woman is not easy!
"General Huluyan, how about our cooperation?"

When Huluyan was sluggish, Yang Shi held on to the painful wound and sat up slightly. She raised her eyes, stared at Huluyan, and said in a low voice,
"You help me stabilize my position and support me!"

"I'll help you establish the supreme military exploits, and the iron cavalry will break through Guanlong!"

Huluyan's burly body shook, and the shock on his face became more and more intense. He stared at Yang Shi, feeling unbelievable, even a little terrified!

He hesitated, slightly clenched the scimitar at his waist.

This woman is too thoughtful, he feels like he is facing an abyss, as a general, he has instincts, this woman will bring disaster to the Huns, he doesn't want to keep her!
call out!
The scimitar was slightly unsheathed, and the sharp cold light escaped, and the atmosphere in the felt tent became a little depressing.

"General Huluyan, do you think I'm afraid of death?"

Yang looked at the dagger, and gently pulled the shirt off her chest, revealing her snow-white and proud chest, which should have been extremely attractive and plump, but there were two shocking scars, with the left chest leaning upwards It was stabbed by Qin Yuting's sword at the beginning, and now it has recovered a lot, but there are still black marks, and the lower part of the left chest was stabbed by her the day before yesterday.

Huluyan looked at the two scars with a ferocious face, not knowing what to do, the dagger holding the scimitar trembled slightly.

"General Huluyan, you don't want to be a general forever, do you?"

"The Xiongnu's iron cavalry rides through Guanlong, and you can see the great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains. Your prestige on the grassland will also increase!"

"This king's court golden tent, what's the harm if you sit down?"

Yang's voice was bewitching and indescribably seductive, which made Huluyan's face serious, his breathing became rapid, and the hand holding the dagger was even harder, the veins were exposed, the blood vessels swelled, and there was a creaking sound. sound.

"Hudu, you are brave and foolhardy. Even a mere woman like me can be bewitched by a little bit of tricks, and you actually made me your wife?"

"What qualifications does this kind of person have to be your master of Huluyan?"

"Is he worthy of the belief of Changshengtian?"

Yang's voice continued to sound, with intermittent coughing mixed in. Huluyan's eyes widened, and his eyes turned blood red. He frowned, pulled out the dagger abruptly, and landed on Yang's neck. , roared in a dark voice,

"To shut up!"

"I won't listen to the bewitchment of you, an insidious woman!"

"I will always be loyal to Hudu Shanyu!"


Without any fear, Yang stretched out her right hand with great difficulty, pinched the dagger, and then exerted force towards her neck. The dagger did not move at all. She raised her head and said with a smile,
"Why don't you make a move?"

"Do you like me? Or was I persuaded?"


Huluyan's heart trembled, his mind became more and more confused, and the hand holding the dagger also trembled violently.

After pondering for a moment, his eyes suddenly froze, he snatched the dagger with a wave of his hand, inserted it back into the scabbard at his waist, then took a deep breath, lowered his head to stare at Yang Shi, his voice became very calm, and said,
"You are really extraordinary!"

"I, Huluyan, rarely admire people, especially women. You are the first!"

"Your bewitchment, I can see it!"

"However, I really want to step on Guanlong and point my sword at the Central Plains!"

"So, your proposal, deal!"

"However, I hope you can keep yourself safe and don't destroy my court of the Huns, otherwise, I, Huluyan, will be the first to spare you!"

"Don't worry, General Huluyan, I just don't want to die, and I won't provoke others!"

Yang said with a smile.

"hope so!"

There was a sneer in Huluyan's pupils, and there was a fierce look. He took a last look at Yang, took a deep breath, turned and left the big tent.

After a while, there was a low sound of horseshoes outside the big tent, and the burly figure rode his horse and swung his whip away. The direction was in the direction of the Huns' camp. Yang turned her head and looked at the shaking curtain, her face There was a faint smile on his face, and there was an unconcealable gloom.

She knew that Huluyan must be going to get the half of the Guanlong deployment map now!
With Huluyan's temperament, he will definitely scrutinize this defense plan carefully, and send someone to secretly inquire with Guan Long. These days will not be too long, and it is estimated that there will be results in three to five days.

And next, they should come to Hudu Shanyu to ask for orders and send troops to Guanlong.

"For the remaining half of the defense map, Huluyan should ask for orders and take me to the expedition together!"

"I really can't wait!"

Yang retracted her gaze, took a deep breath, and leaned against the bed. For a moment, her face became extremely resentful, and she muttered to herself while she was shedding tears.

"You wait, this time, I will make Guan Long's blood flow like a river, and there will be no peace in the Great Zhou Dynasty!"


Datong Mansion!
The sun was shining brightly, the wind was howling, and the air was filled with the bleakness of the future of the cold winter. The people on the street were wrapped in thick clothes, and hurriedly walked towards home. At the end of the street, a A carriage came galloping, making a clattering sound, even though his speed was already very fast, the person in the carriage was still urging him.


"Hurry up, delay the time, I'm afraid the old man's head will be gone!"

The person in the carriage was Liu Qinghe, the magistrate of Datong. He had heard the news that Su Hanyun was about to leave Guanlong and return to the capital by chance this morning. He was so anxious that he hurriedly drove the carriage, came out of the government office, and rushed to the Datong Post Station!

Su Hanyun came here as an imperial envoy, which means he is the emperor!

He wants to leave the Datong Mansion. According to the usual practice, all the officials of the Datong Mansion must be practiced by this imperial envoy, otherwise it will be disrespectful in comparison and disrespectful to the imperial court!
He dare not give it away!
But tomorrow Su Hanyun will leave, he didn't prepare anything, how to send it?
He sent people to the most luxurious Zuixiangju in Datong Mansion to book a place, and at the same time rushed to the Datong Post Station. Even if he was afraid of Su Hanyun and dared not face him, he had to bite the bullet and ask the governor to leave in two days at night !

Give the officials of Datong Prefecture time and opportunity!
The groom swung his whip, and the speed of the carriage suddenly accelerated. Liu Qinghe staggered and slammed into the door of the carriage without paying attention, but he didn't care about the pain at all. When he saw the entrance of Datong Post Station, he almost jumped out of the carriage with one stride. , and then hurriedly ran towards the station...

 Soon, it will be a real drama!

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(End of this chapter)

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