nine thousand years old

Chapter 145 The Storm Comes

Chapter 145 The Storm Is Coming (Part [-])
In the Guanlong garrison camp, the cold wind was howling. Accompanied by Huang Yunzhong and others, Su Hanyun rode his horse and drove straight to the middle tent. The heavy curtain was lifted, and a group of generals entered with bee chrysalis. There is an unconcealable solemnity surging all over the place, and the atmosphere in the air is also extremely oppressive, as if a mountain is pressing on people's heads.

Su Hanyun sat on one side, Huang Yun took the main seat again, looked at the spies who rushed over one after another with particularly gloomy eyes, and roared in a sinister voice,
"How is the situation now?"

" to the general!"

A spy leader looked nervous, and said with a dignified and deep meaning,
"Ten, 36, and seventeen, the three guards immediately sent troops to intercept the attack after discovering the Hun cavalry slaughtering the village. However, these Hun cavalry were extremely fast, and seemed to know the location of our guard. Slaughtered four villages, and now..."

"Where are they now?"

The seriousness in Huang Yunzhong's eyes became stronger, and the gloom on his rough face almost condensed into substance, he growled in a low voice.

"They are missing, our scouts, and the surrounding guards have not found any trace of them!"

Huang Yunzhong slapped the dossiers before several cases and so on to the ground, exuding an indescribable evil spirit. Nearly a thousand Huns cavalry broke into the hinterland of the Guanlong garrison and slaughtered so many villages along the way. Can't find it?

This is simply a disgrace!
"Come here, set off the smoke, notify all the guards, mobilize all the people, put them on emergency alert, and send all the spies and scouts to search with all their strength. We must find the shadows of these cavalrymen. I will peel their skins. Pay homage to those people who died!"

Huang Yunzhong is also a veteran in the army. After being furious, he immediately recovered and worked out a plan as quickly as possible. There was an unconcealable evil spirit exuding from his body.

They all bowed their hands and were about to leave the big tent to prepare.

"and many more!"

Su Hanyun has been listening to the spies' report, frowning very fiercely, he waved his hand to stop the generals who were about to leave, then turned his head to look at Huang Yunzhong with livid face, and said in a low voice,

"General Huang, this is wrong!"


Huang Yun made a solemn statement, frowned, and asked,
"What do you mean?"

"The Xiongnu cavalry were able to enter the hinterland of the Guanlong garrison. After massacring them, they disappeared. You couldn't find them. Have you ever thought about the reason?"


Huang Yunzhong's burly body trembled, his eyes were full of seriousness, he gritted his teeth, winked at the rest of the generals, and said,

"Go out and stand by!"


Everyone withdrew one after another, and only Huang Yunzhong and Su Hanyun were left in the middle tent. Huang Yunzhong took a deep breath and said with a particularly solemn expression,
"On the way to the barracks, the general was thinking about this matter. The defense of the Guanlong garrison has been impenetrable for so many years. No matter how many times the Huns tried to break through, they failed. It is definitely not a matter of tactics."

"This time, a thousand cavalry went all the way from the grassland to the hinterland of the Guanlong garrison without disturbing any guards. The general suspects that the Huns may know the situation of Guanlong's defense!"

"Our family thinks so too!"

With serious eyes, Su Hanyun waved his sleeves and said in a low voice,

"If that's the case, do you think it's possible that the Huns just sent a thousand cavalry to slaughter them?"


Huang Yunzhong was stunned, and his expression gradually became frightened.


Su Hanyun let out a deep breath, the expression on his face became more dignified, and he said in a particularly low voice,
"If I were Shanyu the Xiongnu, I would definitely take this opportunity to attack Datong Mansion as quickly as possible before the Guanlong garrison had time to take countermeasures!"

"Then, with the Datong Mansion as the foundation, continue to break through the two cities of Qingzhou and Anxi, Anxi, Qingzhou, and Mopan Mountain to form a natural barrier. After they occupy this place, they can move the foundation of my Dazhou!"

"Is our family right?"

The expression on Huang Yunzhong's face became more serious, he took a deep breath, and said with gloomy eyes,

"The Lord is right!"

"Since this is the case, then the thousand cavalry will have another role!"

Su Hanyun continued to analyze,
"As far as our family knows, the Huns benefit from cavalry. If they want to capture Datong Mansion, they must get rid of the Guanlong garrison standing in front of them. How can they eliminate the 50 garrison as soon as possible?"

"Naturally, they will be broken one by one."

"Assuming they understand Guanlong's defense, then they must know all the guards clearly, and it is almost a breeze to destroy each guard one by one!"

"So, according to our family's analysis, these thousand cavalry must be the first movers. They use these cavalry to harass us and attract our attention. At that time, all the soldiers and horses of the guard will gather near the guard, which is convenient for them to move!"


Hearing this analysis, Huang Yunzhong's expression suddenly became extremely serious, and he even took a breath of air. It was true. His order just now was to disperse all the soldiers and horses in the guard. , These guards will inevitably be attacked by thunder from the Huns cavalry.

There are only 2 to [-] people in each guard, and it is impossible to block the Huns cavalry, and it will be dangerous at that time!
"Then what shall we do now?"

After figuring out the key point, Huang Yunzhong frowned even more. He was at a loss for a while, let the cavalry do nothing?Let them continue to slaughter?

This is unrealistic!

Withdraw all guard troops and start a war with the Huns?But what about the people outside the guards?Let them be exposed to the Xiongnu cavalry?This is even more impossible!
Those are all the people of Da Zhou!

The Guanlong garrison exists to protect them. If they are abandoned, the morale of the Guanlong garrison will be lost, because all the people have their relatives and friends!


Su Hanyun was also frowning, he couldn't think of a good idea for a while, and the leak of Guanlong's defense map was just a guess, if the action was too big and the guess was wrong, it would be too motivating!

"Take the initiative to attack!"

After pondering for a moment, Su Hanyun's eyes suddenly became fierce, with an unconcealable fierceness rushing through him. There were only two ways to deal with the attack of the Huns and their advantage of understanding the arrangement of the guards, one was to evacuate, and the other was to Fight in front of the guardhouse!
Evacuation is impossible!
Then you can only fight outside the guard!
Gather most of the Guanlong garrison and start a war with the Huns in front of the guard. This will also prevent the war from going beyond Guanlong. Moreover, with the advantage of the garrison's infantry, it is not bad to intercept the opponent's cavalry!
"Thank you, Lord, for your suggestion!"

Huang Yunzhong also figured out the key point in an instant. It is indeed the best idea so far to start the war outside the guard. After a little thought about the detailed arrangement, he returned to the main position.

With a measure in his mind, he regained the calmness and composure of the chief of the first army, raised his hand and shouted towards the door,

"Come on!"

"The end is here!"

All the generals couldn't wait a long time ago, and rushed into the middle tent, a gloomy evil spirit swept across, and everyone's faces were hard to conceal.

"Xu Ting, Liu Songzhi, you two lead troops to stay in the camp!"

"The rest of the generals gather the troops as quickly as possible, march towards the grassland, and notify all the guards, leave the basic people, all the troops gather at the 23rd and 24th guards, and prepare to fight the Huns head-on!"

"Joining the army Zhang Mou, you are responsible for preparing food and grass."


Everyone bowed their hands one after another, the evil spirit on their faces became more and more intense, and they took people out to prepare. Not long after, countless dark troops gathered on the martial arts field of the Guanlong garrison camp. A low-pitched horn sounded, and the army rushed out of the camp. The evil spirit rolled like a dragon, and the sky and the earth were almost dark!
"Huang Yunzhong, how sure are you that the Guanlong garrison will confront the Huns head-on?"

Su Hanyun stood at the gate of the barracks, staring at the howling and surging steel torrent, and asked in a concentrated voice.

"The last general... I don't know!"

Huang Yunzhong took a deep breath and said truthfully,

"If it was a full frontal confrontation, the Guanlong garrison would be able to stop the Xiongnu cavalry."

"However, the Huns have also learned a lot over the years. They rarely confront us head-on. Moreover, the Huns have produced a powerful general in recent years, Huluyan!"

"This man is like a god of soldiers. He has fought against old general Hou several times. He won and lost. But in the past two years, he has the tendency to gain the upper hand. In these years, he has grown to a terrifying level!"

"Old General Hou also said before his death that if you give him another three to five years, no one in Guan Long will be able to stop him!"


Su Hanyun's face became more and more dignified and gloomy. He still didn't have a thorough understanding of the situation in Guanlong. According to what Huang Yunzhong said, this General Huluyan is an extremely difficult person!
If he...discovers the movements of the Guanlong garrison, he should be able to guess the intention of the Guanlong garrison, and he will definitely send troops immediately. Before the camp of the Guanlong garrison is fully formed, he can break the barrier of the Guanlong garrison at lightning speed. deploy!
Thinking of that possibility, Su Hanyun frowned suddenly into a pimple!

"We must be fast!"

After pondering for a moment, Su Hanyun slapped Huang Yunzhong on the shoulder, and said in a concentrated voice,
"We must gather all the troops outside the guardhouse before Huluyan realizes our intentions. If he messes up, we will immediately fall into a passive position!"

"With the speed of the Huns cavalry, if our camp is not formed, it will be easily torn apart!"

"The end will understand!"

Huang Yunzhong's expression also became more solemn, and he turned around and ordered to the general behind him. The general rode his horse and left. Not long after, a command flag was waved, and the speed of the Guanlong garrison gradually increased!

"Hope everything goes well..."

Su Hanyun looked into the distance, the dark sky and dark clouds rolled in, giving people a particularly oppressive feeling, as if a storm was about to come!
(End of this chapter)

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