nine thousand years old

Chapter 158 Killing Another General

Chapter 158 Killing Another General (Part [-])
The Xiongnu cavalry and the Great Zhou cavalry entangled with each other, chasing and fleeing, the sound of horseshoes roaring in the distance, like thunder rolling and sweeping across the earth, Su Hanyun stood on one of the horses, holding the Longquan sword, staring closely Looking at Wuzhu not far ahead, the latter looked terrified and was waving his horsewhip quickly.

Awe-inspiring flashed across Su Hanyun's eyes, and he slapped directly on the back of the war horse under his crotch. Using the power of counter-shock to perform his lightness kung fu, he swept straight forward, hey, hey, hey, his speed was extremely fast, like flying Every time Hongyan passed by a Hun cavalryman, he slashed the Longquan sword across the opponent's neck, bringing up a pool of blood.

"General, he's here..."

The general beside Lord Wu turned his head to see this scene, his face showed unconcealable shock, and it was unbelievable that such a tossing and flashing among thousands of troops was simply impossible for humans to do.

"What... what..."

Lord Wu also turned his head to look. When he saw Su Hanyun was constantly rising and falling, rushing towards him, his face became extremely frightened, and there was unconcealable shock in his eyes. At this time , he finally understood why Huluxie was killed!

It's not that he is too useless, but that the so-called nine thousand years old is too unbelievable!
"Stop him, don't let him come over!"

"Quick! Run! Stop the Da Zhou cavalry at all costs!"

Lord Wu exclaimed, and waved his whip like crazy again. When the generals heard the words, their faces also showed solemn expressions, and they approached Lord Wu one after another. Lord Wu is their general, and they must do their best to Protect it with all your strength, even if you lose your life here, you will not hesitate.


A moment later, Su Hanyun rushed in front of this group of cavalry generals. A burly general with a dark face roared and swung his hand with a knife, sweeping directly towards Su Hanyun's waist. Ding, Su Hanyun's eyes turned cold, and the Longquan sword struck strangely. Sweeping forward, the scimitar was blown away, and the general's arm was cut off directly, flying into the sky.


Su Hanyun leaped forward and grabbed another war horse. Two generals on the left and right sides came with sabers, and in front of him was a strong man who was almost like a beast, waving a mace, and he was very powerful.

Su Hanyun leaned back, dodging the blades on the left and right sides, and at the same time slapped his palm on the horse's back, his whole body swept up in the air, the mace fell on the horse's head, and the huge force exploded Open, the horse's head shattered, blood splashed, boom, Su Hanyun stepped on the arm holding the mace, and rushed to the beast-like general.

call out!
The Longquan sword swept across the latter, and the general's head fell straight down, blood spattering out.

Su Hanyun slapped again, and at the same time, he used Lingbo microsteps to swipe forward again with his strength. At this time, he was only less than three or five feet away from Wuzhu, and Wuzhu felt the fierce murderous aura. , turned his head and took a look, the frightened expression on his face was even thicker, he almost fell off the horse in fright.

"Come on, come on..."

Wuzhu yelled in horror, and several cavalry hurriedly approached him.

Su Hanyun also followed. The mere cavalrymen were nothing to be afraid of. The Longquan sword in his hand passed by fiercely, and directly knocked them off the horse, blood splashed, and he also rushed to his eyes in fright, and his face turned pale instantly. In front of the pale Lord Wu.

"Take your life!"

The two were almost side by side, and the two war horses gradually approached. Su Hanyun had a hideous grin on the corner of his mouth, and stabbed directly with his sword.


Although Master Wu was terrified, he was a general who fell to the ground, and his own martial arts were not weak. He pulled out the huge mace suddenly, and rushed towards Su Hanyun's Longquan sword. Bang, the long sword was shaken crookedly, Rubbing Wuzhu's shoulder and passing, a bright red wound shot out from it, and blood spattered out.


Master Wu staggered and nearly rolled off his horse, his eyes became more frightened and his lips turned white.

call out!
Just before he had time to catch his breath, Su Hanyun's Longquan sword had been swiped over again, extremely fast, and there was a fierce sword aura whistling, Lord Wu roared, and swung the mace again to block, and this One time, Su Hanyun was already prepared, the sword moved in front of him, suddenly changed, and suddenly dodged to the side.

The mace flew across the air without touching anything. Because of too much force, Master Wu twisted his body aside, exposing half of his body in front of Su Hanyun. His face was suddenly terrified, and he opened his mouth to beg for mercy, but the voice Before he came out, he saw the Longquan sword was in front of him, and with a pop, his head left his body and flew into the air.

Blood spurted out wantonly, with a particularly evil spirit.

call out!
The corners of Su Hanyun's mouth showed ferocity, and he got up from the horse's back, grabbed the dead head in his arms, and roared awe-inspiringly,

"Left Cavalry Commander, Lord Wu's head is here again!"

"The Guanlong cavalry obey the order, encircle immediately, and kill without mercy!"

The deep voice was urged by the rolling internal force, and it roared towards the space between the sky and the earth. Although it was not very loud, it reached the ears of Huang Yunzhong who was rushing over. The order, the command flag and the horn sounded, and the world was filled with desolation and depression.

Oh oh oh!
The sound rolled, and the Zhou cavalrymen on the left and right sides quickly encircled the middle. Amidst the ferocious shouts of killing, the long Hun cavalry team was cut off from the middle abruptly, and turned into two ends. , The troops in front fled frantically, the Zhou cavalry ignored them, and rushed towards the intercepted Xiongnu cavalry one after another.

These cavalry slaughtered the people of Dazhou, their parents, brothers, wives, children and friends. They had suppressed countless anger long ago. Now that they have the opportunity to take revenge, they are naturally unreserved. The mighty Guanlong cavalry is almost like a wolf. Like a tiger, rushing in was a massacre, and about [-] Hun cavalry were annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sky and the earth have long since turned bright red.

A moment later, Huang Yunzhong and the generals of the Guanlong garrison also rushed in front of Su Hanyun. With an unconcealable awe in their faces, they all surrounded Su Hanyun one after another. A general of the Huns wanted to take revenge, but was directly attacked by Huang Yunzhong's simple sword Torn in half down the middle.

Huang Yun turned his head again, and bowed his hands to Su Hanyun awe-inspiringly,
"Master, the end is late!"

"Ha ha……"

Su Hanyun was bloodthirsty all over his body, but his aura was fierce and ferocious. He laughed wildly, threw the head of the Wu Lord to Huang Yunzhong, then pointed Longquan sword horizontally at the fleeing Huns cavalry, and laughed loudly,
"not late!"

"The generals obey the order, let's kill with our family!"


A group of generals had already been overwhelmed by Su Hanyun's aura of beheading the enemy's leader among thousands of horses. Hearing this order, the fierce and awe-inspiring expressions on their faces rose sharply, and they all rushed forward to fight...

The dawn of the sky is gradually shining, and the corpses of the Huns are all over the mountains and plains!
Blood flowed like a river!


(End of this chapter)

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