nine thousand years old

Chapter 193 Means in the Jiaolan Temple

Chapter 193 The method in the Jiaolan Palace (second update)

call out!
The two assassins who ran out from the Chengqian Hall, with tense faces, panicked, used their speed to the extreme, and rushed towards the night. Although they were ready to die before coming, but from the Chengqian Hall After escaping from here, they saw a glimmer of hope for life again, and they were a little afraid of death!
"Let's go over there!"

Hiding in the shadows, the two assassins glanced at the guards of the imperial army who were whizzing by in front of them, with a look of determination on their faces, and said in a low voice, after finishing speaking, the two of them flew up almost at the same time, facing southeast. Sweeping out, almost instantaneously, it crossed a high brick wall.


The two of them glanced behind, no one noticed at all, and no one was chasing after them. They couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then they were about to continue running away from the palace. However, before they had time to take a step, they felt A strong breath locked him down.

They looked horrified and froze in place.

From the night in all directions, four or five figures came out, all of whom were not weak, and had already reached the realm of a first-class master, and the person in the lead was even a first-class peak, with a fierce aura, oppressing them, their faces turned pale, and they were a little panting. I can't breathe.


The two assassins felt that the situation was a bit strange, and they were a little at a loss. When they escaped, it was clear that no one was chasing them. How could it be?
"We let you out on purpose!"

"Ha ha……"

"Your use value ends here, let's go!"

One of the masters of the Executive Department showed a faint gloomy expression on his face, and waved his hand indifferently.

The faces of the remaining few people showed serious expressions, and they directly swung their swords towards the two assassins who were puzzled and puzzled. At the same time, the sword light covered the two of them.

"Fight with you!"

The two assassins looked at each other with a ferocious look on their faces, and immediately drew out their soft swords. However, their strength was under the siege of five first-class masters, and they would not pose any threat at all. After that, there were two blood splashes, one assassin's neck was pierced, and the other assassin's heart was pierced.

The two collapsed on the ground, twitching in pain, their faces full of despair.

"A bunch of idiots!"

"Still fighting against the governor, you're overestimating your capabilities!"

The assassin glanced indifferently, and swept across with his sword, the heads of both of them were cut off, he threw the head to one of them casually, then took out a black bottle from his arms, opened the bottle cap, Exuding an exceptionally strong stench, he poured the liquid in the bottle over the two corpses.



The liquid quickly corroded the corpse, even the clothes were corroded, and soon turned into two puddles of foul-smelling liquid, which then seeped in along the ground. Two assassins took some soil from the side, Covered on it, everything just disappears without a trace.

"Take the head back and return to the Lord!"

"Both of you, go to the Jiaolan Hall and follow the governor's plan!"

The man in black put away the black bottle and gave instructions to the two men in black.


The two men in black clasped their hands slightly, then rushed towards the Jiaolan Hall.

Not long after, two men in black came to the gate of Jiaolan Hall, and Pan Renyi was waiting nearby. Accompanied by Pan Renyi, there were dozens of masters from the Executive Division, all of them with fierce aura and gloomy eyes.

"Eunuch Pan!"

"It's done?"

Pan Renyi glanced at the two of them and asked in a dark voice.

"It's done, the corpses are destroyed, only two heads are left, they were taken away by Shisan, and they are ready to return!"

The man in black said in a low voice.

Thirteen is the name of their leader. Since joining the Executive Division, they have canceled their own names and compiled them entirely by code names.

"It's a good job, Governor, and our family will be rewarded a lot!!"

Pan Renyi smiled faintly, turned his head to look at the flickering Jiaolan Temple, raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an unconcealable gloomy look, and said to the people behind him,
"The two pretend to be assassins and rush in!"

"The rest of you, then follow in, don't give that woman any chance to resist, take it down with lightning speed!"

"Then replace the prepared corpse."

"The speed must be fast, otherwise it will easily arouse the suspicion of others!"

"Do you understand everything?"


There was fierce expression on the faces of the people, and they cupped their hands one after another, and two of them took off the clothes of the executive secretary, and then changed into the black night clothes of the assassin.


Following Pan Renyi's order, everyone's eyes were gloomy, and they all mobilized their breath.

Those two masters of the Execution Department who played the roles of assassins rushed out and rushed towards the Jiaolan Palace with a fierce aura.


"There are thorns..."

When the guards surrounding the Jiaolan Hall saw the assassin, their expressions turned gloomy, and they waved their knives to greet him, and at the same time, shouted at the surroundings.

Before their roars could be heard, the two masters of the Executive Department had already rushed over, the sword light passed by, the necks of the two guards were cut open, blood spattered out, the two fell down, and then the two fell again Turning around, the rest of the guards rushing forward were knocked back, and then they headed directly towards the gate of Jiaolan Hall.

"Catch assassins!"

At this time, Pan Renyi and those experts who were hiding in the dark were also dispatched together. Dozens of people rushed directly towards the Jiaolan Temple. It took almost an instant to destroy the entire Jiaolan Temple. The hall was firmly surrounded, and with a bang, the two men pretending to be assassins smashed the gate of Jiaolan Hall and rushed in!

And Pan Renyi and others also followed closely!

"Catch them, don't let them get away!"

"Protect Concubine Mu!"


Concubine Mu Gui knew that there would be an assassination incident tonight, and she was very worried. At this moment, she was not sleeping at all, and was hiding on the bed, nervously waiting for the news of the assassination. Her expression changed suddenly, and then she stood up abruptly.

Before she finished speaking, she saw two men in black rushing towards her. The guard Liu Momo looked terrified and screamed, but before she finished speaking, she Seeing a sword light passing by, she cut off her head directly, and the blood and head rolled aside!
call out!
The sword of the man in black followed closely, and it was in front of Concubine Mu Gui again!
Killing intent!

Concubine Mu Gui stared at the boss, she couldn't believe it at all, these assassins were all from the Moyun sect, they must know their identity, how could they assassinate themselves in turn?

What's going on here?


The moment Mu Guifei was stunned, the assassin's sword light had already arrived in front of her. Released without reservation.

One by one, they rushed out from under the bed and headed straight for the black-clothed assassin!

(End of this chapter)

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