nine thousand years old

Chapter 195 Within the Zhou Mansion

Chapter 195 Inside the Zhou Mansion (Fourth Change)


The woman from the sack still had some breath. She stared at Pan Renyi and the others in horror, her face was full of despair, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.


Pan Renyi frowned, and an expert from the Executive Division stepped forward and stabbed the woman's chest with a sword. Blood splashed out and quickly stained the ground red, while the woman twitched violently. He stared at the crowd in despair, and after a while, he was completely out of breath.

Concubine Mu Gui looked at this scene with an extremely terrified look on her face.

At this time, she finally understood that Pan Renyi wanted to take her away secretly, and then used this trick to reassure the emperor's suspicion. Such a corpse was almost exactly like her, and the emperor even looked at it. Now, how can you suspect it's fake?

Moreover, at this time, there is an assassin coming to assassinate, so no one will doubt it at all!

This idea is simply perfect!

"Mu Guifei, please!"

Pan Renyi took care of everything in the Jiaolan Palace. With a cold expression on his face, he came to the stunned Concubine Mu Gui. He patted the pale face of the latter with a smile, and said in a dark voice,

"Master, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"take away!"


The master of the Executive Department received the order, directly packed Concubine Mu Gui in the black sack, and then hid it in the corner of the main hall. Immediately afterwards, Pan Renyi hurriedly ran out, facing the guards roaring outside they growled,
"The assassin has been captured, hurry up and ask the imperial doctor!"

"Concubine Mu Gui was injured by an assassin!"

The imperial guards around were in confusion, and Pan Renyi nodded slightly at the leader. After the two exchanged glances, Pan Renyi hurriedly retreated. Not long after, Feng Zhengsi's masters also took advantage of the confusion, Take Concubine Mu Gui out of the Jiaolan Hall, and head straight for the Supervisor of Rituals all the way!


Zhou Mansion!

The night is dark, the cold wind is howling, the shadows of the trees in the courtyard are swaying, like monsters with teeth and claws, and there are scattered fallen leaves floating down, rolling along the bluestone road, making a crackling sound, slightly thin The maid, bowing her body, stood nervously at the entrance of the hall, not even daring to breathe.

And in that hall, looking at the faint fire light, Yusu crossed her knees and closed her eyes, her body was rippling with not weak fluctuations, these fluctuations came and went one after another, the wide monk robe on her body was slightly rippling, and it seemed that the whole hall was blowing. There was a gust of wind, and some books, files, etc. on the case were slightly rolled over.

After a while, all the aura of these things dissipated, and Yusu opened her eyes.

"Peak of first class!"

"The elixir of the leader is really effective. Now my strength is no worse than that of Mu Tianqiu!"

"Hmph, not long after I stay with the leader, my position in the leader will surpass Mu Tianqiu!"

Yusu muttered to herself, with a sneer that couldn't be concealed on her face.

Just as she was thinking about the future in her heart, dozens of auras that were not weak suddenly appeared around the Zhou mansion. These auras basically reached the first-class masters, and among them, there were two that were even the peak of the first-class. Not weaker than herself, Yusu's face changed, she was shocked and ran out of the room in a hurry.

"Jade Guardian..."

The servant girl didn't feel the aura around her at all, she was startled by Yusu's sudden appearance, and knelt down on the ground with a face full of fear.

Yusu didn't have time to look at her at all, so she raised her head and looked into the depths of the night!
The incomparably fierce aura seemed to appear out of nowhere, whistling from all directions, and surrounded the entire Zhou Mansion almost instantly. Dozens of men in black were all masked in black, only showing their faces. He squinted his eyes, his eyes full of ferocious evil spirit.

When Yu Su was shocked, there was another muffled sound from the front of the courtyard, and the closed gate of the Zhou Mansion was kicked open. There were countless imperial guards and uniformly dressed in black, like It was people from the Jianghu who rushed in. These people were obviously well-trained, and they surrounded the mansion in a short time!

The crossbowman split the two sides and raised them up one after another. The black arrows aimed at the middle of the house. The sharp oppressiveness made people dare not underestimate it. The maid was trembling with fright, her face pale. Turning into a piece of paper, she collapsed on the ground, urine dripping down her pant legs.

Yusu's brows were also wrinkled into a pimple, and there was an unconcealable solemnity in his eyes.

What the hell is going on here?

"Master Yusu of the Emei School, the third disciple of the sect leader!"

"Moyun teaches the Right Protector!"

"Long time, long time!"

After a while, Zheng Yunming walked in slowly from outside the Zhou mansion under the protection of several figures in black. He raised his head, stared at Yusu with a dignified face, and sneered.

"You are……"

Yusu frowned even more, the other party knew her identity, and she knew it so clearly, but she didn't know where these people came from at all!
"I'm here, Dongji Incident Factory, the owner of Fengfenglou Building!"

"Zheng Yunming!"

"Master Yusu, please come!"

"The Governor sees you!"

Zheng Yunming smiled slightly, the smile on the corner of his mouth was full of gloom.

"East Police Factory?"

Hearing this name, Yusu's enchanting body shook slightly, unconcealable shock and indescribable panic flooded her face, was she from Dongchang?

At the beginning, the leader suspected that the whereabouts of Moyun Sect had been exposed, but unexpectedly, not only was it exposed, but it was also exposed so clearly!

The fans of Dongchang have already surrounded me, and I still don't know it!

This Dongji Incident Factory is really powerful!
However, shock is nothing but shock, she is confident that with the profound lightness kung fu of Moyun Sect taught by the leader, as long as she doesn't fight them desperately, she can escape from this heavy siege!

Taking a long breath, Yusu clenched her hands slightly, and said with a sneer,

"The poor nun likes men, your governor is neither yin nor yang, the poor nun can't look down on him!"

"Go back and tell him that if you want to see the poor nun, you have to grow that thing first!"

As soon as the words fell, a fierce breath erupted from Yusu's body, and the fat monk's robes were slightly rippling and buzzing.

Obviously ready to escape!
"Ha ha……"

"Master Yu Su is really crazy, it seems that she doesn't know the methods of our Dongji Incident Factory!"

An unconcealable gloom appeared on Zheng Yunming's face, he grinned, showing his white teeth, then he smiled and waved his hands around.

Hundreds of firecrackers appeared from all directions in the courtyard, aiming at Yusu in the middle!
The pitch-black firecracker hole was deep and dense. At this moment, the atmosphere of the whole world became oppressive and dead silent!
The confidence on Yusu's face disappeared in an instant, turning pale, and the aura on her body suddenly became stagnant!
She felt a mountain pressing down on her chest, and it was difficult for her to even breathe!
If it was just those bows and crossbows, she could barely fight and escape!

However, there is even a firecracker battalion!

She is not an idiot, she knows how powerful the Fire Gun Camp is, no matter how fast her lightness kung fu is, can she surpass the Huo Gun?

When a round of firecrackers comes down, he has to become a sieve in an instant!

Her face was completely dull!
"Now, Mrs. Yusu, should I go or not?"

Zheng Yunming sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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