nine thousand years old

Chapter 197 Interrogation

Chapter 197 Interrogation (first update)
"Jie Jie..."

The old eunuch's withered face was like a devil, rubbing up and down on the delicate and fair skin of Concubine Mu Gui and Yusu, and a frightening voice came out of his throat. In this cramped space, he looked extraordinarily terrifying.

Yusu and Concubine Mu Gui are also considered to be people who have experienced great storms, and even took the position of Dharma protector in the Moyun Sect, which is extraordinary, but now that the internal force is sealed, it is even more so because this person is neither human nor ghost. The old eunuch's heart was already trembling after being treated like this, goose bumps appeared on his fair skin, and he shivered.

"Are you scared?"

"Our family hasn't started yet, why are we scared?"

"Isn't that boring?"

The old eunuch noticed the changes in the bodies of the two, and the corners of his shriveled mouth were raised, revealing a trace of unconcealable sternness. While speaking, he took a delicate silver handle that looked like a palm and could be stretched freely from the torture rack beside him. paw.

The tips of the claws are sharp and cold, and there are faint spots of rust.

This is a kind of torture tool with the characteristics of the prison of the East Jiji Factory. It is called Yinli. The name is very unique, but its function is to make countless people terrified. The five silver thorns at the tip can pierce the flesh of a person. Then with force, it gradually pierces into the joints, and can pierce all the large and small joints of the human body, causing them to fall off, turning the person into a puppet with broken strings.

"The governor wants to know something about the Moyun Sect, especially the hiding place of your leader. I don't know who can tell our family?"

The old eunuch squeezed Yinli, and brushed slightly across the delicate and attractive bodies of the two, the cold and eerie touch made them shiver, but although the two were timid, they were also afraid of the leader's methods, The leader's treatment of traitors is even more inhumane!
"Hmph, it's impossible for us to betray the leader!"

"Old man, what means do you have to use? We have never seen anything before, and we are still afraid of you, a dead eunuch who is neither yin nor yang?"

Concubine Mu Gui and Yu Su said in a dark voice, but their tone was somewhat lacking in confidence, the old eunuch was really weird, they really didn't know what tricks they would have to wait for them next!

"Jie Jie..."

"It didn't disappoint our family. Our family likes it. I hope you two will persevere so that our family can enjoy it. I haven't seen such a beautiful body for many years..."

"Seeing such a perfect thing being disassembled inch by inch in my hand, the feeling is simply... Excited!"

As soon as the old eunuch's perverted tone fell, those eyes suddenly became ghastly, and then he directly grabbed Concubine Mu's slender jade hand, held the silver li and stabbed it on the front half of her thumb.


The old eunuch exerted lightly, and Yinli pierced directly into the joints, blood splashed out, Concubine Mu Guifei's face turned pale instantly, her eyes widened suddenly, her delicate body struggled violently, the iron chains that bound her rattled, She also let out a hoarse scream of pain,


The screams were extremely sharp, and the old eunuch's expression was very excited. He saw that he lightly exerted force on his wrist, and unexpectedly pulled off the half of Concubine Mu Gui's thumb, and the thumb fell to the ground, dripping with blood.


Concubine Mu Guifei's grown-up mouth was blocked by a piece of cotton cloth, she could no longer yell out, she could only make a painful whining sound, her body trembled so badly that she almost collapsed, seeing the old eunuch pinch her index finger again , her eyes widened even wider, her body shook violently, feces and urine flowed down uncontrollably, and it stinks.


She didn't care about her loss of composure, she stared at the old eunuch pleadingly, and said,

"I... said... woo..."

"Are you going to explain?"

"It's really boring..."

The old eunuch was still full of thoughts, and pinched Concubine Mu's index finger in front of her eyes, rubbed her withered fingers, her eyes were so sharp that Concubine Mu's eyes would bulge out of fright, for fear that if the old eunuch did that again, she would go crazy!

"It's time for this little nun."

The old eunuch hesitated for a while, then put down Concubine Mu Gui's fingers, and looked at Yu Su beside him with indescribably serious eyes.

"I said...I said..."

"I'll say anything..."

Yusu saw with her own eyes that Concubine Mu Gui had half of her thumb taken off by the silver claws, she was so frightened that her feces and urine flowed out, the thread in her heart had already been completely crushed, and before the old eunuch could speak, she was already crying Come out, she doesn't want to experience that kind of inhuman torture!

"Confession too?"

"What a waste...why don't you give our family a chance?"

There was a tinge of anger on the old eunuch's shriveled face, he stared at Yusu, gritted his teeth for a moment, and stabbed the silver li on Yusu's shoulder, pulling off a piece of flesh with a puff!

Drenched with blood, Yu Su twitched violently in pain, and shouted hoarsely, and then there was a puddle of dark yellow liquid on the ground.

"Take them down and go to two rooms separately!"

"Explain separately!"

"After the confession, check them one by one. If there is anything wrong, bring them out, and our family will punish them again!"

The old eunuch threw Yinli aside with a snap, and said angrily.


Several young eunuchs dragged Yusu and Concubine Mu Guifei, who were completely paralyzed, pale and terrified, from the torture rack, and dragged them towards the two cells respectively. hummed,
"Bring those assassins here!"

"Our family has to have a good time!"


A few more young eunuchs went out, and not long after, a few assassins from the Moyun Sect were brought in front of them. The old eunuch had green lights in his eyes, and he squeezed the silver to get closer, with a strong smell of blood and a hoarse roar The sound almost penetrated the walls of the prison!

In the cell not far away, Yu Su and Concubine Mu Gui, who were explaining the matter, heard the voice, and became more frightened, couldn't help shrinking back, and another layer of goose bumps appeared on their bodies!
"The leader is called Bai Yuli..."

The speed of the two confessing is even faster!


Inside the palace.

The night was deep, and the cold wind whizzed and circled between the sky and the earth. The dark sky seemed to be dyed with ink, covering the majestic and magnificent buildings, depressing and gloomy. Around the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there were countless guards from the imperial guards, each with their eyes Fierce and fierce, the sword and gun in his hand shone even more coldly.

A dark and thin figure, accompanied by two young eunuchs, appeared at the gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The guards of the forbidden army saw the coming person clearly, their faces showed respect, and they knelt down on the ground.
"I have seen the overseer!"

Su Hanyun didn't even look at these people, striding towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The eunuchs, servant girls and others guarding the left and right sides of the main hall did not dare to obstruct them at all, and retreated to the sides one after another. Even the concubines standing at the door took two steps back slightly, showing fear.

"How is Your Majesty?!"

Su Hanyun walked in and went straight to the dragon couch...

(End of this chapter)

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