nine thousand years old

Chapter 216 Patrol

Chapter 216 Patrol (Part [-])
When the people of Fengyulou were intensively planning the hero-making operation in Baiyun Valley, Chang'an City was not idle. The Dazhou Academy planned by Zhang Tinghai had already completed the basic site selection, but because he has no official position now, after the site selection The footprint is a bit troublesome.

But these troubles are not difficult at all for the current Dongchang. Su Hanyun ordered to directly notify the merchants near the address, and the evacuation must be completed within three days, otherwise Dongchang will thoroughly investigate and deal with it according to the law.

With such an order, it took only two days for all the merchants to evacuate. After Zhang Tinghai personally visited the door to thank him, he began to formally carry out the follow-up work of Dazhou Academy.

At the same time, the Dan Pavilion in the arsenal was also proceeding exceptionally smoothly. In addition, the training of the crossbow battalion and firecracker battalion outside the city was also in full swing.


The office of the East Police Factory.

The warm sunshine poured down from the blue sky, and fell in the desolate courtyard. There was no wind recently, and everything seemed calm and comfortable. Su Hanyun leaned against the table, looking at the file sent by Baiyungu , with a smile on his face.

Tian Tianxiang is already on the right track, and recently he has been practicing the incomplete star-absorbing method. Dongji Incident Factory secretly sent him a master of the rivers and lakes for him to improve his strength, and when he is strong enough, he will proceed to the next step.

"Now, our family should go to see the training results of the bow camp and the fire gun camp. In the future, when dealing with the world, this is the most critical reliance!!"

Putting the file back on the desk, Su Hanyun slowly got up and said in a low voice,

"Come here, get ready to drive and go to the training ground outside the city."


A young eunuch came to the government office respectfully and waited on Su Hanyuan to change into a formal nine-claw python robe, while another person hurried out. When Su Hanyun was fully dressed and appeared at the gate of the East Factory, the black carriage was ready. Hundreds of Dongchang fans guarded the left and right with awe-inspiring aura.

"Master, please!"

A young eunuch bowed and knelt under the carriage. Su Hanyun stepped on his back to get into the carriage and got into the carriage. Following the order of the thousand households, the carriage made a sour sound of creaking, Slowly walked towards the outside of the city.

Along the way, no one dared to stop the drivers of Dongji Incident Factory, and the hawkers and merchants retreated to both sides of the road early, and soon passed through the city gate and arrived not far from the training place.

Shouting and shouting rippling in the air, there is a feeling of awe-inspiring aura, Su Hanyun lifts the curtain of the car and looks over, the outside of the training place is still under construction, and you can vaguely see the Firebolt Camp and Crossbow Camp, etc. The team roared back and forth within the venue.

While the carriage was moving forward, a group of figures on horseback appeared in the training ground. The leader was Qin Yuting. Hearing that Su Hanyun was coming to inspect the training ground, he rushed over in a hurry, even the armor on his body. Did not change.

After a while, Qin Yuting and the others arrived in front of them, got off their horses, knelt down in front of the black carriage, bowed and said,
"Subordinates see the supervisor!"

"Get up, let's take a look inside!"

Su Hanyun got out of the black carriage and came to Qin Yuting. The latter gave up his horse, turned around and got on a horse of one of his subordinates. With a steep swing of the whip, many figures rushed towards the training ground. The black carriage remained where it was.

clap clap clap!
Entering the training ground, there is a sense of turmoil around immediately, the low and clear sound of firecrackers explodes continuously, and the bows and crossbows are also bursting out.

Following the voice, several generals were commanding in the middle of the field. The soldiers of the Bowbattalion and Firecrackling Battalion no longer stood still and fired arrows as before, but moved quickly. In front of them was There are rows of target cards, which are constantly being shot or hit by firecrackers, bursting out a burst of sawdust.

"Not bad!"

Su Hanyun rode his horse and stood outside the training ground, staring at the crowd with a frown, with a smile on his face, the combat effectiveness of the Firebolt Battalion and the Bow and Crossbow Battalion did not need to be improved, as there were powerful crossbow arrows and extremely lethal firecrackers, Any master, even if you have cultivated the golden bell cover, it is impossible to retreat safely.

The most important thing for them is their self-protection ability. Both firecrackers and crossbows require precise aiming. Generally speaking, they need to stand in place to aim, and they are very easy to become the target of the enemy, especially against most of the Jianghu people who have practiced light kung fu. , their speed increased, and this disadvantage was greatly reduced.

"Thank you Lord for your compliment!"

Su Hanyun smiled, and Qin Yuting showed a hint of complacency on his face. He bowed his hands respectfully and said,

"It's not due to me alone. It was Commander Pan's idea to let these people practice lightness kung fu. Commander Pan also provided lightness kung fu. In order to speed up the progress of their cultivation, they were specially provided with pills to enhance their internal strength!"

"Although these people are not yet third-rate, short-term battles will not affect them. Combined with crossbows and firecrackers, they are extremely lethal, especially the firecrackers. It caused a lot of trouble for the other party.”


The color of approval on Su Hanyun's face became stronger and stronger. If he continued to train in this way, he would be safe to lead them to deal with Jianghu in the future.

And what made him even more gratified was that Qin Yuting took the initiative to propose that the idea of ​​practicing lightness kung fu was thought up by Pan Renyi, and he didn't claim credit for it alone. This shows that the two commanders get along pretty well and there is no conflict.

This is a very good situation for Dongji Incident Factory!
These two are the mainstays of Dongchang. If the two do not get along, they will cause a lot of trouble for themselves.

not bad!
"Master, there is news!"

The two patrolled for a while, and a thin man came to Su Hanyun. The man glanced at Qin Yuting and handed a file to Su Hanyun.


Su Hanyun glanced at the wax seal on it, it was reported from Fengyun Building, Ridong Factory and Fengyu Building are doing a good job in these things, Xu Tianbai has rarely sent news, could something happen internally?
He frowned, opened it and looked at it, a trace of solemnity flashed across his face, then looked at Qin Yuting, and said,
"You work hard, let's go back to the government office!"

"Congratulations to the governor!"

Qin Yuting knew that there was something wrong, but he also understood that he would know what the governor told him to know, and he could not ask more about things that he did not want to know. This is the duty of his subordinates. He sent Su Hanyun away from the training ground.

"Messenger Zheng Yunming, waiting in the government office!"

Su Hanyun got into the carriage and gave instructions to the Dongchang Qianhu who accompanied the guards.


Qianhu nodded respectfully, and soon, a fan galloped away.

And the black carriage also slowly drove towards the direction of the city.

"Zheng Yunming..."

"At this critical moment, why don't you let our family worry..."

Su Hanyun looked out of the window through the window, muttering to himself, and there was a trace of hesitation on his brow.

(End of this chapter)

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