nine thousand years old

Chapter 238 Leaving Beijing

Chapter 238 Leaving Beijing (third update)

"Come here, call Pan Renyi."

Back in the Dongchang government office, Su Hanyun came directly to the main hall with strides, and ordered in a dark voice.


With an order, the little eunuch left quickly, and within half an hour, Pan Renyi hurriedly appeared in front of the main hall, knelt down at Su Hanyun's feet, and said,

"What orders does the Overseer have?"

"stand up!"

Su Hanyun's eyes flickered for a moment, waved his hand, and pushed back the little eunuch who was waiting beside him, then motioned for Pan Renyi to come to his side. He stared into the latter's eyes and said in a low voice,
"Your Majesty's two brothers, King Wei and King Yu are about to return to Beijing. His Majesty intends to pass the throne to these two, and has begun to reduce the East Factory."

"Your Nanzhen Fusi will be revoked, divided into two, and handed over to King Wei and King Yu."


Pan Renyi was startled for a moment, bowed and knelt on the ground, kowtowed heavily, and said in a low voice,

"The servant obeys the arrangement of the supervisor!"

"The slave is willing to stay with the governor and listen to the governor's orders."

"Okay! Our family saw you right!"

Su Hanyun helped Pan Renyi up, and said in a low voice,
"Dongchang is the foundation of our family and our foundation. It must not be cut off. We must control these powers in our hands. Otherwise, whether it is King Wei or King Yu, we will become very passive!"

"You arrange this matter!"

"Nanzhen Fusi's elite, those who are loyal to you, especially those masters we have painstakingly created, will be transferred away from Nanzhen Fusi in the shortest possible time, and temporarily hide them to form a secret force."

"Let them hibernate, concentrate on practicing martial arts, and be our backing force!"

"In addition, the Department of Enforcement is also divided into two. People on the bright side will continue to protect His Majesty, while people in the dark will be sent to the Wu Zhou Ancestral Hall to hide and concentrate on practicing martial arts!"

"Make sure our foundation is not damaged!"

"Also, the palace has begun to deploy manpower. As our spies, we are always watching every move in the palace. Since His Majesty has already started to weaken the East Factory, there must be other moves. We have to guard against it!"

"All of this is entrusted to you. It must be kept secret so as not to arouse His Majesty's suspicion."

"And after King Wei Wangyu returns to the capital, if you take the initiative to assassinate the post of Nanzhen Fusi, concentrate on watching the inner court, and be your chief supervisor, you can also deliberately make friends with Wei Wangyu and keep an eye on them!"

"have you understood?"

"The servant understands!"

Pan Renyi cupped his hands slightly, with an unconcealable solemnity on his face, kowtowed deeply, and said,

"Don't worry, the governor, the slave will live up to expectations!"

"it is good!"

Su Hanyun sighed slightly, patted Pan Renyi on the shoulder, and said,

"In a while, you will be wronged. If you are dismissed as the commander of Nanzhen Fusi, your power status will be greatly reduced. In order not to arouse His Majesty's suspicion, our family can't take care of you too much... ..."

"Be careful!"

"The servant understands!"

Pan Renyi kowtowed again.

"In the future, whether it is King Wei or King Yu ascending the throne, if we want to attack our family or Dongchang, our family will rely on you!"

Su Hanyun finally patted Pan Renyi and said in a low voice,
"Get ready to arrange!"


Pan Renyi bowed out of the government office, the pale sun shone down, his face was hard to hide, and there was a sense of sternness.


Su Hanyun sighed slightly, came to the window, glanced at Pan Renyi's back, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

His current preparations are all for a rainy day!
I hope that in the future, there will be no large-scale massacre against Dongchang!

Otherwise, he will be the eunuch of that rebel!
Take complete control of this great country!

No matter who it is, no one can take away his power and status!

While Pan Renyi began to make arrangements for the Nanzhen Fusi, Su Hanyun submitted the memorial of leaving Beijing in front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs. Wu Chong did not expect Su Hanyun to move so fast, and he felt relieved, and immediately agreed.

And then, Su Hanyun sent another memorial, which caused an uproar in the court. The governor of the East Factory was grateful for His Majesty's kindness, and felt that the East Factory was too powerful now, so he asked himself to abolish the Governor of Nanzhen and hand it over to the His Majesty manages.

As soon as the memorial came out, the entire court shook. Although people didn't know what happened, they all felt that Chang'an City seemed to be undercurrents, and there were signs of a change in the sky.

Dongchang, please lay off?
This is extraordinary!
What surprised people even more was that His Majesty actually directly agreed, and sent people from the Ministry of Officials to immediately count the manpower of the Nanzhen Fusi, etc., in preparation for the division. The Chief Supervisor of Etiquette also cooperated extremely, and directly handed over all the materials to the household department. He also took off the commander's robe and returned to the inner court with all his heart.

All the actions made the civil and military officials in Chang'an City curious and suspicious. What is going to happen?
And not long after, things finally surfaced!
King Yu and King Wei came to the capital and were temporarily arranged at the post station in Chang'an City, waiting for His Majesty to summon them!
When the civil and military officials heard the news, they immediately understood the reason and the root cause of this series of actions. His Majesty's health is getting worse day by day, and he has no heirs until now. Choose an heir, and come to master Zhou Dabao in the future!

As for Dongchang, his majesty is afraid that after he leaves, King Wei and King Yu will not be able to coexist with Dongchang, and there will be conflicts, and finally Xiong Yuting's domination of the government will be staged!
Your Majesty, you intend to weaken Dongchang!

And it was cut very hard, half of it was cut off directly!
It is estimated that Su Hanyun's departure from Beijing at this critical moment was also arranged by His Majesty. He did not want him to stay here and give King Wei and King Yu a chance to control the court!
Dongchang is about to lose power!
This idea almost arose in people's hearts, and the awe of Dongchang began to weaken rapidly, and they even started planning to curry favor with King Wei and King Yu, looking for new backers!

In front of the gate of Chang'an City, a black carriage passed by against the howling cold wind, and Qin Yuting and other Beizhen Fusi Fanzi followed in awe-inspiring manner. The fierce aura made the whole world look oppressive.



The black carriage drove slowly towards the south, making a sour sound, not far away, Su Hanyun lifted the curtain of the car, looked in the direction of Chang'an City with a trace of solemnity, and whispered to himself,

"Chang'an City... Your Majesty..."

"When our family comes back again, I don't know what it will be like!"

"Hope, don't let our family kill too much!"


After a while, Su Hanyun lowered the car curtain, and said in a low voice,

"Qin Yuting, come here!"


Qin Yuting bowed and stood beside the black carriage, with an unconcealable solemnity on his face. He also knew that the governor is not in a good mood now. After all, Dongchang has been weakened so much at once, which is a broken arm. !
"Find someone to replace our family, sit in this carriage, under your command, go around the rivers and lakes!"

"Notify Zheng Yunming to accompany our family to the Huashan Martial Arts Conference!"

(End of this chapter)

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