nine thousand years old

Chapter 240 Just Wanting to Kill Someone

Chapter 240 I just want to kill someone (fifth change)


The man was patted on the shoulder by Su Hanyun who was dressed as an old man, turned his head and saw the face that he couldn't recognize, showing unconcealed respect on the face, bowed and said.

"lead the way!"

Su Hanyun waved his hand faintly, the man nodded without showing any trace, turned around and left the tavern, and walked towards the depths of the street. Soon after, the two entered an inn and went to the Tianzihao room on the second floor. The man pushed the door to hold Su Hanyun Welcomed in.

"Subordinates see the supervisor!"

In the room are Zheng Yunming, Chen Jintang, and Liu Xun. The latter two have been in charge of the operation of Fengyulou in Jianghu, and they have done well, especially the incident of Tianxiang's heroism, which is even more perfect. Zheng Yunming intends to bring the two together. In front of Su Hanyun.

"stand up!"

Su Hanyun smiled faintly, and when the Thousand Chance Transformation was displayed, in front of the three of them, the skin on his body began to change, and he returned to his normal appearance in an instant. He sat on the first seat in the middle and asked in a low voice ,
"How's it going?"

Zheng Yunming glanced at Chen Jintang, who understood, took two steps forward, and reported in a low voice,
"Everything is going according to our plan. The wedding between Tian Tianxiang and Yue Changshan will be held in three days. Now he has the support of the Huashan faction, and the Kunlun faction who has a good relationship with the Huashan faction also supports Tianxiang!"

"As long as those old guys don't make trouble, Bai Tianxiang will be able to take the position of the leader of the martial arts."

"And even if those old guys want to do something, the subordinates are ready. There are many spies from Fengfenglou who have interspersed among the Jianghu people. When the time comes, they will create momentum and force those old guys to stop!"

"They are all seniors in the rivers and lakes. It is expected that they cherish their reputation very much and will not take risks to fight for it."

"Is your name Chen Jintang?"

After listening to these reports, Su Hanyun asked with a faint smile on his face.

"Thanks to the Governor's concern, the honor and favor of the subordinates will never end!"

Chen Jintang said in a low voice.

"You've done a good job, and you've considered everything comprehensively."

Su Hanyun praised with a smile, paused, and said,

"After the rivers and lakes are settled, our family will reward them for their merits!"


The voice stopped abruptly, Zheng Yunming, Chen Jintang, and Liu Xun were slightly taken aback, looking at Su Hanyun with doubts and nervousness in their eyes,

"Does the Lord have any dissatisfaction?"

"Our family wants to do something this time!"

Su Hanyun's eyes narrowed slightly, and traces of sharp sword intent escaped from his body. Sword marks appeared on the wooden table beside him, and the pressure in the room became a little depressing. He took a deep breath, road,

"Let our family investigate all the people sent from the six sects to participate in the martial arts conference, especially those old guys. Our family wants to learn from them!"


The doubts on Chen Jintang's face grew stronger, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He arched his hands slightly, bowed and exited the room. After the two gradually moved away, Zheng Yunming bowed in front of Su Hanyun and brought him a cup of tea. asked in a low voice,

"Master, do you have any new plans?"


Su Hanyun hummed slightly, tapped the wooden table with his index finger, and said in a low voice that could not be concealed,

"Our family is in a bad mood!"

"Just want to kill!"


Zheng Yunming heard the murderous intent in the latter's tone, was slightly stunned for a moment, and asked again,
"The Governor was dismissed because of Nanzhen Fusi?"

"Not bad!"

Su Hanyun snorted coldly,

"Your Majesty intends to weaken the strength of our East Factory, and our family is unhappy!"

"My subordinates understand!"

Zheng Yunming sighed slightly, hesitated for a while, and said,

"Do you want my subordinates to do something to make King Wei and King Yu..."


Su Hanyun waved his hands coldly,
"When our family had nothing, we were able to bring down Xiong Yuting. Now that we have Dongchang, Fengyulou, and the Guanlong garrison supporting us, are we still afraid of their two toothless princes? Let them go."

"Just put your energy on the rivers and lakes. When the rivers and lakes are calmed down, go back to Chang'an with our family. If anyone dares to target Dongchang, at worst, they will kill them again!"


Zheng Yunming also showed awe-inspiring expression on his face, and he reported to Su Hanyun some things in the world, and then said in a low voice,
"Master, that girl Bai Yingying has been locked up by her subordinates for the time being."

"what happened?"

Su Hanyun frowned when he heard this name.

"Bai Yingying and that Yue Changshan have a good relationship. At the beginning, my subordinates planned to make Bai Yingying a hero to save the beauty, and they happened to involve Bai Yingying. I was afraid that she would do something bad, so I kept shutting her down. I wanted to ask the governor, what should I do?" Deal with it!"


Su Hanyun pondered for a moment, with a gloomy look at the corner of his mouth, and said,

"Our family is going to kill people in the next few days, so we don't have the time to care about it."

"Wait until you feel happy, then decide!"


Zheng Yunming cupped his hands slightly and said nothing more.

Su Hanyun also closed his eyes slightly, keeping his eyes closed slightly.

Not long after, a spy appeared at the door, knocked on the door respectfully, and delivered a thin dossier to Zheng Yunming. The latter glanced at it and said in a low voice,
"Master, Chen Jintang has done a good job and has found the residence of an elder from the Kongtong Sect."

"This elder is the former leader of the Kongtong Sect. His name is Zhang Xu. There are rumors in the world that he has practiced the Kongtong Sect's unique Qishangquan.

"There is a nickname in Jianghu, Wushuangquan!"


Su Hanyun slowly opened his eyes, and performed the Thousand Machine Transformation Kung Fu again, turning into the appearance of the old man before. He glanced at the black and white words on the file, got up and walked out the door.

"Master, Zhang Xu is also surrounded by a master of the Kongtong faction, do you want to..."

Zheng Yunming hastily followed with two steps, and asked in a low voice, before he was stopped by Su Hanyun,


"Keep some people here, and we will notify you if we have something to do with our family."

"Yes, Lord, be careful!"

Zheng Yunming bowed and stopped, watching Su Hanyun's figure gradually go away and disappear at the door of the inn.


The largest inn in Qinghe Town, Huashan Inn.

Because there was a conflict between the disciples of the Kongtong School and the disciples of the Huashan School, Liu Wu, the chief disciple of the Kongtong School, came to mediate and reconcile, but disappeared in the end. This matter has aroused the great attention of the Kongtong School.

They thought it was the Huashan faction who did it secretly, and wanted to confront the Huashan faction at the hero meeting, so they came to Qinghe Town early, and now they have lived here for a long time, and secretly sent disciples to investigate what happened that day .

However, how much, heard some news.

It is said that Liu Wu wanted to take revenge and dealt with Yue Changshan secretly. Later, he was met by Bai Tianxiang and Wang Chuanlei of Huainan Road who passed by, and he helped him out of righteousness. Later, Liu Wu disappeared.

The Kongtong faction suspected that there was a conspiracy, and sent people to investigate further. They could vaguely find some unusual clues, but they couldn't touch the edge. In the past few days, the elder Zhang Xu who was in charge of this matter looked unhappy.

He was drinking in the Tianzihao room of the inn.

"Elder of the Kongtong sect, where is Zhang Xuke?"

"Old man came to learn Kongtong's unique skill, Seven Injury Fist!"

"Please come out and see me!"

At this time, a deep voice sounded from outside the inn, arrogant and wanton.

(End of this chapter)

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