nine thousand years old

Chapter 263 Further Deployment

Chapter 263 Further deployment (first update)
The chilly wind howled between the sky and the earth, and a group of people from the Dongji Incident factory whizzed past in the field. Those people carried a strong evil spirit and a sense of arrogance, which made the whole world look oppressive and depressing. Dignified, people occasionally appeared on both sides of the road. Seeing this scene, they felt panic from a distance and dared not approach.

The hoofbeats of the horses were like thunder, and they whizzed across the mountain road. After about a moment, a group of people appeared under the black city gate of Tai'an Mansion. , the door was already opened, and a crowd of musketeers, crossbowmen, etc. rushed in.

Without the slightest pause!
"Master Liu, are you back too?"

"What happened here? Why does the atmosphere seem to be wrong?"

Not long after the people from Dongji Incident Factory passed by, Liu Min'an and others also appeared in front of the gate of Tai'an Mansion. The generals guarding the city greeted them respectfully, and asked respectfully with doubts on their faces.


Liu Min'an shook his head with bitterness and horror, said nothing, and walked into the city swayingly. The soldier guarding the city became more and more puzzled. After the words were spoken, the guarding soldier's expression changed immediately after hearing this, and he almost collapsed to the ground in fright.

"Kill all the members of the Wulin League? Burn them all to ashes?"

"This governor is too ruthless..."

"That's a master who is nearly half of the Jianghu!"


Tai'an House Station!
The black carriage galloped past, and with a long hiss of the steed, Herod stopped in front of the door. The little eunuch respectfully stepped forward, knelt under the carriage, and asked Su Hanyun to get off the carriage. Qin Yuting, Zheng Yunming and others He followed in with a serious face, and the rest of the fans, the gunners, the crossbowmen, etc., guarded the surroundings one after another.

"Master, please come in!!"

After a while, everyone came to the simple mansion vacated by the post station. Qin Yuting lifted the curtain for Su Hanyun, and a group of people walked in. Su Hanyun bowed and sat on the head seat, Qin Yuting and Zheng Yunming, as well as Bai Tianxiang, Wang Chuanlei, etc. , the four stood on the left and right respectively.

With a respectful face, he bowed his head slightly.

"Bai Tianxiang, Wang Chuanlei, you two have done a good job!"

Su Hanyun took a sip of the hot tea brought by the little eunuch, and while gently wiping the teacup with the lid, he gently swept over the two of them. When they heard the words, their faces showed deep gratitude and excitement. With a look of color, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said,
"Thank you, Lord, for your compliment!"

"stand up!"

Su Hanyun smiled slightly and waved his hands. During the day, Xiang and Wang Chuanlei got up quickly, and looked at Su Hanyun with burning eyes. They knew that the next step should be a reward from Su Hanyun, and the next task was arranged. After all, get rid of The affairs of the rivers and lakes are only halfway through.

"Bai Tianxiang, Wang Chuanlei, the identities of the two of you have been exposed in today's incident on Mount Tai. From now on, you two don't need to hide your identities anymore, but start working in the name of Jianghu Deacon Hall of the East Police Factory!"

As Su Hanyun spoke, he looked at Qin Yuting. The latter took out the tokens he had prepared a long time ago and handed them to the two of them. The two tokens were both palm-sized, brown in color, with an eagle on the front and an eagle on the back. It is a knife, which represents the supervision of the Jianghu for Dongchang, and cutting down the injustice forces.

"Thank you Lord!"

Tian Tianxiang and Wang Chuanlei had heard from Liu Xun about some things and functions of Jianghu Deacon Hall. Seeing this token at the moment, the faces of both of them were full of excitement. He knelt down, his head pressed tightly against the cold bluestone floor, waiting for Su Hanyun's next instruction.

"Wang Chuanlei, Bai Tianxiang, you two are the head of Jianghu Deacon Hall!"

"Immediately summon the elite of the thirteen Taoists in Huainan, and five days later, at the foot of Mount Hua, we will meet with Fusi of Beizhen."

"Our family will start with the Huashan sect, step by step, and bloodbath the six sects!"

"Subordinates obey!"

During the day, Xiang and Wang Chuanlei hurriedly cupped their hands, and the dignified and solemn expressions on their faces gradually became dignified. After the two finally finished speaking, they exited the room respectfully. Not long after, they left the post station with Liu Xun and Chen Jintang, and rushed to the court. He galloped away outside Tai'an Mansion.

"Qin Yuting, Zheng Yunming!"

Su Hanyun cast his eyes on the two, with a hint of approval on his face, he smiled and said,

"This time we were able to cut off all the masters of the six sects, and the two of you also contributed a lot!"

"Our family will remember that after this matter is over, our family will reward you for your merits!"

"But it's urgent, you two need to do it!"

"My lord, please command!"

Qin Yuting and Zheng Yunming cupped their hands at the same time and knelt on the ground, with their heads stuck to the cold bluestone floor.

"Qin Yuting, take Beizhen Fusi, musketeers, and crossbowmen with you, and set off tomorrow morning to Mount Hua!"

"Prepare to join the masters of the Huainan Thirteen Paths and eradicate the Huashan faction!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Qin Yuting cupped his hands respectfully.

"Zheng Yunming, what our family means is to completely eradicate the power of the lake. From now on, there will be no more Jianghu among the people."

Su Hanyun looked at Zheng Yunming again, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a hint of sternness on his face, and said in a low voice,
"In addition to the six major sects, there are countless other minor sects that need to be dealt with. You should send someone to do this matter!"

"The power our family asked you to prepare secretly can come in handy at this time!"

"My subordinate understands!"

Zheng Yunming also bowed slightly.

Just when the two of them thought the order was over and were about to get up and leave, Su Hanyun suddenly leaned forward and said in a low voice,

"It's not over yet!"

"While the two of you are doing things, you also need to do another thing!"

"Qin Yuting, you secretly sent someone to Guanlong, and ordered Huang Yunzhong to dispatch [-] soldiers and five cannons in red to secretly go to Shaolin Temple and surround it!"

"Zheng Yunming, you are in charge, and gather all the forces in the Jianghu under your command!"

"It is an order from our family that after our family wipes out all the Jianghu sects, we will have the final blow to the so-called Taishan Beidou and Shaolin Temple in the Jianghu, and open the Shaolin Buddhist scriptures Pavilion to all the meritorious personnel. "

"Anyone, must not be absent!"

"do you understand?"

When Zheng Yunming and Qin Yuting heard this sentence, their faces showed deep shock and a hint of shock. They probably guessed what Su Hanyun meant, and then with serious eyes, they knelt down on the ground and said in a low voice,

"Please rest assured, the supervisor, the subordinates will definitely complete the task!"

"Go down!"

The two cupped their hands slightly, then bowed and exited the room.

As the night gradually fell, Su Hanyun was the only one left in the room. He took a deep breath, and slowly came to the window of the room. ,

"Jianghu, our knife is here!"

"Take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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