nine thousand years old

Chapter 286 The Rebellion Begins

Chapter 286 The Rebellion Begins (Part [-])
The night was dark, with a hint of chilly wind howling between the sky and the earth, the entire Chang'an city seemed extraordinarily dead silent, and there were only a few people flickering on the street, making it even more depressing. stern.

When they arrived at the entrance of the street, the two leading generals looked at each other solemnly, and rushed towards two directions respectively, while the countless forbidden troops behind them also split apart, and their low footsteps gradually became farther away.

Wei Palace!
The lights were flickering, and there were quite a few figures standing sharply in the courtyard, holding knives and guns in their hands, and their eyes swept around with vigilance.

In the conference hall of Prince Wei's Mansion, a thin figure with a big horse and a golden knife sat on the first seat, his eyes swept around with awe-inspiring and excited eyes, and following his gaze, one after another figure stood in front of him. Under the hall, there are two ministers under the sect, as well as the ministers of the Da Liu Department, and several generals of the imperial army.

"Everyone, I was forced to do this tonight."

After a moment of silence, King Wei slowly got up, his eyes swept across the crowd with a particularly dignified look, and his voice was unmistakably low, saying,
"Brother Huang's body is dying, and it's the year of his death. Although he intends to pass on the throne to this king, it has not really come to light. Dongchang is now powerful, and it is the biggest threat to this king's ascension to the throne!"

"They will be rushing back to Chang'an City soon. In order to ensure the smooth transition of my Wu family's throne, this king decided to enter the palace tonight to discuss with the emperor's brother. Can't stop all civil servants and military generals in the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"I have to ask you all to support me a lot!"

"His Royal Highness King Wei!"

An old man with a thin figure, a few wrinkles on his face, and some gray hair straightened up slightly. This old man was the most influential old minister besides His Royal Highness Wei Wang, Zhong Liangchen. Su Hanyun forcibly seized the field and built the Shangshu of the Dongchang training ground.

He stood up and came in front of the crowd. First he bowed his hands respectfully to His Royal Highness the King of Wei, and then he looked at a group of officials. His wrinkled face was full of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice,
"Dongchang's disasters and chaos have already caused complaints, but they are so powerful that there is no other force in the court that can deal with them, and His Majesty is convinced that Su Hanyun dismissed the governor of Nanzhen and only punished him slightly. Obviously, Dongchang is still relying on, what His Royal Highness Wei Wang is doing now is really forced and helpless, and it is also to stabilize the situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Everyone must understand the painstaking efforts of His Majesty the King of Wei. I will support you with all my strength. Even if I risk my life, or leave a bad name in the history of the Great Zhou, I will not hesitate!"

"I believe that there will be someone who understands King Wei's painstaking efforts!"

"Zhong Shangshu, we all understand!"

After Zhong Liangchen's impassioned voice fell, all the civil and military officials, especially the people from the six ministries, showed unconcealable solemnity and generosity on their faces. They cupped their hands one after another, and said in a deep voice,

"What His Royal Highness King Wei did was for the sake of the Great Zhou, the country, and the stability of the entire Great Zhou. We all understand that we can also contribute our own strength to the Great Zhou."

"His Royal Highness, please give an order!"

"it is good!"

King Wei showed a look of unconcealable relief on his face. He took a deep breath, and slowly swept across the crowd, then took a deep breath, and said with a particularly low face,
"It is my honor to be supported by all of you. After I ascend the throne, I will definitely remember your contributions and loyalty, and reward you for your merits!"

After the words fell, King Wei turned around and said to a guard behind him,

"Prepare the chariots and horses, and enter the palace!"


The guard left respectfully, and the atmosphere in the hall became extremely oppressive and dignified. All the civil and military officials straightened up with unconcealable dignified faces, and then turned their gazes to King Wei, who also His eyes were extremely awe-inspiring, and there was a hint of expectation in the vagueness.

With the support of his subordinate ministers and six ministers, plus the guards of Chang'an City Imperial Army and Tengxiang Camp, he believed that the emperor would never dare to disobey his advice, and after tonight, his edict could truly become this Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Ninth Five-Year Supreme!
Thinking of the feeling of being above ten thousand people, he felt very proud and couldn't bear it anymore.


Not long after, figures appeared from outside the hall. Countless palace guards were standing around. A burly man walked over, saluted respectfully, and said in a low voice,
"Your Highness, everything is ready!"

"Everyone, please!"

The king of Wei waved his sleeve robe, turned around and walked out of the hall, and the civil servants and generals followed behind him respectfully with dignified faces. Not long after, everyone got into the carriage one after another, Countless guards roared over, surrounded and guarded the carriages, and then drove slowly towards the palace.



The carriage was driving on the bluestone road, making a sour sound, and soon those sounds gradually faded away, until it reached the end of the street, the shadows could not be seen clearly, and the street became quiet again.

A black figure hidden in the night skimmed through the depths of the street, and appeared not far from the gate of Prince Wei's Mansion. At this moment, there were only two guards guarding the gate, and most of the guards had followed suit. Follow His Royal Highness King Wei to the palace.

The man glanced slightly, with a hint of sternness on his face, and then waved his hand towards the shadows behind him, a burst of imperceptible footsteps sounded from the depths of the street, and nearly a hundred black figures emerged from the night , everyone was dressed in black and masked their faces, with an unconcealable aura on their faces, and they all wore different weapons around their waists.


A group of people surrounded the man, cupping their hands one after another, the evil spirit from their bodies permeated invisible, and the world seemed extremely oppressed.

"The governor has ordered that His Royal Highness Wei Wang leave the palace, and we will do it. No one will be left in the whole palace, no matter how old or young! Be quick, don't disturb too many people, and don't let anyone escape!"

"If the important matter of the governor is ruined, I will be unable to eat and walk around!"


The man in black said with an unconcealable aura in his voice, while speaking, he also pulled out the weapon from his waist, with a cold look on his face.


"Hall master, don't worry, the task must be completed!"

A group of people cupped their hands one after another, their weapons were exposed one after another, and there was an unconcealable evil spirit, and the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth became more and more oppressive and dignified.


The man in black had an unconcealable solemnity on his face, and then he took one last look at the gate of Prince Wei's Mansion, and rushed in that direction!

The blade is fierce and awe-inspiring!
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(End of this chapter)

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