nine thousand years old

Chapter 293 Land and Business Tax

Chapter 293 Land and Commercial Tax (Third Change)
A group of people looked at Su Hanyun solemnly, with a hint of doubt on their faces.

Biggest change?what will it be

Su Hanyun drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, pointed to the seats behind everyone with a smile, Qin Zhong, Lu Ziyou and others sat down one after another, and the little eunuch in charge of serving served the tea one after another, and then separated the six files Put it on the table in front of the six people, Su Hanyun also said at this time,
"The content in this file was customized by our family and Dean Zhang after half a year of research. It has not been shown to anyone yet. You six should read it first. After reading it, tell us your opinions!"

After finishing speaking, Su Hanyun and Zhang Tinghai glanced at each other, they both picked up their teacups, continued to sip the tea, and kept silent. Qin Zhonglu Ziyu saw the mysterious appearance of these two people, and the puzzled expression on his face became more and more serious. Rich, hesitantly, they held the file in their hands and opened it.

White paper and black silk came into view.

The first one is to encourage business and start to levy business tax.

Dazhou is now developing magnificently. With the support of the academy, all walks of life have made rapid progress compared to two years ago, and the merchant industry is flourishing and thriving with this convenience. However, the previous policies of the Wu Zhou Dynasty They all emphasize agriculture over business, and don't pay enough attention to businessmen, just adopt a laissez-faire attitude.

Of course, it does not mean that this kind of policy is wrong. At that time, the entire economy was in depression, and we had to use our utmost energy to ensure agriculture and mulberry and fill the stomachs of the people before we could think about doing other things.

But now, this situation has completely changed. The people are rich and basically have no worries about food and clothing. The food reserves in the treasury are enough to deal with anything. The floods last summer caused large-scale floods in the south of the Yangtze River, which is known as the land of fish and rice. Seventy percent, but it didn't cause any storms.

Because there is enough food in the treasury to provide relief to the victims.

Therefore, Wu Zhou's policies should begin to change, from agriculture to business, to encourage the development of commerce, to promote the circulation of commodities, and to boost the economy of the Wu Zhou Dynasty on a large scale.

And the current Wu Zhou Dynasty also has such a foundation.

Of course, while encouraging business activities, we should also see the profits in business, and start to formulate tax policies. In the early stage of large-scale take-off of business activities, this tax system was thoroughly formulated, and with the development of business And development, to ensure the synchronization of the two, and use this to fill the treasury of the Great Zhou.

The second chapter is for land redistribution and tax reduction.

In today's Dazhou, although the people are said to be rich and live a prosperous life, fundamentally speaking, a lot of land is still in the hands of most landlords, squires, etc., and most people do not have enough land to support their lives. Working for the landlord in the form of leasing.

Su Hanyun had intended to change this way a long time ago!

The redistribution system he proposed is that the local governments count the fields owned by the localities, classify them according to the quality of the fields, harvest, etc., and calculate all the quantities, etc., and then combine the local population, etc., to redistribute The distribution of land is mainly to distribute the rich part to those landless people and so on.

Of course, this method will definitely arouse fierce resistance from large-scale gentry, gentry, etc., because land is still the basis of survival at this time, and distributing their land is equivalent to plundering their survival, but Su Hanyun has already thought about how to deal with it The policy is to reduce taxes.

Reduced by [-]%!

That is to say, you used to have [-] mu of land, and the harvest after paying taxes, now you only need [-] mu of land to be equal to it, and your extra [-] mu of land will be distributed to the landless people, and the landlord will not be affected. losses, and the people gained land.

In addition, there are more policies to encourage wasteland reclamation. For example, the land you reclaim will be owned by you within ten years without any tax, etc., which will greatly increase the enthusiasm of the people to reclaim agricultural wasteland. This policy mainly targets North wait!

Whether it is business or agriculture, these two policies are proposed by Su Hanyun from the perspective of modern people. He is familiar with history books, and has advantages that are difficult for contemporary people to compare with social development, experience, and promotion. Zhang Tinghai As a cooperating person, he also has absolute insight into the contemporary Wu Zhou society!

With the cooperation of the two, these policies are almost perfect!

Qin Zhong, Lu Ziyou and others looked at these policies and were almost indescribably shocked.

The six of them read the dossier for several hours, and read it back and forth several times, while Su Hanyun and Zhang Tinghai did not urge them, and watched them quietly until it was three in the sun and at noon. The six people breathed a sigh of relief, put down the files one after another, and then turned their attention to Su Hanyun and Zhang Tinghai.


Qin Zhong was the first to speak. He is the oldest among the six cabinets and has always been in charge of the overall situation. At this moment, his wrinkled face was filled with unconcealable shock and excitement. He cupped his hands and said ,

"The old man admires it!"

"Such a policy, far-sighted, is really the best policy for our great Zhou and the people of the world!"

"I admire you!"

"I have nothing to say, I will do my best!"

"Not bad!"

Lu Ziyou and the others also got up slowly, then bowed to Su Hanyun and Zhang Tinghai one after another, with an unconcealable solemnity on their faces, and said,

"This policy is really a move to benefit all people and benefit the Great Zhou!"

"I will definitely do my best!"

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Tinghai has long known that this policy will definitely get the full support of these people. When Su Hanyun came to him and proposed the rough shape of these policies, he was shocked beyond words. He never imagined that Su Hanyun would have such insight , And this kind of heart and courage!
This almost changed the national system of the Great Zhou!
However, he also knows that these policies are more suitable for today's Great Zhou, so he has spared no effort to formulate these policies in cooperation with Su Hanyun in the past six months.

"Since you all agree and support it, then draft this dossier into an imperial decree and hand it over to His Majesty tomorrow, and prepare to publish it!"

Su Hanyun also knew that these people would be supportive, so he smiled slightly and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, Lord!"

Qin Zhong and the other six people got up one after another, cupped their hands and said,
"We will implement this policy to the end, paving the way for my great week and future forever!"


Su Hanyun didn't want to talk to them anymore, so he waved his hand to indicate that the six people could leave. When the figures of the six people disappeared at the gate of the government office, Su Hanyun turned his head to look at Zhang Tinghai who seemed to be taking a nap with his eyes closed, and smiled slightly. He smiled, with a trace of murderous intent inadvertently escaping in his tone, and said,
"Dean Zhang, although this policy is good, it is a drastic move after all, and it will shake the foundation of many people!"

"Especially some wealthy nobles, or families of merchants!"

"It's inevitable that something will happen!"


Zhang Tinghai slightly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and said,

"The old man understands what you mean. What you have planned will last forever, and the old man will definitely help you!"

"From today on, all the disciples of Dazhou Academy and all over the place will support your reform strategy. I believe that you, Dongji Incident Factory, can handle the rest with ease..."

(End of this chapter)

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